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Atari800Win.exe is no longer allowing Network Game


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I have been playing M.U.L.E. recently, via the Atari800Win.exe emulator. It has been great fun! I have also been playing the game over the Internet using Kaillera server... I have been the host. My friends and I have played this game quite often in this manner (3 or 4 times in recent days).


Today, the networking part of the game has ceased to function for me. When I run MULE, and then select "Input/Network Game...", the next dialog appears normally. Then, I click Connect, as I always have. At this point, I get the following error:


"Atari800Win.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You will need to restart the program.


An error log is being created."


My friends are all getting the same error message. Does anyone know the root cause? It is very mysterious to me.


I have searched Google, these forums, and everywhere else I could think to no avail. Please help! I love playing multiplayer MULE!


Greg Harter

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