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Pro Joysticks vs. CX-40 Joysticks

HP Atari King of Michigan

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I don't think there are real problems with the proline, because I played through some other games in my 7800 library last night and didn't experience anywhere near the amount of pain I incurred playing Joust. Maybe I should just use a CX-40 for Joust. Robotron is better with Prolines, from my experience. I guess I'm diluting my original disdain for them :D

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I've heard that the old Genesis controllers can be used on the 2600 and (maybe) the 7800. And there are plenty "new" ones out there. But are you saying of all 6 buttons only 1 is mapped that the 7800 can use? How hard would a conversion be?


Time for you to read the 2600 FAQ

Edited by jsoper
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Ah, 2600 FAQs... that explains it. Thanks. :)


Back to the Prolines, why the long design? The 5200 controllers have keypads that take up space, and the Sears Proline has the rapid-fire switch. Since 7800 development was cut short in '84 and nothing new was really brought out in '86, does anyone know if there were plans to upgrade the Prolines to something similar to the 5200 controllers? Added functionality might put the Proline above the CX-40, even with the pain factored in.

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"I would like to score a couple of those 7800 'nes' style pads. Someday..."


They're junk in my opinion, you're better off with the Prolines.



I agree- but that could be because I've always preferred joysticks to directional pads. As for the prolines, I have more problems with the fire buttons not being responsive enough, than using the joystick. I have the 7800 "nes" style pads, but they don't seem as responsive to movement as my prolines. So... if I could combine the joystick from the prolines with the better fire buttons on the pads, I would be happier.

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For many games (slide n shoot and others) my favorite is the older bigger sega genesis controller. It requires no modification to work (only 1 button on 7800 though)


I've heard that the old Genesis controllers can be used on the 2600 and (maybe) the 7800. And there are plenty "new" ones out there. But are you saying of all 6 buttons only 1 is mapped that the 7800 can use? How hard would a conversion be?


They work great with a 2600 or 7800, just plug em in. Yeah on a 7800 only 1 button is mapped correctly, I imagine a conversion would not be too hard though you would probably have to add a resistor?

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Ah, 2600 FAQs... that explains it. Thanks. :)


Back to the Prolines, why the long design? The 5200 controllers have keypads that take up space, and the Sears Proline has the rapid-fire switch. Since 7800 development was cut short in '84 and nothing new was really brought out in '86, does anyone know if there were plans to upgrade the Prolines to something similar to the 5200 controllers? Added functionality might put the Proline above the CX-40, even with the pain factored in.



Thats a good question. I wunder why Atari would settle on a crappy design for no good reason? I mean, they do look cool, but they suck to play with. You'd think that after the 5200 debacle (crappy side fire buttons) they would have learned that putting the fire buttons on the side CRAMPS YOUR HANDS). They got rid of the non-centering stick...and kept the crappy thumb-bustin shape.

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  • 2 months later...
Ah, 2600 FAQs... that explains it. Thanks. :)


Back to the Prolines, why the long design? The 5200 controllers have keypads that take up space, and the Sears Proline has the rapid-fire switch. Since 7800 development was cut short in '84 and nothing new was really brought out in '86, does anyone know if there were plans to upgrade the Prolines to something similar to the 5200 controllers? Added functionality might put the Proline above the CX-40, even with the pain factored in.



Thats a good question. I wunder why Atari would settle on a crappy design for no good reason? I mean, they do look cool, but they suck to play with. You'd think that after the 5200 debacle (crappy side fire buttons) they would have learned that putting the fire buttons on the side CRAMPS YOUR HANDS). They got rid of the non-centering stick...and kept the crappy thumb-bustin shape.



Nintendo got it right when their controllers came out, unlike Atari.

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  • 3 months later...

I've got a few extra NES pads I've been meaning to convert for use on the7800. Easy enough, just haven't done it. :/


Anywho, Prolines. They were ok, but I didn't like them all that much. They aren't quite as comfortable as one would think (atleast to me), the buttons seem to be unresponsive at times, and the stick shaft bends way to easy. I also had that stupid plastic piece that engages the buttons break on one of mine. So I've only got one functional one left.


I prefer the 5200 sticks over them actually. Atleast anything that goes wrong with a 5200 stick, you can fix yourself with nearly anything. How the heck can you you fix the Proline's plastic 4-legged spider thing. One of these days I need to mold or fab a replacement piece.

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Oh, for a 7800 Wico stick...


A Wico stick conversion would be tricky without doing some real frankenstein surgury on it, but I wonder if you could convert an Amiga Power Stick? These little buggers are extremely small, smooth, easy to grip, and (most importantly) have two buttons. The two buttons are merely for symmetry, but you might be able to rejigger it to use both buttons separately.


Just a thought. :ponder:

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