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ACEC Swap Meet Yesterday, sept 10, 2005

Atari Dogs

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I went to the Atari Computer Enthusiasts of Columbus annual swap meet today. Steven Tucker was there selling his multi-carts and some of his conversions. I had aready bought his 5200 multi-cart and a SpyHunter cartridge from him, so it was great to finally meet him.


I must say that I highly recommend the 5200 multi-cart. It was the whole reason I bought a 5200. Having all of the cartridges and conversions on one cartridge is fantastic. Well it does not have Bounty Bob Strikes Back. There is even a more advanced 5200 multi-cart coming out that should be great. I may have to buy that too.


I also got to see M.U.L.E. in action. I could only stay about 15 minutes and had two of my kids running around, so I probably missed a lot of people, but I can say I had hoped to see more fans and vendors there. I know there are many more Atari fans in Ohio.


Who else was there?

Edited by Atari Dogs
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i was there for half an hour or so, picked up an atari 400 for 3 dollars, but i took it home to find it wasnt working... no biggie, it wasnt that expensive. i also picked up a dozen 8-bit carts for a buck a piece, and an intellivision synth for 5 dollars. not a bad haul, though i really wanted to play with the 400

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