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Metroid Prime


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I've really enjoyed reading all your comments about the game and Thanks to all for posting!!


Reading some of your posts gave me pause to think... do developers really listen to their customers? I mean, if there were complaints with MP because of difficulty and save point placement, don't you think they'd listen and maybe fix some of that for Echo's?



"Well, the reviews are coming in and quite a few people say that MP is frustratingly difficult and the save points are too few and far apart."


"Okay... we'll make Echo's harder with fewer save point positions."



I'm still enjoying the game and am awestruck at the atmosphere and graphic touches they put in. To have your visor fill with steam or moisture/condensation appear on it when going thru water is one hell of a nice touch. But its still frustrating as hell at times but that might just be me. I excell at some games (1st person shooters and RPG's) but games like this with bosses and precise movement often give me nothing but headaches.



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Well, the thing I just need to say again is that as hard as the MP games are (and they DO seem a lot harder than almost any other games out today), they are STILL easier than the original NES Metroid.


I did get disappointed with how arbitrarily frustrating some of the bosses in MP2 were, but in general the game was still great fun. (The biggest problem was that about 3/4 of the way through the game, when I was really familiar with the mechanics of the game but starting to get to the insanely hard bosses, I got into a rut where I'd get stuck on a boss, put the game aside for 3 weeks, pick it up again, finally beat that boss, race through to the next boss the same day, and then set it aside again for another 3 weeks.)

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Well, the thing I just need to say again is that as hard as the MP games are (and they DO seem a lot harder than almost any other games out today), they are STILL easier than the original NES Metroid.
Not if you know the right "password". ;) :D


I got into a rut where I'd get stuck on a boss, put the game aside for 3 weeks, pick it up again, finally beat that boss, race through to the next boss the same day, and then set it aside again for another 3 weeks.)


I haven't played MP2 in about 2 months now. I probably won't for a while with the holiday games coming up. (Dragon Quest will consume my time soon.) But probably eventually. Likely in the next year.

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Not sure if I'm at another of those FRUSTRATION points or not.


Just made it to the Ice Temple where you get the Ice Beam. Took out the 4 little dragons (can't think of their names at the moment) with no problem when Big Momma dragon comes storming in. Died 3 times fighting her and not even sure if I was hurting her at all. If I hit her anyplace except the head it didn't seem to do anything and you can't lock onto her head using the L shoulder button.. you have to use Free Aim. She'd glow red when I'd hit her in the head with a missiles but I still can't tell if I'm really hurting her or not.


Frustrating part of this (so far) is its a loooong run from the last save point back to the Temple. So while I'm experimenting with how to kill her, I've had to make that long run 3 times now and scan the statues (trying to keep up with scanning everything I find) every time I die.


Still enjoying the game.. but that may change If I have to make the Ice Temple run for the 50th time  :sad:




Sheegoth and the baby sheegoths.


I used lock-on. That lets you side-step the breath and such, and maintains your aim more or less right.

Missiles to the face when it's "panting" damage it.


You don't have to lock on to your ACTUAL target, a lock on something behind the target works just as well(this was VERY useful against the plant boss, and made blasting the mirrors up MUCH faster).


You CAN bomb the stomach, and I saw it recommended as the preferred strategy, but it didn't seem very effective to me.




Edit: While refereshing my memory by digging up a few walktrhogush, I was reminded of a trick you can use to deal more damage. If you have the power beam selected, you can sit there alternating the missile and beam fire buttons to cancel out the "reload" time on the missile launcher. Should make the fight a LOT faster.

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Well, the thing I just need to say again is that as hard as the MP games are (and they DO seem a lot harder than almost any other games out today), they are STILL easier than the original NES Metroid.
Not if you know the right "password". ;) :D

Who do you think I am, Justin Bailey? ;)

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While refereshing my memory by digging up a few walktrhogush, I was reminded of a trick you can use to deal more damage. If you have the power beam selected, you can sit there alternating the missile and beam fire buttons to cancel out the "reload" time on the missile launcher. Should make the fight a LOT faster.


Oh man... so much wasted time... where were you with this tip several months ago? :P

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Sheegoth and the baby sheegoths.


I used lock-on. That lets you side-step the breath and such, and maintains your aim more or less right.

Missiles to the face when it's "panting" damage it.


You don't have to lock on to your ACTUAL target, a lock on something behind the target works just as well(this was VERY useful against the plant boss, and made blasting the mirrors up MUCH faster).


You CAN bomb the stomach, and I saw it recommended as the preferred strategy, but it didn't seem very effective to me.




