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Possibilities of Recycling Atari PCB's


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I have probably 10 or 15 common brown Atari 400/800 utility cartridges (ie: Basic, Music Composer, Logo etc..) with a majority of them having socketed PCB's inside. Can anyone here tell me if I can use these socketed PCB's to operate EPROM's containing various other A8 games (ie: 3rd party games like Activision, Parker Bros, or Sega etc..)? I have absolutely no clue how to make these types of things yet I wonder if maybe I could put these dusty old cartridges to better use.

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I'm pretty sure you can re-use them, I think AA store even sells them, but I think there different versions for different memory amounts like AA sells PCB's designed for 8 and 16k, etc. So a newer XE cartridge ROM wouldn't work, but any older game(made for the 400/800/XL) that is 8-16k would. I wouldn't know if 3rd party rom chips would work in Atari PCB's or vice versa though. Logically they would, but they may be doing things differently due to copyright laws, etc.

If you happen to have a rom chip of say Star Raiders, for example, that you backed over with your car, and the cartridge and PCB was crushed, but somehow the chip survived, then yeah, I'm pretty sure you could swap that Star Raiders chip with the Logo chip.

Edited by Gunstar
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