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2600 Planet of the Apes


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http://www.atariprotos.com/2600/software/p...etoftheapes.htmWhile researching his upcoming website AtariProtos.com, Matt Reichert (aka Tempest) made an interesting discovery: The prototype believed to have been Alligator People all these years is actually Planet of the Apes! And after reading his description of the game, along with the screenshots he's taken, we support his conclusion. You can download the binary here, and we encourage you to visit the AtariProtos.com Planet of the Apes page to read more about this game.
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Wow, looking at the pictures he had and all, I never noticed some of those things. Like the statue of Liberty at the end, I thought those were some wierd treasures or something, but looking at it, it is the statue of liberty, cool.


I want to get that game from hozer and make a cool mock label or something. Pretty cool game.

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Ok, I've just discovered that escaping from one of the pits will cost you one of your Escapes. Also, I don't think the difficulty switches do anything but I can't be 100% sure. Time for someone to dissasemble the code!



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Originally posted by Tempest:

Yes, this is the interview I used to verify my suspicions. Very nice.


Do you have John Marvin's e-mail address? I'd like to ask him a few questions about the game now that we know its his.


Unfortunately, since then I changed Computer, OS and Browser twice, so I don't have it anymore.


But IIRC I got his Email address back then from the guy who did the particular interview. You should ask him. He was very helpfull.


And I'm sure John Marvin would be very happy to hear that his lost game was rediscovered. Besides, he's of course the only one who can do a 100% confirmation




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Yes there is a game called Alligator People, John mentioned it in his interview (see my quote above). Planet of the Apes was just accidently put into an Alligator People proto case, probably becuase it was all they could find lying around.


No one has found the Alligator People prototype, but its out there somewhere.



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Originally posted by Tempest:

No one has found the Alligator People prototype, but its out there somewhere.


Pretty amusing, one mystery goes away with a new one to take its place! I need to remove the ROM and screenshots from the Alligator People page since it's pretty obvious these games don't have any relationship to one another.




[ 03-24-2002: Message edited by: Albert ]

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The label you're thinking about is a mock label Lee Krueger made when the game "didn't exist." IT is NOT an official label. However, it is very, very damn cool:



I think a LOT of folks are gonna be getting this burned from Hozer ($11)and tossing this label on their new "Planet of the Apes" cart. Someone might want to let Lee know why his cart label gallery is suddenly getting all of these hits!

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Originally posted by Atari master marty:

Awsome discovery!! but Pyramid there already is a mockup label. I saw it at CGE. Not sure who the guy is but he made the label.


That would be Lee Krueger's Planet of the Apes label. He has created a whole slew of labels for 2600 games, be sure to check them out. Here's a picture of Lee posing with some of these carts at last year's CGE.



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Originally posted by Tempest:

Do you own it Marco? Who had it originally? Tempest


Nope, I don't have it. I missed the auction, I believe it was around '95 or so. I just heard about it a couple of years later. I know the current owner (he's American), but I'm not sure if he wants his name revealed.




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If there's going to be a mock 'Planet of the Apes' label to slap onto a Hozer cartridge, it should be done in the 20th Century Fox label style, NOT Atari's. Authenticity, people! (I'm sort of a stickler for that.) Oh wait, I do graphic design, maybe I should make one!

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Originally posted by Jess Ragan:

"Oh no, we were wrong!

It was 'Apes' all along!

Looks like they made a monkey out of uuuuus..."





"I'm Troy McClure.. You may remember me from such Atari games as Save Mary a Beer, and Let's Rip The Spleen Out of That Guy..."

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