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VGExpo photos (in multiple parts)


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These are not resized and are at full resolution; viewer beware.



* Dallas skyline




* The whole show



* Curt Vendel



* AtariProtos.com








* AA games for sale



* Homebrews on display



* The lovely Mrs. MMF



* Bruce Tomlin's Atari phone dialer (yes I bought one)



* VGXpo banner and games



* EyeToy



* Flashback Version 2.0



* Trade-N-Games





* Dale Crum's amazing Atari art, buttons, and iron-ons



* Atari 8-bit Sinistar prototype



* Reflex (2600 homebrew) demo


Thus ends part one! Part two to follow in a new post in this same thread.

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Did you happen to get a picture of the girl dressed as Ulala from Space Channel 5? The only cosplayer at the show.........  :sad:



I got one of her sitting down, playing a game. I felt too dirty to take too many shots of her.






There are free compression tools for thumbnails. Using html to resize a photo into a 100x100 square, that's still 175kb is just silly, not to mention cruel to anyone still on dialup. Every single one of your albums were that way.

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Did you happen to get a picture of the girl dressed as Ulala from Space Channel 5? The only cosplayer at the show.........  :sad:



I got one of her sitting down, playing a game. I felt too dirty to take too many shots of her.






There are free compression tools for thumbnails. Using html to resize a photo into a 100x100 square, that's still 175kb is just silly, not to mention cruel to anyone still on dialup. Every single one of your albums were that way.



Fortunately for me, every single one of my family members (including my grandparents) have high spped internet access, so it's not really a problem for us. I plan on resizing some of the pictures when I'm not sitting in a parking lot on my laptop stealing wifi access.


Thank you for spending the time to go through every single one of my albums!

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As promised, a third installment:






* More discussion panel photos



* Wedding cake w/ your games sir?



* Getting my Frog Frenzy autographed




* Doggies! (Pet adoption people)





* Programmer's panel movie clips



* One-Up plays the Zelda Underworld theme




* Mega Man fans rejoice! "Boomer Kuwanger"



* One-Up jams to Bomberman




* Mega Man fans rejoice again! It's an "Airman" jam.



* And now for the biggest jam of all, it's time for "ToeJam Jammin'!"


(some clips may not immediately be available as they're still uploading)

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Swoops seemed like a good game, but I can't find any information on it.


Anyone have a link or something?

Glad you liked it.


It's just a compilation of my three minigames. You can find the individual binaries for download here in the Homebrew Forum. And most likely soon the compilation binary. Or a bit later the cart in the shop. :)

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I also really really liked Swoops. Nice title screen, and all of them are so addicting. Old school gamers and newer gamers really seemed to enjoy it. I was sad to know I was unable to purchase one yet.




Swoops seemed like a good game, but I can't find any information on it.


Anyone have a link or something?

Glad you liked it.


It's just a compilation of my three minigames. You can find the individual binaries for download here in the Homebrew Forum. And most likely soon the compilation binary. Or a bit later the cart in the shop. :)


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Left to right: Brad ? (he wrote a Sega CD homebrew game), me, Billy Eno (Warring Worms and RPS), Paul Slocum, and Bruce Tomlin (Atari 7800 Tubes).




As promised, a third installment:






* More discussion panel photos



* Wedding cake w/ your games sir?



* Getting my Frog Frenzy autographed




* Doggies!  (Pet adoption people)





* Programmer's panel movie clips



* One-Up plays the Zelda Underworld theme




* Mega Man fans rejoice!  "Boomer Kuwanger"



* One-Up jams to Bomberman




* Mega Man fans rejoice again!  It's an "Airman" jam.



* And now for the biggest jam of all, it's time for "ToeJam Jammin'!"


(some clips may not immediately be available as they're still uploading)


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Left to right: Brad ? (he wrote a Sega CD homebrew game), me, Billy Eno (Warring Worms and RPS), Paul Slocum, and Bruce Tomlin (Atari 7800 Tubes).



Ok, thanks. :)


So you (Scott) stated "I'm probably about done with it", meaning the making of homebrews?

Edited by Cafeman
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hahhaa! yea, Ron. I'm done. You ever feel that way? i really am. The reason? That last 10%!!! You are almost done... and you are working working working to get it finished!!! it's so bad. Those last hard to find bugs... it's almost worst than my job. Tempest (Matt Reichart) found bugs in Spectar. It's just a beating.


Adventure II has been....HOW LONG? I think you know what I mean.


BTW-ADV II is completely kick ass. You have done a wonderful job.






Left to right: Brad ? (he wrote a Sega CD homebrew game), me, Billy Eno (Warring Worms and RPS), Paul Slocum, and Bruce Tomlin (Atari 7800 Tubes).



Ok, thanks. :)


So you (Scott) stated "I'm probably about done with it", meaning the making of homebrews?


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hahhaa!  yea, Ron. I'm done. You ever feel that way?  i really am.  The reason?  That last 10%!!!  You are almost done...  and you are working working working to get it finished!!!  it's so bad.  Those last hard to find bugs...  it's almost worst than my job.  Tempest (Matt Reichart) found bugs in Spectar.  It's just a beating.


Adventure II has been....HOW LONG?  I think you know what I mean.


I sure do understand what you mean. It's all so much fun until you just can't spend any more of your normal life's free time on it, yet the project has problems. Adventure II has been a real learning project. I recoded so many things in it, shifted stuff around countless times trying to make room in ROM, we totally changed every character set in 2004 to improve collision and other things, and I had to re-do the sprites probably 3 times, including the tedious ".byte %01101110" crap of typing in the image into ASM.


