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Question about OSS OS/A+


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Hello, I'm trying to get any information on using OSS's OS/A+ DOS(2.10). Without it having a menu screen, I haven't been able to figure out how to make copies of files from one disk to another or for that matter, to copy an entire disk (it only has a DOS prompt). Does anyone know of any sites that might have any info on this particular DOS or perhaps have first hand knowledge of it? Thanks...

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Ok, let’s dig my old OS/A+ manual …


COPY source [dest] [-FQSW]


-S is the parameter you want for copying into a different disk on the same drive.


To copy a whole disk: DUPDSK for single density, DUPDBL for double density.


But let me ask you, any reason in particular you want to use this specific DOS? OS/A+ was already obsolete back in the old days. If you want to use an OSS DOS then why not use its successor, DOS XL?

Edited by ijor
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Let me get this strait - I just need to type in "DUPDSK" at the DOS prompt to copy the disk that is in the drive(for single density)? How about deleting specific files? Excuse the ignorance - getting re-acclimated to antiquated software is tough business...lol...Fair question ijor - when I bought the 810 drive, it came with a disk containing this particular DOS so I figured I'd use it until I replaced it with something else. Thanks in advance... :)

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I just need to type in "DUPDSK" at the DOS prompt to copy the disk that is in the drive(for single density)?


It seems so. According to the manual you will be prompted for selecting source and destination drives.


How about deleting specific files?


ERA files


I suggest you switch to a more user friendly, menu based, DOS.


Btw, while browsing the OS/A+ manual, I noted something interesting I wasn't aware. OS/A+ version 4 (OS/A+ version 2 is) is NOT Atari DOS compatible. It has a slightly different extended file system structure.


I guess it wasn't very popular. Actually, it probably was so unpopular that the OS/A+ succesor, DOS XL, doesn't even mention OS/A+ version 4.

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DIR is one of the commands I do know but I don't recall seeing any DUPDSK.COM file. Man I'm confused :? I tell ya' what - I'm mainly trying to make a complete copy of the disk that has the OSS DOS on it. Let's say I'm at the DOS prompt, where do I go from here? (progressive instructions anyone??) Thanks again...

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