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2600 games that would make good 7800 ports


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When I think of popular games on the 2600 that could have been even better on the 7800, the one that comes to mind first is Missile Command.



Doing a decent rendition of Missile Command on the 7800 without RAM expansion would be tricky. The original game used a bitmap display, but the 7800 doesn't really have enough RAM for that (it may be possible to jinx display lists to generate a 160x96 four-color mode in 4K but that'd probably be the limit of what one could do).



I don't think it would be that tricky since there are a low number of "objects" onscreen at once. Anything the 2600 can do poorly, the 7800 can do better. It could even be done in "tile mode" like some other consoles (you know what they are). The object with all early systems is to put as much graphics in ROM as possible and just point the display to them to save RAM. The 7800 can easily do that.

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Doom 7800(if they made Ballblazer ist possible,no cry..)

Radar Lock

Out Of This World aka Another World(if they made impossible mission,idem)


Swordquest-Earth-Air-Fire-water Worlds

Starpath Supercharger Dragonstomper


Tunnel Runner

Sir Lancelot


Keystone Kappers


Pressure Cooker

Haunted Adventure hack


Arcade and Colecovision ports.....

Edited by fabventure2600
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Phoenix (with a kick ass mother ship)

Demon Attack (with a mother ship every few rounds)


Donkey Kong (with all 4 screens)

Reactor (with upgraded graphics)

Cosmic Ark (add another screen involving a battle for the planet, or something)


Since some brought up Colecovision...

Venture (with 4 screens (16 rooms) AND upon collecting all the treasures it cycles back to the beginning but at a higher skill level)

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