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How similar are Food Fight and Robotron?


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uhh not very similar at all. Robotron is all about the control (i.e. moving in one direction and shooting another). Course in the 7800 version you have to use 2 joysticks to do that. Playing it any other way is a travesty :D


In Foodfight you can only shoot in the direction you're running :)

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The goal in each game is different as well. In Food Fight the trick is to tag as many chefs as you can, while still trying to get the ice cream before it melts and avoid the food and manholes...


In robotron you gotta grab as many people as you can before they are taken out by the robots, and clear out the robots while dodging their shots and them.


The other big difference besides the controls...is that in Food fight..the ice cream is always in the same place whereas the humans in Robotron run all over the place. Robotron is also much more frantic action wise.

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NE146 brings up a good point... the way each game is intended to be played is quite different in terms of control.


Remember that Robotron was designed originally to be played with two joysticks, while Food Fight utilizes the tried-and-true "stick-n-button" control.


Now granted you can play Robotron on the 7800 with just the single joystick, but for me the game just isn't as fun as it is playing with two sticks hooked up.


Another difference is that Food Fight has unlimited enemies in a level. They just keep coming until you (A) finish the stage, or (B) the ice cream cone melts. Robotron, on the other hand, has a limited set of enemies at each level that you have to defeat, and the only time more spawn is when you screw around and let a Spheroid spawn Enforcers (and likewise let Quarks spawn Tanks).

Edited by rockman_x_2002
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And don't you fall down the holes in Food Fight if you are not careful? Oops, someone did mention the holes. I didn't see it the first time. I used to love Food Fight, but I don't like it that much anymore. Maybe if it used two joysticks I would like it better.

Edited by Random Terrain
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