Another 'perk' of homebrewing is trying to think & concentrate late at night ... many mistakes made that way. "Is it BCC or BCS??" :) However, when its all done ... YEE HAW! What satisfaction!


BTW-ADV II is completely kick ass.  You have done a wonderful job.


Thanks. I'm in the home stretch, in fact I'm working on it this evening. By using PUCRUNCH compression on the sprites, I've tripled the animation while saving hundred and hundreds of bytes. I probably should be putting this detailed stuff in the homebrew or Developers forum...

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hahhaa!  yea, Ron. I'm done. You ever feel that way?  i really am.  The reason?  That last 10%!!!  You are almost done...  and you are working working working to get it finished!!!  it's so bad.  Those last hard to find bugs...  it's almost worst than my job.  Tempest (Matt Reichart) found bugs in Spectar.  It's just a beating.


Adventure II has been....HOW LONG?  I think you know what I mean. 


BTW-ADV II is completely kick ass.  You have done a wonderful job.


Let me see if I did understand: are you trying to say that you are quiting?

I find it hard to believe. Cafeman is right: there is so much satisfaction in completing a game, and once it is done you will want more. You will want to do things better. You will want a greater challenge.

Call me obsessive, but I feel like I am a slave of this hobby and I simply can't let it go. Of course not everyone thinks the same, but I am convinced that the same passion which brought us here in first place will undertake the task of bringing us back over again.

Take a rest for a few weeks and I am sure that you will be willing to get back. :)



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Nice pics...was it dead there or something? I didn't see alot for sale... I hope Philly is better... Anyone with pics of what they found?




I'm back in Austin, just unpacked and returned the truck a few minutes ago. I had a lot of fun at the show and saw many people from the forums who live in and around the Dallas area. Thanks go out to everyone who stopped by! As to attendance, definitely lower than I expected and certainly not the 20,000+ people that was touted by the organizers of the larger (NBC) show. Also, I was expecting it to be an "NBC Tech Expo", which is what they do in Philly, but it was an "NBC Home and Lifestyles" show, so I don't think that attracts quite the same crowd.


I expect Philly will be considerably different for a few reasons:


1) The organizers are based in Philadelphia, so it's a bit easier for them to organize vendors, promote the show, and so forth.


2) There is a prior history with Phillyclassic, and this will be the sixth show. So there's already a wealth of vendors and attendees who will come to the show. Whereas this was their first show in Dallas. I'm sure it'll improve in future years.


3) The planned floor space for the vgXpo is going to be huge compared to the Dallas show, and much larger than previous PhillyClassic shows.


4) PhillyClassic has always been well attended by classic gaming fans and last year's show (PhillyClassic 5) brought 2,600 people to the event, which is the largest such show in terms of attendance thus far. I expect many of those same people will be at this year's show in November. Combine that with the expected attendance of the NBC Tech Expo (which the Philly organizers have participated in for the past two years, so they know how busy that show is), they'll blow the doors off attendance figures in November.


I'm very much looking forward to Philly. :)


I took lots of pictures of the show and I'll post them soon.



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  • 2 weeks later...

There are a number of issues that we got stung with on the first two vgXpo shows. Biggest among them is that the number of folks coming into the vgXpo-Dallas was not as high as we expected.


Working with NBC is a dream for us. But, handing 100% of the marketing over to them did not sit well for us. When we signed on with NBC to run the shows, each of the events was a Technology focused show. NBC's '2004' Dallas show was a Tech event and had nearly 20,000 attendees. NBC modified the focus of the Dallas show to include Lifestyles and it really made the show fall off of its mark. Additionally, the marketing of the show, in general, played out poorly. We had hoped to ride the coat tails of the NBC organization, but have realized that it really takes gamers to run a gaming event and we cannot expect NBC to deliver all of our marketing for the show.


On the up side, the Dallas and D.C. shows provide us with 2 very important things. First, it provides us with a way to get our feet wet under new management and second it provides us a way to promote Philly and the 2006 shows.


We will continue to work with NBC through the rest of the year and may re-evaluate our relationship with them in the future. Rest assured, we plan to continue growing videogame events throughout the country. However, we need you and your gaming friends to help us grow these shows. I want you to know that the vgXpo management reads your posts and we are taking steps to resolve the issues we ran into.


As other show managers (like Al at AGE and the DP gang with CGE) can tell you, running a gaming event is a huge amount of work. It takes more resources then you can imagine and takes away a lot of your personal time. However, I and the rest of the vgXpo team are in this for the long run.


I've never posted here at Atari Age before and have only posted on DP once, and I don't really post on any sites other then videogame.net. However I thought it was important to add my voice to the mix.


I want everyone to know that I love games, and running the VideoGame.Net Experience and the vgXpo is my full time job. How many other game fans can say they make a living with games? I love it, and make a living out of it is my dream.


Sure, I was a bit disappointed by the Dallas turn out. But, I sure did learn allot about running a game show.


I think, for the most part, Dallas and DC were good shows... Even though we expected more from NBC -- I have always run my business knowing to be something, you have to start with humble origins to make a big future.


As we ramp up for Philly, I want everyone to know that my heart is in this. Philly is going to be our big 2005 event - and Dallas and D.C. are part of the path to make vgXPo one of the most important events for gamers.




Ed Fleming

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