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Rumoured game you most want to see.


Which of these rumoured or missing 7800 games would you most like to see discovered?  

132 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of these rumoured or missing 7800 games would you most like to see discovered?

    • Rampart
    • Missile Command
    • Gauntlet
    • Sky Fox
    • Plutos
    • Pacland
    • Electrocop
    • Moon Patrol
    • Missing In Action

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Didn't realize "standard" usage of words were only allowed - "non-standard" usage is prohibited - too "weird"...Understood, thanks! :-D

However, stating "nobody does that" would be inaccurate, correct? Evidently, some person(s) does "that". ;)


You may need to reach out to correct/fine/arrest(?) Merriam-Webster linked earlier too, for their weirdness and deviating from standardization of defining and applying words. Nonetheless, you working the grammar police beat on these forums is appreciated...Keep up the great work. :)


Getting somewhat back on track...Any insight as to why Gauntlet "clearly digitized straight from the arcade machine" effects were utilized at the Jinks title screen?


I couldn't find much on the developer "Softgold" other than being another name for "Graftgold". Graftgold's (published) game list does not show (a) "Gauntlet" (port) in any of its releases.


There are connections to:


While hoping to find some ties to US Gold considering the number of Gauntlet related items under their belt, I almost forgot, we do have Gauntlet: The Third Encounter for the Atari Lynx right around the same period as 7800's Jinks; which, in turn, used the vertical mode of the Lynx. The only other game to do that under the Lynx is Klax - And we do have/found the Klax prototype for the 7800.
Likely, a super-stretch in trying to find a connection, or glimmer of hope for a Gauntlet prototype under the 7800...but hey, you never know.
*EDIT*: Looks like these details may very well be connected: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/175100-gauntlet/?do=findComment&comment=2177966
Zero - Issue 07 - United Kingdom Magazine:
*EDIT 2*: Almost a year and a half ago, and I already forgot... http://atariage.com/forums/topic/175100-gauntlet/page-2#entry2718763
Damn it...both my memory and the news. :(



So someone should track down Bob Armour online and ask him how far he got with 7800 Gauntlet then and if he still has any of the code...


Scratch that, Trebor posted to a different thread last year with a quote from Bob stating he only worked on the Atari computer versions of Gauntlet so that article was incorrect.

Edited by Lynxpro
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