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2600 Giant list Labels, boxes, manuals, UPDATED!


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Dragster, Boxing, Checkers, Fishing Derby, Bridge and Skiing had foam and are all spring loaded as far as the ones I have.


Tennis, Laser Blast, Freeway and Kaboom! had teeth and are all spring loaded as well.


I'd say the teeth carts are much harder to find than the non-teeth carts. This is due to the leftover teeth carts being used up to produce Tennis, Lasr Blast, Freeway and Kaboom!. These four games are easy to find without teeth.


Grand Prix never had foam  ;)


Thanks 5th ghost! I just learned something new. I won a Boxing cart off ebay a little while ago and it had all these little bits of black foam inside. I thought the seller had a thing for foam as they also packed the other carts I won with some pink foam. Now I know, now I know...I've been schooled and I will never forget! :D


For the record mine is spring loaded and has teeth. The box it came with is already listed in the label variations. I did see the 5th ghost had two Dragster boxes of similar style to my Boxing that I couldn't tell apart. If something comes out of that and I find my box is different I'll scan it and send it to you Philflound. Just tell me how many dpi you want it in and what exactly you want scanned on it.

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Will take any help I can get. I updated the Laser Blast 4 boxes on the list. Am uploading the list piece by piece right now. I'm towards the end of Atari. It takes awhile due to a free website and all the info. But it will be done tonight. I couldn't figure out the Dragster boxes. I understand the first two, but don't understand the last two, so I'm waiting for the Ghost's response. I'd like to get the info off of someone who has all or most of the box variations, since they probably already know what the subtle differences are. In the next few days, you should be able to see all the box variations on the list if the Ghost or Cincynoti come through. I hope people like the list as it's coming. I've probably put a good couple of hundred hours into it these past 2 months besides all the other work I put in last year. :)



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Regarding Activision carts with foam inserts, did the manuals or any other enclosures mention the foam? Was it supposed to be left in the cart (to simply squish back when the cart is inserted in the console, and spring back when removed, as a super-cheap dust guard)? Please pardon my ignorance!



No mention of the foam in the manuals.


This probably was a cheap attempt to protect the circuit board since Atari's locking circuit board protector design was probably a patented design.


I think it was a clever idea, but the dark black foam didn't hold up very well and crumbled apart. The light yellow foam held up much better.


At any rate, if you have a cart with the dark black foam, do not insert it into your VCS! :P

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Early on, I removed the foam and threw it away. This was like 9 years ago. What did I know? hehe


Everything is up right now. Very, very huge compilation. I'm at 104 pages in word, document over 1mb now. Since the Ghost explained the activision boxes to me, that section will be added within a few days. Other than that, anyone who can verify a ? label variation or fill in a missing manual or box, feel free to do so. Please email or pm me if possible. I need all info that is normally listed in the document. I'll soon create a new thread where I'm going to ask for specifics, but that'll wait till the end of the week. I'm going to be thorough since I'd like to get as much info as possible.


I've added all the PAL labels I could find. If you have others, send me a scan of front and end labels and tell me if it has locking, sliding, or no circuit protector.


If anyone wants the document emailed to them, just pm me your email address. I'll probably put you on a list of a monthly update if there are no objections.


Thanks for all the help. I'm extremely tired sitting here the past 7 hours updating everything. :)



Edited by Philflound
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Early on, I removed the foam and threw it away. This was like 9 years ago. What did I know? hehe


Everything is up right now. Very, very huge compilation. I'm at 104 pages in word, document over 1mb now. Since the Ghost explained the activision boxes to me, that section will be added within a few days. Other than that, anyone who can verify a ? label variation or fill in a missing manual or box, feel free to do so. Please email or pm me if possible. I need all info that is normally listed in the document.  I'll soon create a new thread where I'm going to ask for specifics, but that'll wait till the end of the week. I'm going to be thorough since I'd like to get as much info as possible.


I've added all the PAL labels I could find. If you have others, send me a scan of front and end labels and tell me if it has locking, sliding, or no circuit protector.


If anyone wants the document emailed to them, just pm me your email address. I'll probably put you on a list of a monthly update if there are no objections.


Thanks for all the help. I'm extremely tired sitting here the past 7 hours updating everything. :)




Excellent work, Phil!

I think the whole A2600 collectors community will appreciate this.

Thanks again.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I would like to see side by side comparision shots of the cartridge variations of M network. Preferably all manufacturers' casing variations if possible. Maybe just a link to another page set up to help identify the differences between them all. It would help those who don't currently own, better understand what's being described on your list.


