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In Search of the Most Amazing Thing


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I'm using an Atari 800, and am trying to play this game that I loved so much. When I dug out all of my old Atari stuff, I found the documentation and the case for the disks, but it didn't have the disks in it.


So I've found the program online and have downloaded it. I'm using the APE for Windows to load programs and whatnot and haven't had a problem with it. However, whenever I run this program, I get an error that reads "Error- 12 at line 26000". The basic cartridge is inserted as I know it's a BASIC game.


Any idea what I can do to make this game play correctly? I've redownloaded the file atleast three times to make sure that wasn't the issue.


The game loads ok, but as soon as the game goes to start playing - I get that error every time.


Any suggestions?


Thanks in advance!

Edited by Kalwren
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Hmmm, I downloaded and ran the following link on my 130XE, and I receive the same problem.


Error 12 is Line Not Found.


The GOSUB 16 is trying to go to a 16, but line 16 is not in the file....


In Search of the Most Amazing Thing on atari.fandal.cz



Why don't you ask Tom Snyder if he has a working copy. :)


Tom Snyder Productions (about Tom)

Edited by Cybernoid
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Hmmm, I downloaded and ran the following link on my 130XE, and I receive the same problem.


Error 12 is Line Not Found.


The GOSUB 16 is trying to go to a 16, but line 16 is not in the file....


In Search of the Most Amazing Thing on atari.fandal.cz



Why don't you ask Tom Snyder if he has a working copy. :)


Tom Snyder Productions (about Tom)




Lol - Are you serious about asking him?

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Why don't you ask Tom Snyder if he has a working copy. :)


Tom Snyder Productions (about Tom)




Lol - Are you serious about asking him?



Sure. Just sent him an email. The only dumb question is the one that is not asked. Besides, it is fun to see what replies you get regarding a 20+ year old product. I'll let you know if I hear anything.


It looks like you can still buy a copy of ISOTMAT from gamesplus.com... Don't know how reputable they are...


Atari 8-Bit Games: _EDUCATION - In Search of the Most Amazing Thing

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Okay, I hacked around the ELEV.BAS file and found part of the problem.


To get the game working, basically do this.


When you receive the "ERROR- 12 AT LINE 26000" on screen, type:

25450 RETURN


This basically side-steps the Save Game function, so I am not sure that you can save a game. There seems to be something wrong with the write function of the disk handler of the DOS included with the game.



This is the code you are not executing:


25449 REM --- SAVE GAME ---
25450 OPEN #1,8,0,SF$
25460 PRINT #1;HUNGRY;",";SLEEP;",";FUEL;",";CH(1);",";CH(2);",";CH(3);",";XCOORD;",";YCOORD
25465 PRINT #1;EQUIP;",";SOFT;",";CX;",";CY;",";XC;",";YC;",";WEIGHT;",";ITEM;",";ADVICE;",";BRANCH
25470 PRINT #1;TYP;",";ALT;",";BURNER;",";HIGH;",";VEL;",";VENT;",";VOLUME;",";GIFT
25480 CLOSE #1:RETURN 



Happy gaming!



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Wow! Thanks so much, I'll definately give this a try!


Okay, I hacked around the ELEV.BAS file and found part of the problem.


To get the game working, basically do this.


When you receive the "ERROR-    12 AT LINE 26000" on screen, type:

25450 RETURN


This basically side-steps the Save Game function, so I am not sure that you can save a game.  There seems to be something wrong with the write function of the disk handler of the DOS included with the game.



This is the code you are not executing:


25449 REM --- SAVE GAME ---
25450 OPEN #1,8,0,SF$
25460 PRINT #1;HUNGRY;",";SLEEP;",";FUEL;",";CH(1);",";CH(2);",";CH(3);",";XCOORD;",";YCOORD
25465 PRINT #1;EQUIP;",";SOFT;",";CX;",";CY;",";XC;",";YC;",";WEIGHT;",";ITEM;",";ADVICE;",";BRANCH
25470 PRINT #1;TYP;",";ALT;",";BURNER;",";HIGH;",";VEL;",";VENT;",";VOLUME;",";GIFT
25480 CLOSE #1:RETURN 



Happy gaming!




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
A VAPI image of this game (that seems to be running fine) is available at Atarimania.



Thanks for information. I downloaded the files and they're in .atx format, which I'm not familiar with.


From poking around, I guess they're VAPI images? I'm unable to find software that supports that image type. APE doesn't support them, either. I have a SIO2PC cable, running APE without a problem.


I just need to find the software that will let me use an .atx image. Ideally, I'd like to convert it to .atr so I can use it with APE.


If you would be so kind as to point in the right direction here? I've looked around, and I've checked the links at the bottom of your post but I'm coming up short for the software.


Thanks in advance, I appreciate your time!

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A VAPI image of this game (that seems to be running fine) is available at Atarimania.


From poking around, I guess they're VAPI images? I'm unable to find software that supports that image type. APE doesn't support them, either. I have a SIO2PC cable, running APE without a problem.


If you mean support for running on a real Atari with a SIO2PC, then not yet. Software for using VAPI images this way will be available soon.


In the meantime you can run the image on a patched version of Atari800WinPlus. It is available at Atarimania.


Ideally, I'd like to convert it to .atr


That's not easy because the game is copy protected. But may be some of the fine hackers here might be able to. To convert it to ATR it needs to be cracked.


I expect many recracks to be made from VAPI images. It happened a lot with Pasti.

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