Edit: While refereshing my memory by digging up a few walktrhogush, I was reminded of a trick you can use to deal more damage. If you have the power beam selected, you can sit there alternating the missile and beam fire buttons to cancel out the "reload" time on the missile launcher. Should make the fight a LOT faster.



Thanks very, very much for the hints & tips!!


I finally cheated some and went to GameFAQ and looked up tricks for beating the adult Sheegoth as I couldn't tell if I was hurting it but it was sure hurting me. They mentioned the morph-ball and bomb routine so I tried it and took out the thing VERY quickly and only lost 1 energy tank doing so. Much easier for me than trying missiles.


I just now obtained the Super Missile, saved, and will return to push on later.


Thanks again for the tip's and the reload speed-up hint. :thumbsup: Can't wait to try it.



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Funny thing... this thread inspired me to go replay the game. I had a replay file I'd started, and abandoned shortly after getting the boost ball.


I laoded it and started playing. Blasted momma sheegoth, ran around stupidly, made it to the the pirate lab.


Just got the super missiles.


And realized I never picked up the charge beam.

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Well, with all of this talk about how hard the Metroid Prime games are, I just want to remind everyone that (at least for me) these games are a cakewalk compared to the original NES Metroid!




No way man, Metroid on the NES was easy. I can beat it in 45 minutes.

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Well, with all of this talk about how hard the Metroid Prime games are, I just want to remind everyone that (at least for me) these games are a cakewalk compared to the original NES Metroid!

Interesting. I think the Metroid and Super Metroid (I haven't played any other 2d Metroids) are both much easier than MP. There's much less back tracking, the bosses are more straightforward, and the controls are much easier on the hands than constantly holding down the L/R triggers for hours on end. :)

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Oh man.... after obtaining the Super Missile, I continued my journey. Many battles (and no deaths) later, I got the Thermal Visor. Not being sure what to do next, I log onto GameFAQ for a hint and it tells me to push on as there is a save station someplace ahead. So push on I do, encounter many battles, and hoping a save station appears soon. But instead of a save station, I run into another boss battle: Thardus. Low on power from all the previous battles, I died.


Talk about frustrated!! I think people in the next county heard me yell when I died and realized I had to go back and do the last hour of work all over again.






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Well, with all of this talk about how hard the Metroid Prime games are, I just want to remind everyone that (at least for me) these games are a cakewalk compared to the original NES Metroid!

Interesting. I think the Metroid and Super Metroid (I haven't played any other 2d Metroids) are both much easier than MP. There's much less back tracking, the bosses are more straightforward, and the controls are much easier on the hands than constantly holding down the L/R triggers for hours on end. :)


NES Metroid kicks my ass.

Samus just takes so much more damage than she does in the other games.





Oh man.... after obtaining the Super Missile, I continued my journey. Many battles (and no deaths) later, I got the Thermal Visor. Not being sure what to do next,  I log onto GameFAQ for a hint and it tells me to push on as there is a save station someplace ahead. So push on I do, encounter many battles, and hoping a save station appears soon. But instead of a save station, I run into another boss battle: Thardus. Low on power from all the previous battles, I died.


Talk about frustrated!! I think people in the next county heard me yell when I died and realized I had to go back and do the last hour of work all over again.





Very ouch.


There SHOULD have been a save point nearby. I know I took more than one try on Thardus, but I was saved pretty close to him.

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You know, I constantly hear people complaining about how games are hard. "Mario Kart DD 150cc is so hard!" "Conker's Bad Fur Day is hard!" "Jumping in Metroid Prime is hard!" and it really boosts my ego, because I blew right past these games with no trouble.


How on earth are you having problems double jumping? When you jump and start losing height, just hit the jump button again. It's that simple. The only time I had trouble with Metroid Prime was the final boss, but I took care of that fellow eventually.

Edited by Xizer
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You know, I constantly hear people complaining about how games are hard. "Mario Kart DD 150cc is so hard!" "Conker's Bad Fur Day is hard!" "Jumping in Metroid Prime is hard!" and it really boosts my ego, because I blew right past these games with no trouble.


How on earth are you having problems double jumping? When you jump and start losing height, just hit the jump button again. It's that simple. The only time I had trouble with Metroid Prime was the final boss, but I took care of that fellow eventually.


Jumping in Prime IS hard until you get the double-jump.

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Well, with all of this talk about how hard the Metroid Prime games are, I just want to remind everyone that (at least for me) these games are a cakewalk compared to the original NES Metroid!

