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7800 games versus their 2600 counterparts


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Which 7800 and their 2600 counterparts go best together?

My vote's for Donkey Kong.


Also, if there's a 7800 game that doesn't have a 2600 equivalent, tell us what you think the 2600 version would be like (assuming it was a ha;fway decent port).


I think 2600 BallBlazer would be played in a top down view, kinda like a cross between Video Checkers and Pong Sports/Video Olympics. The only difference is you'd use the joystick controllers to move the rotofoils around the screen.

It should be made along the lines of Blue Print or Bump 'n' Jump so that it's got some light background music. If not that, then made by Activision with the DPC chip.


Which pairs do you like best? What would a 2600 port of any 7800 game look like?

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I think 2600 BallBlazer would be played in a top down view, kinda like a cross between Video Checkers and Pong Sports/Video Olympics.  The only difference is you'd use the joystick controllers to move the rotofoils around the screen.


I've not played Beamrider--just seen snapshots--but it would seem a Beamrider-style kernel for Ballblazer could be pretty awesome. Even if it needed a helper chip like Pitfall 2.

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The DK's work well, so does Pole position, and certainly centipede and Asteroids.


Actually, I even kind of like Desert Falcon on the 2600. It's sort of like playing an interactive ink blot test :D


I then have to play the 7800 version to restore my strained vision to normal :cool:

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I like both versions of Mario Bros., but then I'm a Mario Bros. addict (I *love* the arcade version...the home versions are good too).





The two Mario Bros. make a great pair. I even think that 2600 Mario Bros. has better control and more fun gameplay than 7800 Mario Bros. I especially like Rhindle the Red's 2600 Return of Mario Bros. hack, and I'm glad I have it on cartridge.


For Centipede/Millipede:

I find 2600 Millipede to be my favorite as a 1 player game, but 7800 Centipede is awesome in "2 players at the same time" mode.


7800 Dark Chambers is much more fun than 2600 Dark Chambers, but 2600 Dark Chambers is an impressive technical feat...


I also think the 2 Ms. Pac Man's are a great pair - especially if you think of the 2600 Ms. Pac as training wheels for the harder 7800 Ms. Pac.


One more thing -- both Q*berts are great -- I have been really enjoing the 7800 Q*bert homebrew on my CCII lately.

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Asteroids makes a good 2600/7800 pair. Both have unique features that make each a must-have. The same goes for Centipede.


Ms. Pac-Man, Dig-Dug and Joust are also good to have on both. The 7800 versions give you better graphics, the 2600 versions give you more variety, and both sets give you addictive game play.


The 7800 wins hands down on most other games, including Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Junior, Mario Brothers, Crossbow, Dark Chambers and Desert Falcon. The 2600 versions are not without merit (generally speaking), but to someone who isn't a collector, they do not really offer anything beyond what's in the 7800 versions.

Edited by skunkworx
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Its a shame Missile Command was never released for the 7800 as then it would have been on every Atari console.



Missile Command really requires a high-resolution bitmap screen to be done 'right'. It would be theoretically possible to make the game work using display lists, but the code for it would be downright bizarre. I suppose, given that Impossible Mission used an 8Kx8 RAM there's no particular reason why a Missile Command cart couldn't have done likewise (though 16K RAM would be better).


BTW, given 2K or more of RAM, a 2600 can do a very nice Missile Command (RF's version is great too, but the RAM+ version can support lots of independent missiles and explosions).

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Lord Thag said:


Actually, I even kind of like Desert Falcon on the 2600. It's sort of like playing an interactive ink blot test


I've only played it in emulation, and I typically die really quickly. Is it as bad on genuine hardware?



I'd say yes, but I've never played Desert Falcon under emulation. It's a pretty common cart, so you might be able to find one.

Try to take it easy--land when you need a slowdown in the action. Also, use your arrows to determine if you're gonna hit a wall or something. If they ain't killing the enemies, you shoot at, then take evasive action.

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I would say that I like the Ms. Pac-Man pair best. While obviously the 7800 has the closest-to-arcade experience, the 2600 version is fairly well done and I tend to play both of them quite a bit.


As for 7800 games that didn't find a home on the 2600, I sometimes wonder what "Food Fight" might've turned out like on the 2600.

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  • 1 month later...
As for 7800 games that didn't find a home on the 2600, I sometimes wonder what "Food Fight" might've turned out like on the 2600.

I made a mockup a couple of weeks ago.


Here's the pic; details at the link:


You could make a pretty good translation, I think.

Edited by vdub_bobby
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Just for kicks, I went through the AA database and made a list of games that were made for both the 2600 and the 7800. It's a pretty extensive list:



Burgertime (Beef Drop on 7800)




Dark Chambers

Desert Falcon


Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong Jr.

Double Dragon

Fatal Run

Ikari Warriors


Kung-Fu Master

Mario Bros.

Ms. Pac-Man

Pete Rose Baseball


Realsports Baseball


Summer Games

Tomcat: The F-14 Simulator

Winter Games




Xevious: 7800 release, 2600 prototype

KLAX: 2600 release, 7800 prototype


I think that's accurate.


EDIT: It turns out it wasn't accurate; surprise, surprise. Anyway, added into the list the missing games mentioned.

Edited by vdub_bobby
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Just for kicks, I went through the AA database and made a list of games that were made for both the 2600 and the 7800.  It's a pretty extensive list:






Dark Chambers

Desert Falcon


Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong Jr.

Double Dragon

Fatal Run

Ikari Warriors


Mario Bros.

Ms. Pac-Man

Pete Rose Baseball


Realsports Baseball

Summer Games

Tomcat: The F-14 Simulator

Winter Games




Xevious: 7800 release, 2600 prototype

KLAX: 2600 release, 7800 prototype


I think that's accurate.



You left out Kung-Fu Master, but then again, the only difference between the 2600 and 7800 version is the graphics detail.

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If you want to count hacks and homebrews, then we also have Pac-Man, Q*Bert, and Frogger.


We even have Pac-Man Plus, arguably.


Well...I wouldn't count hacks. And Q*Bert and Frogger aren't finished/released yet. Though I should have counted Burgertime/Beef Drop, which is completed. I think.

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