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2600 Giant list Labels, boxes, manuals, UPDATED!


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Ok, folks. It's been about a year since I first announced my undertaking of this monumental project. I've dedicated a lot of time and effort into updating this list. I've added many label variations, added boxes and variations of those, and have almost finished the manuals and all their variations. Within 1 week, everything I currently own in my possession will be on this list. I've put it up on my site, and the only thing left to add are the 3rd party instruction manuals, which I've already 1/2 completed, but just haven't updated on the website. The list is here: http://gpdgames.tripod.com/id12.html


I created a new site just for my videogames. I know many of you were willing or are willing to help me keep this list as complete as possible. I was hoping Albert would add scans of all the variations, but so far he hasn't fully decided that.


What I have is as follows. I have all the Atari made carts, manuals, and boxes at my disposal now on the list. I have all 3rd party carts and boxes, and within 1 week will have all the manuals added at my disposal.


What I need at this time is as follows:


Any Atari made cart, manual, or box not on the list. I own many sealed games, so I may be missing a manual for that game completely. If you own an open copy, or have a loose manual, I'd appreciate a scan. All 3rd party manuals will be added by week's end, so once you see manuals for these companies on the site, feel free to send missing items.


Info needed most for any submission would be a scan foremost.


For a cartridge, the front label and side label should do, and if the mold of the cart has variation, such as M Network (read the variation list), then that info would be needed too. Also, knowing if a cartridge such as Atari made is CART1, CART2, or CART3, or Activision with or without springs is also needed. Be as thorough as possible.


For a manual, a scan of the front and rear covers is best. I would also need info that I cannot read on the covers like copyright year, Rev # or letter, how many total pages the manual has, whether it is stapled or folded, and the color of the cover, though I may figure that out. Also, I'd like the dimensions of a page, width x height. See my examples in the list for info. Also, I'm trying to note if a manual has a b&w version vs a color one.


For boxes, a front and back scan is good. Copyright info, color of box, where it was printed, whether it opens like a book or is standard box, size if it isn't standard, and Rev letter or # on flaps. Also any side or bottom of box info if it varies from what is listed and should be noted. Also, I look for any types of stickers added, or special bars or notations printed on the box that varies from other versions.


The list will be available for anyone to copy off the website, or I can email you the word document that I have and edit. The list has been an ongoing thing for about 10 years now by many collectors out there. I had a mini war with "one of the owners" last year about the list, so I've modified it considerably so it varies from the VGR list out there. My list has much more information and will be even more detailed than that list will probably ever be. No one wants the task of keeping up with the list it seems and I've been cheered on to work on it by many collectors, including ones that are closely involved with the list. I'm not mentioning names at all either here nor on the list.


But anyway, items I most want on the list is as follows:


Any red label variations of games along with manuals and boxes.

Any manuals completely missing from a game.

Manuals for Rev that seem to be missing. Like if I have Rev 1 and 3, there should be a 2.

Any carts for years where I may have a box for and vice versa. i.e. a 1987 cart, but no box listed, or a 1988 box, but no 1988 cart listed.

Sears items. Seems there is a shortage on manuals and boxes, so I'd like to fill in holes.

Rare cart manuals and boxes. I ask the most advanced collectors out there to help me out on this.

Any ad slicks, extra inserts, etc. I've added Asteroids, ET, and Raiders ot Lost Ark extra items already, along with a Bridge 2nd helpful manual. I don't know if there are others.

Overlays I may be missing. I can see the fronts of the Basic Programming scanned here on Atari Age, but I don't see the backs. I'd like to know if there are Rev # on the back, so I haven't added that to the list.


There are a couple of items I'll be adding by the end of the month. First are the comics for the Swordquest series. I forgot to add them, but listed the Yars and Centipede comics. I'm probably also going to list the 5 comics with their descriptions listed under the respective games that they came with.


