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Crossbow, though, is fantastic


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  • 2 years later...

Try it? I've owned it for about 11 years. It's one of the good games for that came out during the 2600's last gasp. A lot of these games seem to escape notice. I'm still trying to get people to try Double Dunk. :D


It would be great if you could play it with a light gun. But then, the light gun for the 2600 is not very accurate so it would make the game tough, given the slim margin for error in the game.


Does the light gun act like a paddle in that it takes more cpu time away from the screen display? Could we ever see a light gun hack?

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Hey...I wouldn't base my Nick of any other game...


I am still partial to the 7800 version as that is even more arcade like. I understand the XE version has prettier graphics and is the best, but I haven't ever played it or seen screen shots of it. But the 7800 version does feature the "friends" joining you as you clear the levels, and they do have some limited defense in that they can sometimes fight off the bad guys. But they aren't the best and still require your trusty Crossbow.





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I finally got a boxed copy of Crossbow last year at CGE in Las Vegas. It had been on my wish list for awhile( I played it in the arcades as a kid, but never had the cartridge. )


I find it quite difficult, but fun. :)


@Plink-Plonk-Ploink: I remember you! You posted just the other day! :D

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Crossbow is GREAT! If you avoid the infinite scoring bug and just play straight, its quite a challenge and pretty faithful as the VCS ports go.


Lots of great colors in the game too.


Yeah, it would be cool with the Lightgun, but as BP said, with the slight ;) inaccuracies of the gun, and the unforgiving nature of the game, it might be an exercise in futility. :)

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Hi there!


Crossbow is GREAT!  If you avoid the infinite scoring bug and just play straight, its quite a challenge and pretty faithful as the VCS ports go.


Uihja, how does this bug work? Or do you mean just running around in circles, avoiding the apes scene?


Lots of great colors in the game too.


Yeah, it would be cool with the Lightgun, but as BP said, with the slight ;)  inaccuracies of the gun, and the unforgiving nature of the game, it might be an exercise in futility. :)


I also think that playing it with a gun would be a real pain, but how about the trackball?




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Trakball would be GREAT! You getting the itch, Manuel? ;)


There is a glitch in the cave screen and I think the desert or jungle screen where you can shoot the pixel directly in front of your "friend's" hat and your score will just start running up (and eventually rolling over) I think its the second row of pixels from the bottom of the hat. I've done it, it works, but it greatly reduces the fun of the game, so it is banned at my house. :D

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Hi there!


Trakball would be GREAT!  You getting the itch, Manuel? ;)


Hehe... :)


Hm... I'll consult TJ regarding this once he's back from vacation. I fear though, that he said something about "rewriting the kernel" when he trakball'd Missile Command, and in case of the complex grafix found in Crossbow this probably won't work... :sad:


There is a glitch in the cave screen and I think the desert or jungle screen where you can shoot the pixel directly in front of your "friend's" hat and your score will just start running up (and eventually rolling over)  I think its the second row of pixels from the bottom of the hat.  I've done it, it works, but it greatly reduces the fun of the game, so it is banned at my house. :D


Oh... I have to try that! :D




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Hey...I wouldn't base my Nick of any other game...


I am still partial to the 7800 version as that is even more arcade like. I understand the XE version has prettier graphics and is the best, but I haven't ever played it or seen screen shots of it. But the 7800 version does feature the "friends" joining you as you clear the levels, and they do have some limited defense in that they can sometimes fight off the bad guys. But they aren't the best and still require your trusty Crossbow.






The 2600 version has "friends" joining you also. Once you clear a level, (without having a party member get killed), a new member will join. Maybe there is something else I'm missing from the arcade version though???

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There is a glitch in the cave screen and I think the desert or jungle screen where you can shoot the pixel directly in front of your "friend's" hat and your score will just start running up (and eventually rolling over)  I think its the second row of pixels from the bottom of the hat.  I've done it, it works, but it greatly reduces the fun of the game, so it is banned at my house. :D

Aaarghh I shouldn't have known.. now I'll be just forced to do it every time I play... too bad! :D :D :D




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Hi Stan!!


nice to hear from you again, Fabrizio.

Thanks, I resumed posting some time ago but I still don't have all the time I wish to browse the boards! :(


now curb those tendancies and play Crossbow the correct way, or I'll be forced to reveal the secret to mastering Space Treat Deluxe! ;)  :D

What if I do it just once... cmon just only one little tiny time?




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Not that the 2600 version isn't great . . . But I just can't play it after getting the 7800 version, which is just so much more fun . . .

The 7800 Crossbow is indeed a great game, plus one of the few 7800 carts I own.. but I don't know, I just kind of like the 2600 version's "polished" (or some may say "essential") graphics more :D




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