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Good Endings

Classic Pac

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Fatal Run is fantastic ... an animated ending, which is cool. Alien Brigade is good. Planet Smashers is pretty good as well.


Endings are usually not the 7800's strong suit ... even games that are generally considered good on that system are lacking in this department. Commando repeats, Xenophobe repeats, Midnight Mutants has a surprisingly lame ending for such a good game, Double Dragon is OK, Rampage repeats, Ikari Warriors is ok etc.


I'd argue that FATAL RUN has the best ending on the 7800, but it's not (IMO) all that good of a game to inspire you to see it! LOL.

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Scrapyard Dog and Ninja Golf both have lame endings. Fatal Run is the best by far, but it's not great.





I could have sworn Ninja Golf just repeated over again ...?




Nope. It plays "Glory Glory Hallueluah" (which is hysterical) and types out how you brought honor to your house by finishing Ninja School.



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Scrapyard Dog has an ending.


The difference between the "lose the last puzzle" and the "beat the last puzzle" endings are so minor though. Too minor. :)


I was distraught sitting there and waiting to watch the poor little dog squirming in that last scene (snif!). I'll never let you down again, Scraps! Never!



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I cannot do it myself cause I'm just getting into 2600 hacking but it would be cool to take alot of those games that just loop and add an ending to them. Even if it was just a "You Win" or "The End" that noted some type of completion that would be cool. A hard reset would be cool also (as in you cannot press 1 or 2 to start agian). I know Rampage would be back in my collection pretty quick if it actually had an ending, even if it was as simple as "You Distroyed The World!!"

What do you guys think? It couldn't be that hard seeing as so many guys are adding "Start" screens to all the classic games, Well now some 7800's need an end screen too!!

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Alright you jerks. How in the holy hell did you guys beat Scrapyard Dog? Were the big sewer jumps in world 3 the hardest part? If so, I may give it another go.


Cousin Vinnie



This coming from the man who beat Karateka?

And, what about Planet Smashers? I always get the Earth Shield nuked, and then find out that all of my reserve men are toast.


For Scrapyard dog, IIRC *most* of the bad sewer jumps can be worked around. You just have to find a tube/pipe/hole that warps you past them. I believe this can be done in 80% of all "hard jump" situations. You just have to be willing enough to explore a little. Of course, while exploring, you'll probably end up screwed in one of these bad-jump situations anyway, but, well, they all "techincally" can be beaten. But, they still do suck.


if you have one in particular you're stuck on, let me know. Maybe I can plot a path for ya.



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Well, I'll tell you this.  I picked up Tower Toppler yesterday and I will never, ever, in a million years see the ending of that game.  I'll be lucky to make it past the second tower. ^_^



I'd recommend taking a look at my tower maps (that Mitch has so graciously hosted on his awesome site):




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