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new 7800 protype-super football?

8th lutz

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As i've already stated it looks like a 2600 game, but it looks alot better than those screenshots you have posted. Not sure if it any of the 3 copies which are identical ever had labels, its a bit strange that I picked up all 3 along with a load of other carts and its only those 3 Super football's that don't have labels.

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Hi Drac

yes,the screen looks like this.But if you have a photo of the board,i could check if the 7800 Super Football has the same or not.But it is really a Pal game.

grretings Gambler172 :)




Oops -- you're right. Forgot that PAL 7800's don't have that screen.


Still -- this should be easy to prove or disprove ... using the board (as you mention) or just plain putting it into a 7800 and playing it. I'm in awe that it's taking this long to resolve whether this is a 2600 or 7800 game.

Edited by DracIsBack
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I'm about 3 seconds aways from declaring shenanigans on this whole thing. There's something fishy going on here, and no one is attempting to find the answers. Three copies of a possible new prototype suddenly surface and no one can take a screen shot or describe what they're seeing? Meh...


Another thing that bothers me is that Mr. Kizza says it looks like a 2600 game but looks alot better than the Super Football screenshots. First of all, you can tell if it's a 7800 game or not by whether or not the Atari logo pops up when you turn on the system. Secondly, unless this is a odd WIP version of the game, I'd have a hard time believing that Atari commissioned two Football games for the 2600 during that time. Thirdly, the 7800 proto board is VERY easy to tell from the 2600 board. You can even tell from the outside if you slide up the dust protector (the 7800 board has two little 'feet' on either side on the main baord).


It seems to me there are numerous ways that all these questions could be answered easy and safely, yet no one is talking. I'm leary of this whole thing.



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I say this is a load of crap. It would take 2 seconds to take a pic of the board. No one in this thread can be confused by the difference between a 2600 and 7800 board. This is just non-sense. So why the ruse?


And with the metal shieldings mentioned I'm going towards 2600 game. I have never seen a proto with the erpoms covered with grounding shields.


I really am wondering why all the BS about this cart(s) when everyone involved knows damn well all the right answers to tell.

Edited by silver_surfer
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I'm about 3 seconds aways from declaring shenanigans on this whole thing.  There's something fishy going on here, and no one is attempting to find the answers.  Three copies of a possible new prototype suddenly surface and no one can take a screen shot or describe what they're seeing?  Meh...


Another thing that bothers me is that Mr. Kizza says it looks like a 2600 game but looks alot better than the Super Football screenshots.  First of all, you can tell if it's a 7800 game or not by whether or not the Atari logo pops up when you turn on the system.  Secondly, unless this is a odd WIP version of the game, I'd have a hard time believing that Atari commissioned two Football games for the 2600 during that time.  Thirdly, the 7800 proto board is VERY easy to tell from the 2600 board.  You can even tell from the outside if you slide up the dust protector (the 7800 board has two little 'feet' on either side on the main baord). 


It seems to me there are numerous ways that all these questions could be answered easy and safely, yet no one is talking.  I'm leary of this whole thing.






:x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x  :x


Its not that hard to understand! (unless maybe you are George Bush or something . . .)


IT LOOKS LIKE A 2600 CART: this means it looks like a 2600 cart and NOT a 7800 one. Meaning it has an end like a 2600 cart but does not look like one either inside or when you switch it on as the graphics are better than those rubbish screenshots you posted! Maybe the Pal version just looks far better??? Or its a diffrent version of the same game, all I know is all 3 copies I acquired only have end labels and all state Atari 7800 on them. OK IS THAT CLEAR ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!

Edited by mr.kizza
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Graphics look better how?  Are they completely different?  What does the title screen say (copyright-wise)?


BTW please keep political comments in the P&R forum.  Thank you.




I'm English its not my politics. If you want me too I could post a screenshot. But I will tell you that the colours are different and there seems to be more of them. It seems to be higher-res, certainly not as blocky looking and as for the copyright I think that is the same. Have to say it plays very smoothly too with nice scrolling etc.

