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2600 Giant list Labels, boxes, manuals, UPDATED!


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I got another Sears Chase box for the list! :cool:


The box is #49-75105 and should be entered to the list as:


3) Box ©1978, black standard style box with green letters, warranty info on back, game options shown, #49-75105 on side


Now, correspondingly, the manual will bear the same number and have a red title. Unfortunately, mine is sealed. I am tempted to open it to get the proper info for the manual, as well as finding out if the cart is the #49-75105 text version, or the #49-75105 picture label version. I already have the picture label version loose. So, it would be cool is the text cart was inside (one less cart for me to hunt)


Here are pictures (they are big, I agologize!) of this box, as well as the non-gatefold #6-99807 box. Finally, pictures of all three styles, including the gatefold box.


While I'm on the subject of gatefold boxes, the SURE-FIRE way to identify them from a frontal shot, is that they never say: "Contains One Cartridge" at the bottom. My pictures illustrate this. The gatefold is the one on top in the frontal group shot.


Now, as far as the top flap style goes, (in regards to the non-gatefold boxes,) how are you wanting to handle this? As you can see, my Chase 49-75105 has the glued down top flap. There is a very good chance that a standard top flap 49-75015 box exists (probably with the initial runs of 49-75105 text carts.)


Do you want to note this for each Sears box that contains these flap variations? Reason I ask is because the same will be true for the Atari brand boxes, which have even more box variants than Sears in regards to flap style and such.







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  • 1 month later...

I have not forgotten about the list. I've been very busy with real life and things are finally going in my favor. I got an offer for a full time position as a teacher on Thursday, so up until Christmas break, I may be doing too much to catch up on school to touch the list. I'll do the little updates that people have given me here, but getting to the Atari may still have to wait. Keep the variations coming though. Thanks.



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Thanks for your support. My personal life has been one of struggle these past few years. Hopefully things will get on track. I updated the Sears items on the website. I haven't touched the Atari section yet. I may consider starting it this week. I'll see how school keeps me busy. I'm trying to catch up. I don't even have a lesson planner yet, and my grade book is not the one that has been used for the year and has only 1 grade in it from a substitute earlier in the week. So catch up is a big thing. :) I will add the new variations and also change the silver to grey. I believe there may be other silver versions that should be changed to grey, but until I come across them or someone informs me, then they'll have to stay. But remember that I'm doing photo verifications now, so if I feel anything to be questionable, it's possible I'll remove it and then put it back once it is re-verified.



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Couple of Starpath questions...

First, is there a Phaser Patrol with a back label on the cassette? Mine has none, and I was there when my daddy opened the box, so I can verify that it never had a back label.


Second, I've noticed that Starpath used different brands of cassettes. I just sold an NTSC Frogger that has a larger window in the cassette than my personal copy does. My Rabbit Transit has the large window, but all the rest have small windows with numbers underneath them.

I think this may have someting to do with the white cassette Fireball I've heard about, as I've seen both black and white cassettes with small windows, but the only large window cassettes I know of are white.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Alright, I have now begun the Atari section. This is going to be a very slow process. In fact after like 1 1/2 hours, I'm only on Adventure. I'm trying to verify the existance of 2 versions of the 1987 label, so it looks like there may be more listings for Adventure. In fact there is. I discovered the PAL gold text has both a thin and thick font, so I added one listing already. Again, I'm using photo verifications, so there is going to be no questions on rumored listings. I will not add any listing unless I see it physically. I'll update the website gradually, so please have patience. I'm using 4 different websites for photos along with my own personal stock and scans that have been sent to me by you guys and gals. If you see holes of variations that I don't have a scan of and you can send me the scan, I'd appreciate it.





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Thanks for the kind remarks. After 3 weeks of teaching, I realized that it was going to be no piece of cake. But at least I have the week off, so it gives me time to do other things, like get back to the Atari list. I'm going to review your site Stab, since you have a nice selection of foreign labels. Also, like I've mentioned before, if anyone wishes to see any photos from the list, just let me know and I'll email them to you. Just remember that anything with a * means I have at least the main label for it.



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Thanks for the help. Decathlon is on the list. The Ghostbusters and Kung-Fu Master are HES versions and I didn't want to add foreign companies to the list. River Raid II I believe was a typo, so I corrected the date on the list. Starmaster was totally new so I added that one. Good work and feel free to contact me with anything new or needs to be updated. I have already made the changes on the website list.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, by the time the end of the weekend hits, I'll be into the B's for the Atari released games. I came across a very strange variation for Asteroids, which I remember was mentioned I think somewhere in the past, possibly on the original list. I could never figure it out so I may have omitted it. But the scrutiny that I've been doing lately has found me even more variations.


On the black label of Asteroids, I now have 4 listings which you can view on the website. The first is where the bottom asteroid is halfway in the picture. The "CX2649" has black behind the numbers as in 6 and 9 most easily viewed. I do mention a slight font variation for the product number, but am not going to list them seperately. I had one font a little thinner than the other, but it didn't seem to have any other differences.


Variation b has the asteroid on the bottom fully in the picture. This seems to be the most common of all the variations and is probably in your collection if you own a black label.


Variation c is like b but the background for the 6 and 9 has blue inside them instead of black. This I believe was the initial listing that someone discovered in the past. But I found an even deeper version. In variation c, the "CX2649" has no outline.


Variation d is exactly like c, but "CX2649" has a blue outline around it.