I'm scratching my head trying to figure out which version I have whether it's a small © or big © or elongated © Pics would be nice to match up with.

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Sorry I have not been around pretty much this entire month. Things have been bad for us lately. Been struggling financially with no job and my wife had emergency surgery to remove her gall bladder, so now I'm trying to contend with those bills. Pray that I get some assistance on this.


Anyway, on to better news.


I read the input on the M Network variations and think that I should include that, unless Albert can. My scanner is broken, so the best I'm going to do is close ups with the camera if that'll work. Since I have all variations available on various carts, it will be easy to do, just may take me a week. I agree that showing will help you identify the cart you have.


I'm assuming the US Games explanation is easy to understand, though tedious to check out all the variations with the prongs.


I've added some new manuals along with some size verifications on some manuals. I found a batch of about 30 manuals and some extra catalogs while cleaning up my computer room. You can't imagine how disorganized I am. :)


Anyone who sent me updates this month, I have not done them though will try and also get to those sometime over the weekend. I've been trying to get my thousands of comics bagged and priced so I can do a garage sale and get some money to pay bills. For someone who doesn't have a job, I've been keeping pretty busy.


The big discoveries I just found came with the catalogs, though I haven't finished looking through a few more, but think they'll come up empty. The first is the Atari green catalog I had listed as C11 with 43 games and shows the animated characters on the front. I discovered that the 2 versions I just found were slightly different. One had white interior page background, the other beige. If anyone has both versions and can come up with any other differences, please let me know. The other thing I discovered was a 3rd variation on the Imagic catalog first release Rev A. I had originally listed C1 as having a * with a future release date of 4 of the 7 games and the front cover with a silver Imagic background. The C2 version was also Rev A, but the * with the future release date was removed and the Imagic background on the front cover was white. I found a new version, which I've called C2 and moved the white background to C3 and so forth. This version has no * with future release, but still remains with the silver background for Imagic on the front cover. If you're confused, I'll see if I can take a pic of all 3 together to show you. I've yet to find a version that has the * and white background, so if anyone has that, scan it for me and send it.


Anyone who is on the email list will be getting the 1st update sometime next week. If you want to be on the email list, pm me your email address. Like I mentioned, these will be sent monthly unless there are no updates. Since there were several updates, everyone will have the newest version next week.


I'll try and list more specific info like I did on the other post (I think it's on the other post. hehe I'm tired) on games I need. So keep sending things missing from the list entirely, or specific dates or sizes as noted with ?. I'll keep everyone up to date as current as possible. Thanks.



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The other thing I discovered was a 3rd variation on the Imagic catalog first release Rev A. I had originally listed C1 as having a * with a future release date of 4 of the 7 games and the front cover with a silver Imagic background. The C2 version was also Rev A, but the * with the future release date was removed and the Imagic background on the front cover was white. I found a new version, which I've called C2 and moved the white background to C3 and so forth. This version has no * with future release, but still remains with the silver background for Imagic on the front cover. If you're confused, I'll see if I can take a pic of all 3 together to show you. I've yet to find a version that has the * and white background, so if anyone has that, scan it for me and send it.



Like these:




It's amazing what doctors can take out of us, and we can live without! Hope things turn around for ya'll soon.

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Great, you did that photo for me. So now everyone knows the 3 versions. As you can see, the bottom one has the * with the future release notation, though you can't read it from this distance. There are 4 pages shown when it is unfolded, and it's on page 3. Now if someone can come up with the first version showing the white background along with the * notation on page 3, I'll add it, though it may not exist.


Wife is doing better. It was actually good I wasn't working since she needed care when she came home. She could not stand or sit without my assistance among other things for about 3-4 days after she got home, but now she's up and about. She's not supposed to lift much, if anything at all yet. We're going to see the surgeon tomorrow on her checkup visit, so we'll get the scoop.


We hang in there. The thing I never mentioned is that it was our first anniversary on 9/19. I wound up hurting my back the first full day she was home trying to lift her up off the couch. I was ready, she wasn't, so after 2 weeks, I'm almost better. Our anniversary was spent relaxing in the living room. Not exactly what she had in mind. In one year, we've experienced for worse, in sickness, and for poorer. She's asking where the other half is. :)


I'll try and get those M Network pictures sooner. It may not take too much time to do, so maybe I'll do them today.