Interesting. I think the Metroid and Super Metroid (I haven't played any other 2d Metroids) are both much easier than MP. There's much less back tracking, the bosses are more straightforward, and the controls are much easier on the hands than constantly holding down the L/R triggers for hours on end. :)


NES Metroid kicks my ass.

Samus just takes so much more damage than she does in the other games.

Exactly... I probably shouldn't have said NES Metroid is harder... it's just much less forgiving of sloppy playing. (And I am very sloppy.)

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Oh man.... after obtaining the Super Missile, I continued my journey. Many battles (and no deaths) later, I got the Thermal Visor. Not being sure what to do next,  I log onto GameFAQ for a hint and it tells me to push on as there is a save station someplace ahead. So push on I do, encounter many battles, and hoping a save station appears soon. But instead of a save station, I run into another boss battle: Thardus. Low on power from all the previous battles, I died.


Talk about frustrated!! I think people in the next county heard me yell when I died and realized I had to go back and do the last hour of work all over again.







Wait a minute, to press on after getting the thermal visor you have to go backwards as you don't have the ice beam to open the next door. You would have surely encounter the save points that you had already encountered.
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Wait a minute, to press on after getting the thermal visor you have to go backwards as you don't have the ice beam to open the next door. You would have surely encounter the save points that you had already encountered.



Yep.. the death I encountered was my fault. I didn't read the walk-thru on GameFAQ correctly and I didn't hit the Z button to look at the map so I totally missed the one save point during my back track.


In my excitment of hitting a streak where things were going really well, I only glanced at the walk-thru (didn't want to spoil too much of the game by know everything that was coming up) to see which path to follow after obtaining the visor and only noticed the blurb about an upcoming save point near an elevator. I should have checked my map and been more careful as that death caused me to lose a lot of progress I had made. In the future, I won't be in such a hurry and will take my time to seek out save points after major battles or obtaining items.



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Wait a minute, to press on after getting the thermal visor you have to go backwards as you don't have the ice beam to open the next door. You would have surely encounter the save points that you had already encountered.



Yep.. the death I encountered was my fault. I didn't read the walk-thru on GameFAQ correctly and I didn't hit the Z button to look at the map so I totally missed the one save point during my back track.

I believe it was 2, actually. There's one in the plantarium, and one in the "crossroads" room(the tower with a floodable bottom and a door on all 4 sides, one of which requires you to use the thermal visor to find the switches you can shoot to open the door to Thardus).


I should have checked my map and been more careful as that death caused me to lose a lot of progress I had made.  In the future, I won't be in such a hurry and will take my time to seek out save points after major battles or obtaining items.

Always a good strategy.

Admittedly, I save TOO frequently, but...

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For the record, I think that Thardus is the easiest boss of them all.



At first, I thought he was going to be a pain to get rid of, especially when he created the snow storm and I couldn't see a damn thing. But then I stood on some rocks near a wall; no longer did I have to worry about the ice attack or the roll attack. Just kept shooting any rocks he threw, and locked on to him with the wave beam (and occasional missiles) and fired away. Even though I couldn't see him during the snow storm, I kept the L trigger locked on him and fired away and did damage to him. Took maybe 20min to beat him but the fight ended with me at full health and full missiles.


I am getting fed up with the flying pirates, though. I beat them but always seem to take alot of damage as they spin out of control and constantly land right next to me, no matter how much I try to get out of the way.



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I am getting fed up with the flying pirates, though. I beat them but always seem to take alot of damage as they spin out of control and constantly land right next to me, no matter how much I try to get out of the way.

The solution to that is ice beam + missile. Makes them(along with a lot of other enemies) infinitely easier.


Of course, ice beam is slow enough that they need to be launching a missile volley(which immobolizes them for a bit) or fairly close for a reliable hit.




From a distance, use charged wave beam shots. A hit stuns them long enough to charge and release a second shot, which holds them for hte third shot, which kills.

I THINK this may muck up their kamikaze run, but I'm not sure.


If there's more than one, I usually just stick with one until he's down, and rely on random sidestepping to avoid fire from his companions.

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Damn, those ghosts are a pain. Ran into 3 of them for the first time in the room where Flaahgra was; took me down quickly but was able to beat them with only 56 energy units left...whew


Is it just me or is there an enormous amount of backtracking involved in this game? Seems I keep running thru the same rooms over and over again.


And I find myself turning more & more to GameFAQ for hints on which direction to head next. Not sure how far I would be in the game if I didn't get hints from them.



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