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ABBUC Software Contest results...


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Hello Folks,

here are the results of the ABBUC software contest 2005...


1st place: Cubico by Fandal, points: 383, prize: 500 Euro

2nd place: Monex by Mato Simi, points: 364, prize: 250 Euro

3rd place: Laser Blaster by Mato Simi, points: 357, prize: 125 Euro

4th place: Joe`s Adventure by Piotr Wisniewski, points: 337, prize: 75 Euro

5th place: Stroq by Carsten Strotmann and Winfried Piegsda, points: 323, prize: 50 Euro




6th place: Cervi 2 by Raster / Radek Sterba, points 321

7th place: Xunzip 2.0 by Epi, points 309

8th place: Inglenook Rangier Puzzle by Florian Dingler, points: 266

9th place: Outside Adventure by Thorsten Helbing, points: 245

10th place: Französische Wörter 2 by Dieter Gretzschel, points: 234

11th place: Waseo Inhalts Kreator by Thorsten Helbing, points: 216

12th place: Fly over Floor by Thorsten Helbing, points: 203


As one can see, the czech and polish atarians reserved good places. And it was (and still is) allowed to send in more than one program for the contest. ABBUC decided to make another software contest 2006. The deadline has not been set yet, but we will inform everyone as soon as we know. The rules will be still the same (only the deadline will change)...


greetings and thanks - Andreas Magenheimer.

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maybe ABBUC ???  Waits patiently for the email containing the activation so I can start using the download section.  I am not sure if I will be able to get the games/demos from that site.



I think, you must become a member of abbuc to get access to the download section:



1. Magazines: Members receive six magazines per year. Four quarterly print magazines (German only) including a magazine disk and two specials containing ABBUC licensed programs.

2. Special-magazines: Additional there are two specialmagazins per year with ABBUC licensed programs

3. Software: Additional with the quarterly magazine, you get a 5 1/4 " disk containing text and programs. Generally, 5 1/4 " disks apply to the specials as well.

4. Download: Download: Free software for members via download. Almost everything, public domain & shareware, magazine disks, and specials are available for free!

5. You get Instructions, tips and tricks with the constructionplans shop. Additionall, all building plans are available to download for members.

6. Shop: Non-Members pay an additional surcharge for construction plans & general items. This markup slips for members.


For 2.60 Euro per month can receive all these advantages. You can quit your membership to the end of any month.



All programs of the contest have been released on the magazine disk.

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think I already described the problem (of not releasing the ABBUC Software contest programs) here... it`s as easy as that... ABBUC members pay money for their membership. a part of this money is used to pay the prizes for the ABBUC software contest... so, the programs appear on the ABBUC magazine...


As of yet we do not upload all the contest programs, since we would get a lot of complaints from ABBUC members who pay money for their membership. (something like "Why do I have to pay money for these programs, when Internet users can get them for free...?" ). On the other hand we do allow the authors of these programs to publish, upload or release these programs where-ever they want...


But please understand, that we cannot make a homepage where one can download all software contest programs for free (except the ABBUC download page which is restricted to ABBUC members only)... greetings, Andreas Magenheimer.

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