After all that, I'll be going through the manuals for the Atari unit themselves, along with all catalogs that I can get ahold of. I may make a section at the end for these, since putting them with the respective companies may be confusing. I'm considering also adding warranty slicks with their revisions, along with any other miscellaneous documentation that came with the games or units. In fact, I may add the units themselves too, but I'll wait and see how long everything else takes.


Just note the manuals on the 3rd party software are not on the website yet, so wait till it gets up by the end of the week before sending any scans. Also, if you send a scan, please send it to my email pdispenza@verizon.net and not post it here. If you want a copy of the list, PM me and when I finish by week's end, I'll send the copy. While I get new additions or possible revisions, I'll send an update possibly once a month to keep you collectors informed.


Some variations may slip by me, so if you deal with these items in quantity, you may find something I overlooked. I almost missed an anomoly on the Kaboom manual. I found Rev 2 has 2 variations on the back cover, which I think they should have put to Rev 3 instead. It will be noted on the update, so you will see what I'm talking about at the end of the week.


I thank everyone who's contributed and will contribute to this guide. I know it's a project that takes a lot of effort on all parts. And hopefully we can convince Albert to host scans of all these variations. :)


One last note, any cartridge listed with a ?, I'd like to physically see a scan of if you own that particular one.


Any questions or comments, feel free to post.



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Ok, I was checking the link to the other post and here is the following of what I can use.


Any late date labels, be it black, grey, red, or strange. Please send scan of main and end labels along with CART1, 2 or 3. I'll try and update these as soon as I get them, so the site will be current. In fact, I'm already adding some, but sometimes I don't know what the end labels look like or don't have the info on the circuit board protector.


Any manuals or boxes of said games above.


After I get a decent amount submitted to me, probably within a month, I'll post more specific items I'd be looking for that I need to fill in the holes.





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Things are moving along. I spent almost this whole day updating the list. Besides some labels to add, I've already included all manuals up to and including Sega. So if anyone has anything to add, any of the companies from A to Sega are done. Just look at the list to see what I'm missing. Sears definitely needs some help. I'm going so well that the list should be completed on my end by Wednesday evening ahead of schedule. Then it's just a matter of receiving updates for missing items or items needing revisions. So please take a look and see what you can help with. Thanks.



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IT'S DONE! At least on my end. I've added every manual I could. So if anyone has something different or has one that is not listed (there are many), please send me a scan of at least front and back covers.


I also need page count including covers. If manual is folded. If there is any info I normally need not on front or back cover, but is contained on another page, please let me know which page it's on. Info such as copyright date, product #, Rev, and where it is Made, Lithoed, or Printed.


I'll be working on adding all catalogs that I can with variations. These will be placed at the end of the document. I will then also add warranty info sheets too and their variations. So keep checking back with me.



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Just added owner manuals to Atari and Sears section at the bottom. Since I know the 6-switch Sears exists, anyone with the manual can please scan front and back cover, count the pages for me, and if there is a Printed, Litho, or Made in somewhere other than either cover, please let me know which page. Thanks.



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With Starpath games, there are variations in the cassette liner insert and the cassette itself.


In the Rarity Guide forum, I believe I've posted a scan of my current Frogger cassette.

The first one I woned said "Starpath" on Side B, and this one says "Supercharger".

There should also be a Starpath only Commie Mutants, and some Fireball, Suicide Mission, and maybe Escape boxes with the "Starpath has changed its name" insert.


Most Party Mix tapes have a yellow label. I don't have one to scan, though.

Phaser Patrol usually has no Side B label at all.

The actual SuperChargers came in several variations.


On to Sears, Stellar track was also released with a green end label. I've got a shot of that somewhere here, too.

Edited by shadow460
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I'm probably going to change the Race to what you are saying and if someone has something different, I'll add another version.


Anyone has requested this list in the MS Word format I'm working on is going to have to wait another week. The amount of PAL labels I'm getting along with more manuals and boxes leaves me to not update the file on the website till next weekend (hopefully). This is a lot of work. Some of you definitely understand that. I'm almost at 100 pages now in the document. It's big! And it will keep growing.


