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Fell in LOVE with the 7800


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I started out on the 2600 and grew up on the NES. I never knew about the 5200 or the 7800 until I was older. I had purchased a 7800 with a few games eventually but it didn't have any controllers or cords. So I just had a bare 7800. After a few more 2600 purchases I finally came upon a boxed 7800 with 6 games (though 2 were Centipede). It was $40 but hey, it was boxed and I wanted it bad. So I got it.


It took me a few weeks (cause I was stuck on the 2600) but I finally played my 7800 for the first time. Needless to say...WOW! It was an awesome experience. I've only got a few games:


Ms. Pac Man

Pitfall 2 (or is that a 2600 game?)

Centipede (3 carts)



Pole Position 2


One on One Basketball


I played Centipede. Very good. I was a little disappointed with Galaga. And Ms. Pac Man...I fell in love. I didn't play any of the other games, cause I was to stuck on Ms. Pac Man. I can still see myself playing the 2600 as well, but it looks like now it will be challenged as to what gets played more (cause hey, Ms. Pac Man on the 7800 ROCKS!).

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I played Centipede. Very good. I was a little disappointed with Galaga. And Ms. Pac Man...I fell in love. I didn't play any of the other games, cause I was to stuck on Ms. Pac Man. I can still see myself playing the 2600 as well, but it looks like now it will be challenged as to what gets played more (cause hey, Ms. Pac Man on the 7800 ROCKS!).


Do yourself a favour and play Joust. Get Ms. Pac Man out of the way and play some Joust. Right now.

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Do yourself a favour and play Joust.  Get Ms. Pac Man out of the way and play some Joust.  Right now.


I agree with that, Joust rules :)


When you're done playing Joust do yourself another favor - drop Karateka into your toilet, then flush.


Twice to make sure it never comes back.

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Also Pitfall II is a 2600 game that doesn't play in most 7800's.



Where did you hear this? As far as I'm aware Pitfall 2 plays fine in every 7800.





Just another 7800 detractor/NES enthusiast making assumptions.


The list of games that "Don't play in most 7800s" seems to get bigger every time I read here, yet ironically, every 7800 I've ever owned has never had a problem with any of the "suspect" games.

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If Pitfall 2 doesn't work, just use it in the 2600. By the way, both Activision 7800 games have white labels with text only. Double Dragon needs dropped into the toilet, too, along with Karateka and Jinks. Rampage is halfway decent.


You need a CX-40 for Galaga. You can buy them new with the Flashback 2, or use one of the old ones from your 2600.

As a matter of fact, most of the arcade ports work best with the CX-40. Donkey Kong is nearly impossible without it.


My favorite games for the 7800 are Galaga and Donkey Kong. I don't have Joust--yet. Pitfall II is right up there with my faves, too, but it's a 2600 title.


Other than that, my 7800 is usually playing 2600 games.


BTW, is it me or is Centipede the most common 7800 cart behind Pole Position?

Edited by shadow460
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You need a CX-40 for Galaga.  You can buy them new with the Flashback 2, or use one of the old ones from your 2600.

As a matter of fact, most of the arcade ports work best with the CX-40.  Donkey Kong is nearly impossible without it.


My favorite games for the 7800 are Galaga and Donkey Kong.  I don't have Joust--yet.  Pitfall II is right up there with my faves, too, but it's a 2600 title.





I have to agree that Donkey Kong, Centipede and Galaga so far are my three favorites on the 7800.


Has anyone tried the starplex controller for Galaga? I find that you get better play capability from the starplex.


The funny thing is that I too did not know of the 5200 and the 7200 back then. I grew up on the 2600, and took a pause on the video game scene until I got my first nintendo years ago.


I love my 2600, don't get me wrong. I am still building up my collection as it all reminds me so much of my Jr. High days. But the 7800's graphics certainly takes me back to the time where you placed your quarters on line at the corner candy store while waiting for the bus for school.


I'm happy with my 7800 :) and I certainly will take some of the posted suggestions. As a matter of fact, today is my first Sunday off in about three weeks. Think I'n gonna play my 7800.

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Yeah, Centiede is good, but the reason I don't play it much is sitting right there in the form of a slightly damaged Millipede cart.