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Sorry folks, the camera proved to be disappointing. It won't focus on the minute details of the copyright. Although I'm providing the first 4 versions here so at least you can see those, though they were pretty easy to figure out. I found 8 of the 9 versions, but didn't go through all the games I own because it was futile. v8 was the only one I could not find, though I'm bound to have it somewhere. If anyone else can figure out what I'm saying in these versions and has a scanner to show everyone what they are, I'd appreciate it. Thanks. Actually, if you can scan it and put it here, I can tell you which version it is from sight.




Ok, it seems I uploaded in reverse order. So what you see is version 4, 3, 2, and 1.





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All three of those Imagic catalogs have same revision number of 700500-1 Rev. A


I only have one white one that I can recall. It is more unique to me since there are more noticeable changes to the layout of the poster page & the video storage center picture. I had the two silver based ones with & without the disclaimer, but really hadn't given them much notice before your post. I intentionally folded over the front so it's easier to see what you were talking about & know which is which.


Here are some close ups still just pics though I'm lazy:


This is the same as the scanned silver in the AA database:



And this is the variation, minus the disclaimer:



And here is the white:



Then this is the scan of the Video Storage Center in the white bg cat:



And this is the poster page, note the size in inches, not in the other cats:


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If I didn't have such limited space on my website, I'd probably include many sample photos. I get my website for free and only get 20mb of space. :(


Now that I'm done with the Atari variation list short of small updates, I'd like to tackle the Intellivision label list. I have a few hundred boxed Intellivision games, so this should be a fun project. It'll probably be in the works in November and December. After that, I'm going to do Colecovision. I own a good deal of Colecovision games, though not so many dupes like I do with Intellivision. Anyone who would like to help me with these 2 projects let me know. I'll post once it's underway and exactly what I'll need.



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Ok, last night I mentioned I was looking at the catalogs for variations and found a few more, but didn't get to finish. Tonight I finished. I found another variation. This time it's with the Atari red catalog that lists 49 games. I have listed that there was only 1 variation of this. I found that this is not the case.


When examining them, I first compared the back. It seemed one version had more faded letters for the catalog # with Rev, copyright, and All Rights Reserved. It seemed they were a tad yellow, but I was not going to list it as a variation. I began looking through page by page to compare the two catalogs and really could not find a difference. It wasn't until I looked at the front cover that I found the difference. These are Rev E catalogs.


The version that I said looked a little faded has solid black borders around the green and blue blocks on the outside along with solid black lines around the diamond and square of the Atari listed in the center. It was so apparant I'm not even sure why I didn't catch it in the first place. Now, so far this is the only difference I've discovered. I'm going to try and go page by page and see if I can find another difference. If anyone can discover other differences before I do, please let me know. My website isn't letting me on to add in this variation at this time, so the giant list is still missing it, probably until I can get on tomorrow.



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Hehe. I haven't had homework for a long time. I'm 35 years old and been out of school for 12 years. In fact I'm pursuing being a grammar school math teacher. My problem is that I'm thorogh in everything I do. I'm very particular about minute details. :)



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Well, my geekdom has kicked in. I began the Intellivision label variation list. This will probably take a couple of months to do, but once I'm done with what I own, I'll post it up on the website. Then I'll ask for help like I've done for the Atari list. After that, I move on to the Colecovision. :)



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Going thru some catalogs, I just noticed I have 2 Spectravideo/vision variants not listed here on AA


The first one with the 5 games on cover in database is copyrighted




I found one is copyrighted




No other differences exist.


Then on the 2nd Spectravision catalog


Meet The Challenge Vol II 11/82


I noticed I have one that is a Spectravideo version instead of vision


And it is a Vol II 11/83 All the mockup boxes have Spectravideo logos instead of all Spectravision in the 11/82 cat. This one came from a PAL box I'm sure, but the first variant was from an NTSC box I believe.