I do have one request. I see that with the red labels, there is also a darker brownish version out there. I was wondering if anyone had a list of games that has both a red and brown label version and they can send me some scans. So far I've come across Battlezone, but I know there's bound to be more. Thanks.



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I got like 6 emails of those scans. hehe. I'll have to sort through and see exactly what you sent me. You can't imagine the # of PAL variations I've added. I'm still working on everything, so you won't see an update with all those added in yet, but I'm approaching 100 pages now in MS Word. When I am "finally" done with all additions and what people have sent me, then I'll put a new thread asking for the specific updates. I think I'll also ask people that if they thing something "doesn't" exitst, but is on the list, that maybe I'll investigate to verify it does or doesn't. This is taking much much longer than I anticipated.


One thing I'd like to add is foreign manuals or possibly variations if they are exclusive to one language. I consistantly see English/French, All French, and 5 or 6 language versions, but now I'm seeing an all German, or All Netherland (Dutch?) dunno what language that is considered. I'd like to add those. But again, I'd need all specific info that all my other manuals have, so if you'd like to contribute those, look at any example of a manual and see what info I need and then just pm me or email me the info and/or scans. I am sticking specifically to Atari made though with the Atari cartridges. Not to be confusing, but I don't want to include any Polyvox, HES, or other labels that look like Atari made them, but were made by other companies.


Foreign companies will never be added to this list, though I do include some exclusive foreign releases like Action Man, or Telegames made games, etc. But companies that did not release NTSC will not be added. It's been discussed that a PAL label list be created, but that's a task I can't handle at all, especially since I'm in the US. I may own somewhere between 80-100 foreign games, and out of the thousands out there, I would not be much use. I'm hoping someone else can take it on. :)





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I looked at the list and for starters, can help with the Activision list.


First off, the carts. For the first 10 games released, in order: Dragster, Boxing, CHeckers, Fishing Derby, Skiing, Bridge, Tennis, Laser Blast, Freeway and Kaboom!, there are certain cartridge variations:


1) As you note, Dragster, Boxing, Fishing Derby, Checkers and Bridge have foam inserts in the earliest carts in either black or off-white. You can add Dragster with BLACK foam insert as well as Skiing with Black foam insert. I've only seen the first 6 games (Dragster through Skiing) with foam inserts.


2) As a result of the cart design that held the foam insert (there are 4 teeth that hold the foam in place,) later carts have teeth, but no foam. I've seen these versions for the first 10 games (Dragster through Kaboom!) This was obviously due to Activision using up the early cart design up for the later games up to Kaboom! I show a picture below of the different cart versions: One with foam, no foam/teeth, and no foam/no teeth. Of course there are also the no spring versions and black foam versions.


3) I noticed Dragster has slightly different purple color labels. The reddish purple cart on the far right has no teeth of foam and is spring loaded.


Now for what I know about the boxes...


1) For the first 10 games released (Dragster through Kaboom!) there are 4 different possible boxes, with the exception of Dragster (and possibly Fishing Derby), which has 5 known box variants. I show pictures of the four different Laser Blast boxes for an example of each variant. The top 2 are the early versions, but one has a 759 Evelyn Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94086 address on the back, while the other has a 3255-3 Scott Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95051 address on the back. The bottom two boxes are later versions. One says FOR USE WITH THE ATARI VIDEO GAME SYSTEM, while the other says FOR USE WITH THE ATARI VIDEO COMPUTER SYSTEM. The latter style has the Atari trademark info on the back at the bottom, while the other has the "Atari is not related to Activision" info on the front at the bottom. Also note the sides of the Laser Blast boxes. The 2 early style boxes have a slightly smaller text and the saucer is higher up, while the later 2 boxes have larger text and lower placement of the saucer (the TM is also in a different spot.


