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Jaguar has no 64-bit, 32-bit games


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Because other thread was locked, i encourage anybody that thinks the Jag. actually was capable of 64-bit games or even 32-bit games, please show me these games in comparison to PS1, Saturn, N-64. 





Not really a fair comparison as many titles for other platforms had the hands of ingeneous programmers behind them. Experience with a platform can yield amazing results (Such as Alternate Reality for the 8-bits) I could show you Altered Beast for the Sega vs Alien vs Predator for the Jag and there would be little comparison. Or I could show you Sonic vs Trevor McFurr and we'd all be left scratching our heads.


An even better comparison is early SNES games vs. Batman: Return of the Joker for the NES. Good programming and some extra chips on a cart can really do wonders, like Star Fox.


Besides, what games today are 64-bit anyway? I mean TRUE 64 bit? Only a handful I think.

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Because other thread was locked, i encourage anybody that thinks the Jag. actually was capable of 64-bit games or even 32-bit games, please show me these games in comparison to PS1, Saturn, N-64. 


Well 1st perhaps you could define what a 64-bit game is ? or a 32 bit game ?


the console has 64 bit memory bus, some of it's hardware uses the full bus in 64 bit mode.


What do you define as a 64-bit game? Given that Doom 3, Halflife 2 etc are technically running on a 32 bit machine..


don't concentrate on the 'bits' thats just marketing grabbing hold of a big number and trying to sell with it.

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Because other thread was locked, i encourage anybody that thinks the Jag. actually was capable of 64-bit games or even 32-bit games, please show me these games in comparison to PS1, Saturn, N-64. 





LOL, people like you crack me up, ok, ok, ok... Genesis & SNES must not have been 16-bit systems because NEOGEO 16-bit look a hell of a lot better and it showed, lol, ok, ok, ok, and I really think they was 8-Bit systems because they games that came out for the Gensis and SNES didn't look any better than the PC Engine, lol, as matter of fact PC Engine Street Fighter II look & sound better SNES and Genesis, oh yeah, I forgot about how Operation Wolf looked just like the Arcade Version on the PC Engine; I can go on and on... :) So my point is looks of the games has nothing to with the systems bits! :twisted:

Edited by The Graphics Man
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At the time the Jag was launched it was advertiesed as a 64-bit machine, so what are people to expect, it should have some amazing graphics. The 3do had better graphics in it's games. The SNES and Genesis were already on the seen, and the games being released at the time didn't show us anything that we haven't already scene. Isn't that what a new, more powerful system should do? The Jaguar wasn't revolutionary, it didn't offer anything more than what was already out there. It couldn't do anything more than the SNES/Genesis/32x/SegaCD/3do, but yet everyone keeps saying that its a far more superior system than the said systems above.


I just love how everyone thinks this failed system is soooo great. I counted my games last night and from my other list, i forgot to mention i had Flashback and Dragon the Bruce Lee story.


And regardless if the PS2 and XboX have 32 bit pixel depth, it's not advertised as a 32-bit machine. In fact, i've never seen either system advertised as anything bit machine, unlike the Jaguar and N64 that were bothed advertised as 64 bit, but yet there is no comparison between the 2.


Also i'll say this, look at video gaming history. Every new system from 4-bit to 8-bit to 16-bit, the graphics improved. They didn't get worse. The Jag went from 16-bit to 64-bit, with hardly any graphical improvement. Though it maybe 64-bit technically speaking, any normal gamer is going to expect a game that would look 2-3 times better than a 16-bit game and they don't. I was like 15 when the Jaguar launched and already had a SNES, if i bought a Jag at launch knowing the SNES was 16-bit and the Jaguar was 64-bit, i would expect the Jag to look alot better than the SNES and the truth of the matter is, it actually doesn't look that much better for alot of its games. Huge disappointment. And to advertise it as "true 64-bit gaming" i believe is false advertising.


But this is just my opinion.

Edited by kickinwing
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At the time the Jag was launched it was advertiesed as a 64-bit machine, so what are people to expect, it should have some amazing graphics.  The 3do had better graphics in it's games.  The SNES and Genesis were already on the seen, and the games being released at the time didn't show us anything that we haven't already scene.  Isn't that what a new, more powerful system should do?  The Jaguar wasn't revolutionary, it didn't offer anything more than what was already out there.  It couldn't do anything more than the SNES/Genesis/32x/SegaCD/3do, but yet everyone keeps saying that its a far more superior system than the said systems above. 


I just love how everyone thinks this failed system is soooo great.  I counted my games last night and from my other list, i forgot to mention i had Flashback and Dragon the Bruce Lee story. 


And regardless if the PS2 and XboX have 32 bit pixel depth, it's not advertised as a 32-bit machine.  In fact, i've never seen either system advertised as anything bit machine, unlike the Jaguar and N64 that were bothed advertised as 64 bit, but yet there is no comparison between the 2.


Also i'll say this,  look at video gaming history.  Every new system from 4-bit to 8-bit to 16-bit, the graphics improved.  They didn't get worse.  The Jag went from 16-bit to 64-bit, with hardly any graphical improvement.  Though it maybe 64-bit technically speaking, any normal gamer is going to expect a game that would look 2-3 times better than a 16-bit game and they don't.  I was like 15 when the Jaguar launched and already had a SNES, if i bought a Jag at launch knowing the SNES was 16-bit and the Jaguar was 64-bit, i would expect the Jag to look alot better than the SNES and the truth of the matter is, it actually doesn't look that much better for alot of its games.  Huge disappointment.  And to advertise it as "true 64-bit gaming" i believe is false advertising. 


But this is just my opinion.




Ok! :sleep:

Edited by The Graphics Man
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It's just a matter of Hype and false marketing. Like Sony's emotion engine and the "cell technology" for the PS3. Like the vaporware companies keep touting, like the CD component for the SNES and N64 or, well any add-on nintendo creates and fail to support. Marketeers try to fool consumers since day one.


Summing it all, don't trust anything a corporation tells you, it's probably a lie.

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The point isn't to compare the Jaguar to other systems, but to enjoy what the Jaguar offers.


Even though I have Xbox/PS2/GCN, I still play my Jaguar TODAY because it has some very compelling games on it that are NOT available on other system. We have already pointed out various examples but you are too focused on comparing the Jag with PSX/Saturn. And to be honest, that's abit unfair when you consider that PSX/Saturn/N64 are developed much later than Jaguar.


And to that, we do think the Jaguar is pretty cool because there are quite a few games we find fun and unique on the system.

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