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Thanks. I'll get this updated soon. I got backlogged with the newest update and did not do the mailing. I'm set to have a yard sale this weekend so I had to put the update on hold. Need to get all my comics priced out and getting money right now is a ton more important than updating. :( But don't fret. Come next week, I'll be back with the update and start listing the Intellivision carts. I actually finished listing every game in the Intellivision database under their respective companies. Now it's just a matter of beginning to list all the variations, overlays, manuals, and boxes.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hy Phil,


checked my stuff by Atari, here are differences/additions to your list (see my homepage for pictures):


Asteroids CX2649

? PicGr1 ©1987, CART3, ML: no “use with…”, EL: blue letters, PAL


Backgammon CX2617

? 2nd txt ©1979, CART1, medium ®, yellow letters EL: orange, ML: CX-2617-P, PAL


Battlezone CX2681

? PicSil2 ©1983, CART1, P on EL


BMX Airmaster CX26190

a) C Picred2 ©1990, Cart3, Hong Kong, EL: CA400064-190 on lower right (PAL)



Crossbow CX26139

? Picred2 ©1987, CART3, "Made in Hong Kong" , ML: CX26139P, PAL

? Picred2 ©1987, CART3, "Printed in Hong Kong" , ML: CX26139P, PAL


Crystal Castles CX26110

e) C PicSil2 no ©, CART2, no text below the picture, large TM on EL

? PicSil2 no ©, CART2, no text below the picture, small TM on EL

? PicRed2, ©1986, CART3, Made in China


Defender CX2609

? PicBl-p ©1981, CART2, black border around CX2609, space ship totally visible, EL: small “p” printed on right, PAL


c) R PicBl-p ©1981, CART2, black border around CX2609, space ship totally visible, ML: TYPO “© 1981 ATRRI”, EL: large “p” printed on right, PAL, grips on sides of Cart


Defender II CX26120

a) R Picred2 ©1987, CART3, China


Desert Falcon CX26140

c) R Picred2 ©1987, CART3, China


Dig Dug CX2677

? PicSil2 ©1983, CART2, p on EL

? Picred2 ©1983, CART3, China, ML: “CX 2677P”, PAL


Galaxian CX2684

? PicSil2 ©1983, CART2, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL

? PicGr2 ©1986, CART2, EL: huge font

? PicRed2 ©1983, CART3, Hong Kong, CX2684P, PAL


Joust CX2691

? PicGr2 ©1985, CART1, ML: “Joust” in orange letters, TYPO: ATAR. Corp


Jungle Hunt CX2688

? PicSil2 ©1983, CART2, with ™



Kangaroo CX2689

? PicGr2 ©1985, CART2, EL: red letters, no “*” after ™

? PicRed2 ©1983, CART3, ML: CX2689P, PAL, CA400225-088 on EL


Millipede CX26118

h) R Picred2 ©1987, CART3, Taiwan, glossy labels, EL: red with white letters, PAL


Moon Patrol CX2692

? Picred2 ©1983, CART3, China, ML: CX2692P, EL: CA400225-092 on lower right


Oscar's Trash Race CX26101

? Yellow ©1986, CART2


Outlaw CX2605

? PicBl ©1985, CART1, ML: yellow letters, has “use with…”, no 2605, PAL


Pac-Man CX2646

f) R PicBl-p ©1981, CART2, hollow “6” in 2646, left ghost’s eye not touching border, ML: TYPO “©1981 ATRRI”, EL: large “p” printed on right, PAL, grips on side of Cart


Pole Position CX2694

? PicSil2 ©1983, CART2, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL


Raiders of the

Lost Ark CX2659

? PicSil1 ©1982, CART1, ML: belt buckle touches bottom of picture, EL: lower case letters, p on EL


Realsports Soccer CX2667

? PicGr1 ©1986, CART2, “Football Realsports Soccer”, ML: “use with joystick controllers”


Realsports Tennis CX2680

? PicSil1 ©1983, CART2, EL: “p” printed on right, PAL


Slot Racers CX2606

? 2nd txt ©1978, CART1, yellow letters, medium ®, ML: “CX-2606-P”, PAL

? 2nd txt ©1978, CART1, gold letters, medium ®, ML: “CX-2606-P”, PAL


Solaris CX26136

e) U Picred1 ©1987, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: “Atari Corporation”, black text on ML


Space Invaders CX2632

t) R Picred2 ©1988, CART3, Hong Kong, ML: CX2632P, EL: CA400225-32 on lower right, PAL


Stargate CX26120

? PicGr2 ©1985, CART2, EL: plastic

d) R PicGr2 ©1987, CART3, ML: no “use with…”, different font on EL


Video Pinball CX2648

? PicBl ©1981, CART1, lower case letters, ML: logo inside pinball machine dark, dark grey background behind pinballs, bottom tips of Atari logo outside machine, p on EL

? PicBl ©1981, CART1, lower case letters, ML: logo top partially outside pinball machine bottom tips inside machine, p on EL

g) R PicBl ©1985, CART1, Atari logo and CX2648 are small and in white

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