2) As for Dragster, on the front of the very first box, VIDEO GAME CARTRIDGE, under the title, is in green text, while the other version has it in yellow text. Now, I've seen Fishing Derby pictured with this text in light blue, but I only have had the yellow text version. If anyone has the Fishing Derby with light blue VIDEO GAME CARTRIDGE text on the front under the title, please post a pic!


3) The first Dragster with green text has no TM after Dragster, while the later versions have the TM added to the title.


4) For Stampede and Ice Hockey (the 11th and 12th games released), there are two box versions for each game, (not including the blue label Ice Hockey box). One says FOR USE WITH THE ATARI VIDEO GAME SYSTEM at the bottom of the front of the box, while the other says FOR USE WITH THE ATARI VIDEO COMPUTER SYSTEM at the bottom of the front.


5) Also note that the Activision boxes with the square picture on the front do not have the game title on the bottom panel, while the boxes with the rounded corner pictures have the game title printed on the bottom.


As a side note, are Stampede and Ice Hockey the only two games with cart labels that can say either Atari Video Game system or Atari Video Computer system?













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Wait till I get the updated list. I've doubled at least the manuals on what is showing up now vs what is about to get up there. I've spent the past week adding and adding. Thanks for the box updates. I'll look them over and see how I want to describe them. You may want to pop the bottom lid and see if there are any Rev on the flaps. Probably easier to list them that way if they are exclusive to each version. By that I mean, if something has the Atari Video Computer, it may be Rev 4 for example and that maybe the Atari Video Game is Rev 3. I probably should write a more detailed description though for those who don't want to pop the flap or possibly have a sealed version. It may be easier.


Once I have the super updated version, it will be easy to add in a few variations a week. I can't see me getting too much more. I've done extensive research along with getting help from many people on here. The more definitive variations are the ones that will get tweaking, such as the grey labels that have Atari, Corporation or Atari. Corp. or whatever. Overall I think everyone will be pleased.


I'll post when I'm ready for more updates, which will be when the new official list goes up. I plan on doing it by Monday. I'm halfway through Parker Brothers right now.



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Ok, I'm in the process of getting the full updated list of what I have on my website. It should be done in the next hour or so. If I understand you correctly, you put that there were cartridges with teeth inside that were never made with foam. I need to know exactly which games this would be, and need to know if they are spring or no spring. As for the ones that had foam, I am NOT listing the variation with teeth, since these can be produced by just removing the foam. I may note this though in a pre-description below the Activision line like there are with other companies such as M Network and Apollo.


So do me a favor, give me a list of games that were made with foam, you mention the first 6 I believe. Then give me a list of the other games that have teeth with no foam. I need to know the black foam skiing and grand prix if they are spring or no spring. I'll wait to add those. I may go through the activision games I have to see if there are others that have teeth that are not on the list you hopefully will give me. :) I then have to judge how rare the teeth versions are vs the no teeth versions.


I don't like labels that look like they can be manufactured. Crackpots is one, Grand Prix is another. They start out a certain color, but due to light exposure and wear, the color fades and begins to look like another color. I'd like to try and get a definite brand new game that has the "faded" looking color to put down as a genuine variation.


I also wish I had a color chart that I can go against. Yellow/Gold/Orange seem to be one of the problems I always have with the Atari text and Sears text games. Sometimes it's hard to distinguish. I'm probably going to start a new thread stating my "completion" of the list and asking for additions. I'm also going to list all variations I'd like to verify, and with verification, will remove them from the thread. Since this thread has gotten relatively long, I want to list those variations as the first post and I'll just keep bumping it.





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Dragster, Boxing, Checkers, Fishing Derby, Bridge and Skiing had foam and are all spring loaded as far as the ones I have.


Tennis, Laser Blast, Freeway and Kaboom! had teeth and are all spring loaded as well.


I'd say the teeth carts are much harder to find than the non-teeth carts. This is due to the leftover teeth carts being used up to produce Tennis, Lasr Blast, Freeway and Kaboom!. These four games are easy to find without teeth.


Grand Prix never had foam ;)

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