It works, and even though it's a 2600 game, I think it's more fun.

Everything is easier to see, too, without the fine details. Just IMHO, though.

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Also Pitfall II is a 2600 game that doesn't play in most 7800's.



Where did you hear this? As far as I'm aware Pitfall 2 plays fine in every 7800.





Just another 7800 detractor/NES enthusiast making assumptions.


The list of games that "Don't play in most 7800s" seems to get bigger every time I read here, yet ironically, every 7800 I've ever owned has never had a problem with any of the "suspect" games.



I love the 7800, I only recently got a NES and don't really care for it. I have 3 7800's, my original one, a boxed one, and another loose one. None of them will play Pitfall II, I don't know why. It is clean and plays well in all of my 2600's. All I know is my 7800's are the later models with no expansion port. I have never had any of the earlier models so I can't speak for their compatibility, I just know what I have personally experienced with my systems. Maybe I am wrong, maybe my systems are all broken, I don't know, every other game I have works in all three of my 7800's.

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Ninja Golf is great. I mean C'MON. Ninjas. And golf. You can't go wrong!


Desert falcon is a fantastic shooter, and Xenophobe is a great arcade port. The NES version pales by comparison.


Dark Chambers is a fun little gauntlet clone


Pretty much any arcade port is great, with the exception of both of the donkey kong games (which play well but have AWFUL sound)


Ikari warriors is really fun too. Less glitchy than the NES one.

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I wouldn't mind getting a second 7800 myself to modify. I could try to cut the bottom half of the case to install plugs or switches, and if it all works, I could switch the top halves out.


Hopefully, though any 7800 I buy would be as clean as this one, so I could mod away on either of them and leave the other one alone.

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I love the 7800, I only recently got a NES and don't really care for it.  I have 3 7800's, my original one, a boxed one, and another loose one. None of them will play Pitfall II, I don't know why. It is clean and plays well in all of my 2600's. All I know is my 7800's are the later models with no expansion port.  I have never had any of the earlier models so I can't speak for their compatibility, I just know what I have personally experienced with my systems. Maybe I am wrong, maybe my systems are all broken, I don't know, every other game I have works in all three of my 7800's.

Have you tried a different Pitfall II cart? It's possible that there's something a little off about that specific cartridge.
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Have you tried a different Pitfall II cart?  It's possible that there's something a little off about that specific cartridge.



I only have one. It is in mint condition, not even any actiplaque.


It works fine in my '78 six switch, 3 different 4 switchers, and my coleco Exp #1. I only have problems in my 7800's. I can't explain why it would do this, I just know it comes up as a blank screen on all of my 7800's.


I even tried the normal tricks for most Activision games, by slightly moving the cart in different directions. Nothing worked, I dont have any of the other "suspect" games to test so I don't know about thier compatibility. I just speak from experience.

Edited by elliott
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I kinda fell into the Atari 7800 by "circumchance." The year was 1988, I had the Nintendo NES in the stable and went to Toys 'R' Us to get the Sega Master System. Alas, they were sold out of the SMS, and much to my amazement I saw the Atari 7800 there for $99.00. Humm...I thought...Isn't this the fabled "Pro" system promised by Atari back in 1984? So, I bought it, as the money was burning a hole in my pocket anyway. Never looked back since, still have the 7800 don't have either the NES or SMS (aquired later) sigh. Atari "coulda' been a contender" at that time, but squandered the oppurtunity. My 7800 is still going strong, been spray painted forest green about 15 years ago, though now its black again, solid black.

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I briefly had a 7800 back during the late nes days when my local K b Toys was still selling them. Ironically, aside from the packin, I never played any other 7800 games as I mostly used it for 2600 games that I had aquired from my older brother. And I sold it a couple years ago; wish I still had one. I'm gonna get another off ebay; woot!!

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I have an older 7800 with an expansion port. Pitfall 2 and supercharger both work.


I use the CX-40 or my wico trackball.


Funny thing about all of you guys who modified NES controllers for the 7800, I modded a CX-40 to use on my NES! Alas, I can now play against my 11 yr old without getting my ass kicked!

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