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Graphics look better how?  Are they completely different?  What does the title screen say (copyright-wise)?


BTW please keep political comments in the P&R forum.  Thank you.




I'm English its not my politics. If you want me too I could post a screenshot. But I will tell you that the colours are different and there seems to be more of them. It seems to be higher-res, certainly not as blocky looking and as for the copyright I think that is the same. Have to say it plays very smoothly too with nice scrolling etc.



All comments on government or politics belong in the P&R forum, whether it's your country or not. It makes everyone happy that way…


A screenshot would be VERY helpful. I'm not sure why the PAL version would have MORE colors, but I suppose it is possible. I've seen several crappy NTSC -> PAL conversions that actually reduced the amount of colors, but never one that increased them. Super Football was developed in the US, so I doubt there would be a WIP prototype in PAL format. I'm really confused at this point.



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As i've already stated it looks like a 2600 game, but it looks alot better than those screenshots you have posted. Not sure if it any of the 3 copies which are identical ever had labels, its a bit strange that I picked up all 3 along with a load of other carts and its only those 3 Super football's that don't have labels.


Yes Mr. Kizza

it really looks a little bit better from the colors.And i am happy with my cart.

Thanks a lot.

greetings Gambler172 :lust:

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And with the metal shieldings mentioned I'm going towards 2600 game. I have never seen a proto with the erpoms covered with grounding shields.




My thoughts exactly. I'd think that all Atari made 7800 games are the same, and I've seen internals for Alien Brigade and Rescue on Fractalus (well, the photo).

Neither has a metal shield of any type.


On the other hand, every Atari or Sears label 2600 cart I've ever opened has the metal shielding, along with some third party ones.


My guess is that they are not the final version of 2600 Super Football. I think that a few carts might have been made for various reasons, then the game code was tweaked a little bit for the PAL format. Why it would be tweaked to a produce less colors in the final product is beyond my wildest imagination, but there it is.

Maybe someone at the factory was experimenting with the game's code, and had 7800 labels stuck to the carts to distinguish between these and the standard PAL Super Football.

Did someone with an NTSC 7800 get one of these? I'd think if it's a 7800 title, it wouldn't work, and if it does work in a NTSC 7800, it's a 2600 title.


My only question is this:

If it really is a different version of Super Football, is anyone going to dump it? I, for one, would be interested in a repro cart of it (even if I can't use it right away)--it's got to be better than Touchdown Football.


I hope the same aliens that beamed this down to Earth send us some more 7800 titles. The only thing is, they need to make some boxes first!

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:x   :x   :x   :x   :x   :x   :x   :x


Its not that hard to understand! (unless maybe you are George Bush or something . . .)


IT LOOKS LIKE A 2600 CART: this means it looks like a 2600 cart and NOT a 7800 one. Meaning it has an end like a 2600 cart but does not look like one either inside or when you switch it on as the graphics are better than those rubbish screenshots you posted! Maybe the Pal version just looks far better??? Or its a diffrent version of the same game, all I know is all 3 copies I acquired only have end labels and all state Atari 7800 on them. OK IS THAT CLEAR ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!



It looks like a 2600 Cart , but then it doesn't? :roll: You are not being clear at all. 2600 and 7800 carts use nearly identical shells. the difference is on the inside of the shell. So when you say it looks like a 2600 cart, but on the inside it looks different, then that suggests a 7800 cart. Can we have a picture of the circuit board, or the end that plugs into the machine, then we will all know the truth and you can stop getting so snippy. You came here for help identifying the cart, but you won't answer our very simple questions to help you identify it and get defensive instead. Sheesh!

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To his credit, he was not the author of this thread. He only popped in after it was started & owned up to being the seller of the cart on ebay. Still it seems like he is being vague as hell intentionally for some reason. Looks like a 2600 cart, but doesn't. Looks better than those rubbish screenshots, but better how? No proof. I doubt it's anything other than a standard release of 2600 Super Football for the pal market. But just a few facts could help solve that really quickly without all the drama. A pic of the board that doesn't look like a 2600 would be nice for starters.. I'm guessing a shielded rom and sara chip. Not really to different. And does it play on the 2600? common evidence that should have been mentioned up front, but that would kind of make it hard to pass off as a possibly prototype I guess..

