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5200 controllers

Jun Kazama

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Hello and welcome to the board! If you need 5200 controllers, go to this link:



It may be a bit much, 40 bucks for a controller, but let me tell you, Ive done ebay for several controllers. All of them needed some work to get going properly. Even one that had a 60 day warrenty!!


If you need any game, I may have a few doubles I'll sell you very cheap.





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thanx i will look into that the prices do seem to be a little high i might have to wait till i get a job to buy one considering im only 16 im broke and my parents arent really into letting me barrow their credit card to get stuff of the net its hard i guess i will just have to work on them a little.

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Originally posted by Jun Kazama:

so will they not work on the 5200?


They certainly wouldn't work without modification, since the connectors for the 5200 are different physically than the "standard" Atari 2600 controller connectors. I imagine they're quite different electrically as well, since the 5200 controller are analog and the 2600 controllers (as well as Sega's SMS/Genesis controllers) are digital.


Electra Concepts made an adapter, the Masterplay Interface, that allows you to use 2600 controllers on a 5200, but they're pretty hard to come by these days.


The 5200 FAQ has information on how to build your own 2600 Joystick Adapter (search for 6.3).



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