I've scanned all 4 variations if anyone wants to see them. If enough people ask, I may throw them up here.


Now I pose my question to you guys. I've got a confirmation for the PAL black label with version b. Can anyone confirm an a, c, or d version with the PAL end label?


Also, I found like I did with Sears, that there is a glued flap and standard flap version for the box. Also, there was also a 1979 5 language box that I got off of Atarimania's website. I couldn't find a scan for box version 1 and would like to confirm version 5.


I found thanks to Atariguide.com that there were 2 versions of the 5 language manuals. What I would like to know if there is an international version of the ad slick that was packed with the US version. If anyone can confirm this, I'd appreciate it.


Like I mentioned before, I'm going to keep my website up to date, and after doing a sizable amount on the list, will email it to all my people on the list. Also, if you had my list before, you'll see I updated the Space Invaders boxes to 10 variations. I actually did this because I sold one of my boxed Space Invaders and needed to scan it, so I found other scans of the boxes. I have not gotten to the carts yet. Note that there is a glued flap and standard flap version of this game too.


So keep up the good work for all who have been contributing, and I'll try and keep going as much as I can day after day.



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I had a feeling someone would want them. I put the zoomed part of the bottom of the label for easier clarity.


On a and b, the CX2649 is colored in a black, or possibly not colored in at all and you see through the numbers to the picture in the background. Since it is a dark background, it looks black. The real difference between these two I've pointed out with the arrow pointing right. The top one you can see the asteroid is cut off in the middle. Version b the asteroid is FULLY in the picture, meaning there is space below it too.


Version c and d, the Asteroid is actually touching the edge of the picture. This will be one way to tell if you have a "blue" background behind the CX2649. The arrows pointing left point to the product number. Most noticably is the 6 and 9 colored in with the blue. But on version d, notice that there is a blue outline around the whole product number while c does not have this.


So like I mentioned, if anyone can come across the PAL versions with the end label "Asteroids P", let me know. I may not give them seperate entries unless I can get a substantial amount of one version over others. In other words, I'd consider all versions Rare. I will note though any versions found, until all are found. So at least if someone has it, and it has not been noted, I'd update my note in the ().


If it sounds confusing, it really isn't. :)




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So, correct me if I'm wrong, but here we can see a Type B, the contest version is a Type A and the third one is a Type B with a blue text end label:



Would love to add a Type C and Type D to the database.



Edited by Rom Hunter
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Wow, this list is getting even more complicated. As I have in my signature, I created a seperate site just to show comparison photos. Though I'm not going to add them until I'm done, I will try and cover many various Atari labels that can be confusing to understand by reading the descriptions in the list.


I've reached Blackjack and am having a doozy with this one. According to the list I had, there were two "51 Blackjack" versions, one with a large ® and one with a small one. Well, it has expanded a good deal.


I found that there can be 4 variations with the large ® now. This was done by looking at carts I have on hand, where I noticed something looking out of whack.


There are 2 different main labels and 2 different end labels, which creates 4 different possibilities. The end label is easy. One "51 blackjack" measures 40mm, the other 44mm. The main label was a little harder to discern. It was noticed by me that the TM above Program in the upper right was a little different, and after carefully comparing labels, I discovered the "Y" in all three "Player(s)" was also different. The first variation, which is also the one here on AA has the M in TM and the Y's sharp, like you see here in this sentence. The second label has a rounded "M" on top, not square, and also the top and bottom of the "Y" is also rounded. Also less noticable letters such as the "k" in the main label of the word blackjack and the "H" in Three are also rounded slightly.


My scanner likes to act up, so I won't get a scan up here probably until tomorrow. I'll probably do a side by side to show in more detail. There are lots of variations on this game and it seems there aren't many scans out there.





Edited by Philflound
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I'm very upset. My scanner is not working now. It's very touchy ever since I got this computer and it has XP on it. An older scanner, it does not like Windows XP at all. I tried the patches and such and it seems that it doesn't want to work now. I'm hoping I can get this up and running again soon, since I need to scan some labels.


On a seperate note, I was working on Breakout today, and of course can't complete it since I need to scan. But I am going to pose a question. Is there an orange label late release that has the correct listing for the paddle controllers? I see a typo joystick, a black tape version, and no use with variation, and have all 3 scans thanks to Chris Sly. But is there a true correct version out there?



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I see no actual layout difference between the two blackjack labels in post #197 above. The first image is printed very crisply, and the second is a bit blurred so the sharp angles at intersections and ends of the strokes that make up the characters appear slightly rounded instead of square or sharp, but this is only an artifact of the printing process, not an actual difference in the "master" artwork that the printing was derived from. I suspect that some of the other minor "variations" being reported have similar origins, such as the CX-number outlines and fill-ins on the Asteroids picture label.

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I agree, don't drive yourself crazy Phil. Minor variations as a result of the printing process should be disregarded. I mean if you took a stack of newspapers from the same pressing, you could easily split hairs that they are not all exactly the same. But do we really need to point out every deviation?


Stick to variants that actually involve unique layouts, fonts, colors, size, etc. Once you start splitting hairs, you'll end up with an endless list for a single game. I think that will convolute your list and confuse people trying to hunt the variants.


The Sears list, for example, I chose to stick to actual changes on the boxes, carts and manuals. As for the "blurry" text carts, they are no different than the same carts with sharper text. As long as the info is unchanged or the layout, they don't need seperate listings.

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