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It looks like a 2600 Cart , but then it doesn't?  You are not being clear at all. 2600 and 7800 carts use nearly identical shells. the difference is on the inside of the shell. So when you say it looks like a 2600 cart, but on the inside it looks different, then that suggests a 7800 cart. Can we have a picture of the circuit board, or the end that plugs into the machine, then we will all know the truth and you can stop getting so snippy. You came here for help identifying the cart, but you won't answer our very simple questions to help you identify it and get defensive instead. Sheesh!


My god how stupid can you get. I have clearly stated that the circuit board looks like a 2600 one (i.e. it dosn't have the extra pins) but DOSN'T look like most 2600 games i've seen (i.e. the layout looks different). I'm getting incredibly bored repeating myself to people who can't be bothered to read the other posts properly. And I don't appeciate the way I am being made out to be some sort of con artist, one of the main reasons I never posted my find originally was because I knew (and was warned by others) that this kind of backlash would happen. Just because I happen to find something no one in America has seen it means i'm a liar and made it up! If you go back you will see that Gambler who bought one of the copies of me agrees with what I said about the game. If you wanted to see it so much then maybe you should have made me an offer like he did. I have answered every question so far since I was prompted when someone started the thread. This game is not KNIGHT RIDER for god sake! :D

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Well done you are correct 1 point to you!


Well it looks alot more like this than the crappy screenshots already posted, although a bit better still. I was just wondering if the box scan (I have NTSC copy of the 2600 game) was taken from a different version as the colours are much more like my version of the game. When I get the chance I will take some screens on my camera of the game in action if none of the other guys do it first and you see that it looks much better.

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this whole thing is going no where slowly. my stand on this is until real proof is shown then this should in fact be considered false. i'm not calling anyone a liar or anything along those lines. im just saying proof makes claims into facts. claims dont make anything but people frustrated. i do believe that someone knows more than theyre letting on. awaiting screen shots. and remember people the only reason people are being ridged about this is to protect the collector community not to offend anyone.

Edited by galaxy warrior
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Sorry I wanted to add SuperFootball.jpgthis



Other than looking a bit fuzzier and having some different colors, I don't see any difference. I think this is just a case of PAL/NTSC color differences.


My god how stupid can you get. I have clearly stated that the circuit board looks like a 2600 one (i.e. it dosn't have the extra pins) but DOSN'T look like most 2600 games i've seen (i.e. the layout looks different). I'm getting incredibly bored repeating myself to people who can't be bothered to read the other posts properly. And I don't appeciate the way I am being made out to be some sort of con artist, one of the main reasons I never posted my find originally was because I knew (and was warned by others) that this kind of backlash would happen. Just because I happen to find something no one in America has seen it means i'm a liar and made it up! If you go back you will see that Gambler who bought one of the copies of me agrees with what I said about the game. If you wanted to see it so much then maybe you should have made me an offer like he did. I have answered every question so far since I was prompted when someone started the thread. This game is not KNIGHT RIDER for god sake!


It's not that we think you're a con artist, it's just that people seemed to be very vague in answering questions in this thread. When someone comes forward with what they think is a totally new and previously unknown prototype and then starts to dance around peoples questions without really giving hard answers (For example: There are now 3 copies of this out there, I have sold 2 and am hanging on to the last one. Its up to the people who own them to reveal more about them), people are naturally going to be suspicious. This wouldn't be the first time that someone came forward with a quote "long lost prototype", just for the attention (not that I'm saying that is what you are doing, but we all remember the Airworld debacle).


I'm not sure what being or not being in America has to do with anything. :?


I will need to have another play on it but i'm pretty sure it states "Doug Neubaer" somewhere on the game, didn't he program Solaris and Radar Lock???


Like on the title screen? Doug did indeed create this game, but his name wouldn't be in the game itself unless it was a prototype. That would definitely lend credence to that theory. And yes, he did do Solaris and Radar Lock.



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