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Interesting problem with controller project


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For your information:


I recently converted a Sega Genesis three button pad to 7800 two-button goodness. 680-ohm resistors in the circuit, everything follows the plan for the two buttons exactly. B is Left, A is Right, C and Start are disconnected. Everything works fine, except for two games:


Xevious: Thinks that when one button is pressed (which one doesn't matter) that both have been pressed.


Karateka: Doesn't seem to think that the controller even exists.


I would appreciate if anyone had any comment or thought as to why this might be. My main thought is that Xevious allows more current through the controller port, while Karateka allows far less.

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Just a thought, in Xevious do you have the difficulty switch in the correct position? One way is guns and bombs together the other way is seperate buttons for guns and bombs.








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Plug a Pro Line into the system and boot Karateka. Once booted, swap controllers.

I found this out with Asteriods and third party 2600 controllers. The game reads the stick on boot up and if it recognizes a 2600 or 7800 controller, it loads settings for that. If not, it [Asteroids] defaults to the Pro Line Joystick.

Perhaps Karateka does something similar.

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Just a thought, in Xevious do you have the difficulty switch in the correct position? One way is guns and bombs together the other way is seperate buttons for guns and bombs.





OK, that turned out to be the problem, thanks. Don't have the manual, and it'd been a long time since I played it.


Nice that the pad *does* work with my favorite 7800 game after all. :D


Oh, and yes, Karateka sucks. I have no idea why my friend even has it, I can usually trust his taste in games. It does recognize the controller as it turns out, it's just that the control mechanism wasn't coded right as far as I can tell in my testing.

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Plug a Pro Line into the system and boot Karateka.  Once booted, swap controllers.

I found this out with Asteriods and third party 2600 controllers.  The game reads the stick on boot up and if it recognizes a 2600 or 7800 controller, it loads settings for that.  If not, it [Asteroids] defaults to the Pro Line Joystick.

Perhaps Karateka does something similar.



Asteroids ran perfectly fine. Recognized it as a 7800 controller, so I was able to fire and go into hyperspace at will. And, thankfully, not both at once. :ponder:

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