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Massive Haul!


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Woohoo! I love it when someone has too much stuff they want to unload cheap. Now, I've been wanting to get an 8-bit kit back together for some time now -- haven't had one since 1989, so it's been a while. ;) So someone on CGCC advertized a bunch of Atari computer gear they wanted to be rid of. I took them up on the offer.


Here's what I scored:


ST stuff:


- 520STfm (1 meg RAM); no power cord or mouse. (I already have a 1040STfm with both so no big deal)

- SC1224 colour monitor

- Miscellaneous wooden monitor stand

- 13 disk cases crammed with ST disks (there's gotta be a thousand there) -- some are even store-bought. ;)


8-Bit stuff:

- 130XE w/ AC brick and RF adapter

- 1050 drive w/ AC brick

- XF551 drive w/ AC brick (black -- wasn't this supposed to come with a matching gray AC?)

- 5 SIO cables


- Atariwriter cart


Misc. stuff:

- Wico BOSS

- Another 4 disk cases or so full of PC disks


There was another nice bonus. The guy I bought this from wasn't the original owner, but I figured whoever originally bought a 130XE, a 1050 and an XF551 knew their stuff. If they bought an XF, they probably wanted more space and speed, but probably started with the 1050 and probably wanted more speed and space before they bought the XF. So I cracked it open, removed the shielding and sure enough, there was that big black ICD chip: US doublers.


Punchline: C$60 (approx. US$50). Delivered. Angel did the recieving (as I was at work when he dropped by) and she insisted on throwing in $20 for gas -- we both felt bad taking such a big haul for so little. He almost wouldn't hear of it, but she practically forced the $20 on him.


Unfortunately there were exactly zero disks for the 8-bit so I can't test either of the disk drives. Now I gotta find me some disks o' stuff for the 8-bit. Anyone got a pile they want to unload? :)

Edited by Mindfield
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Nice score!!


Originally this lot was supposed to be completely free if I picked it up. I did not want to drive to Keswick (3 hrs. from Kingston) to get it when it was first posted so I decided against it. When I found out that it was still available I inquired again. The guy said that now I would have to pay or trade him for it so I said I was no longer interested. I am cheap like that.


Congrats!! No need for disks. SIO2PC is the way to be.

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Nice score!!


Originally this lot was supposed to be completely free if I picked it up. I did not want to drive to Keswick (3 hrs. from Kingston) to get it when it was first posted so I decided against it. When I found out that it was still available I inquired again. The guy said that now I would have to pay or trade him for it so I said I was no longer interested. I am cheap like that.


Congrats!! No need for disks. SIO2PC is the way to be.



Heh -- SIO2PC is definitely on the list, but I discovered something slightly more pressing. For some reason I always thought you could plug an SC1224 right into an XE. (I never owned both concurrently so I was never able to confirm that) The pins are different though. Is there some sort of adapter you can get to make that happen? The only item on an eBay search of "atari xe monitor" was one to let you use a C64 monitor. (I use to have one, but it died on me)


As for the haul -- I didn't know it was originally supposed to be free, but although Keswick is closer to me than you it's still way too far. Just the same I was more than happy to pay $80 for this lot. The boxed XF551 alone is worth more than that. :D

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Nice score!!


Originally this lot was supposed to be completely free if I picked it up. I did not want to drive to Keswick (3 hrs. from Kingston) to get it when it was first posted so I decided against it. When I found out that it was still available I inquired again. The guy said that now I would have to pay or trade him for it so I said I was no longer interested. I am cheap like that.


Congrats!! No need for disks. SIO2PC is the way to be.



Heh -- SIO2PC is definitely on the list, but I discovered something slightly more pressing. For some reason I always thought you could plug an SC1224 right into an XE. (I never owned both concurrently so I was never able to confirm that) The pins are different though. Is there some sort of adapter you can get to make that happen? The only item on an eBay search of "atari xe monitor" was one to let you use a C64 monitor. (I use to have one, but it died on me)


As for the haul -- I didn't know it was originally supposed to be free, but although Keswick is closer to me than you it's still way too far. Just the same I was more than happy to pay $80 for this lot. The boxed XF551 alone is worth more than that. :D



The SC1224 is RGB only. Is an adapter concievable? Possibly, after all, the Commodore 1084 series among others is RGB and also has S-video and composite video inputs, but no adapter or monitor mod was ever made that I know of. But, that may be where you misunderstood, as the Atari SC1435 monitor and the Commodore 1084 are the same montor internally, which could have lead you to a mix-up between the two Atari monitors. Anyhow, as far as I know, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, even though the SC1435 is basically the same monitor as the 1084, it wasn't equiped with composite or S-video so an Atari 8-bit like the 130XE could be used with it. Besides a couple prototypes, there is no 8-bit Atari monitor. Many people use the C64 and Amiga monitors for the Atari 8-bits. An Apple composite, or any composite monitor from that era will work also. It's just a single RCA video jack and possibley RCA audio on all of them. I have an Apple composite monitor hooked up to my Atari 800 and an Amiga 1084S monitor hooked up to both my 1200XL and 130XE via chroma/lumina(S-video) using the proper video cable(which is also compatible with the C64 monitor cables and vice-versa). Best Electronics and B&C both carry Atari/C64 monitor cables with both composite and chroma/lumina(two RCA jacks instead of an S-video jack) and I also see them all the time on E-bay too. If you can't find and Atari monitor cable listed, search for a C64 cable. But restricting the search to Atari XE is not a good idea, it's only part of a whole series of compatible 8-bits including the 800 and XL models. The best search would be either just Atari monitor cable or Atari 800/XL/XE cable. Keep the search as broad as possible, if it comes up with cables other than just for monitors, so what, monitor cables will be listed too.

Edited by Gunstar
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Damn. I was hoping. I have a small TV I can use (one with a vhold knob so I can see PAL stuff), I was just hoping I could sort of make the SC1224 work double duty as an ST/XE monitor. (I'd lose the cool graphics 8 artifacting, but for convenience it would have been nice) Then I could have put them both on the same table I currently have the ST on.

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The 520 has RF output right?  Not a perfect fit but if you are only playing games with it then it should be fine - then both systems on 1 TV :)



I'd rather not. The ST looks like crap on a TV -- I ran my first ST on one for some time before I managed to get a monitor for it.

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The 520 has RF output right?  Not a perfect fit but if you are only playing games with it then it should be fine - then both systems on 1 TV :)



I'd rather not. The ST looks like crap on a TV -- I ran my first ST on one for some time before I managed to get a monitor for it.



Please do your A8 a favour and invest in a Commodore/Amiga monitor! The image quality can't be surpassed with an unmodded (A/V) A8, and they're still relatively easy to find in Canada.


I also have a ton o' 8-bit disks. What are you looking for? :)

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Please do your A8 a favour and invest in a Commodore/Amiga monitor! The image quality can't be surpassed with an unmodded (A/V) A8, and they're still relatively easy to find in Canada.


I may have to do that. The real problem with getting one is that eBay isn't exactly a viable option; shipping monitors is expensive, so I'll have to see if I can find something locally that preferably can be delivered. :P


I also have a ton o' 8-bit disks. What are you looking for?  :)



At this point it doesn't really matter; I don't have any. :)

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  • 1 month later...
However, the only 8-bit that could do the 4-player thing would be the 400, since it's the only model with 4 joystick ports...











Yeah, uh... isn't that what I said? Must have been a typo, the 4 and 8 keys being so close together and all... :ponder:

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