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APE Help


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Hey all, I am really having a hard time here. I just got my SIO2PC (thanks atarimax) and I want to get this thing up and running. I am able to load certain ATR files, but others tell me to take my cartridge out (I don't have a cartidge in the slot). Also, most of the games I really want to play are in .rom format instead of the .atr format APE uses. How can I change these files over so I can use them? Anyway, I'm very new at this and very bewildered, so any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

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Hey all, I am really having a hard time here. I just got my SIO2PC (thanks atarimax) and I want to get this thing up and running. I am able to load certain ATR files, but others tell me to take my cartridge out (I don't have a cartidge in the slot). Also, most of the games I really want to play are in .rom format instead of the .atr format APE uses. How can I change these files over so I can use them? Anyway, I'm very new at this and very bewildered, so any help will be appreciated. Thanks.


It sounds like you're using either an XL or XE computer, both of which have a built-in BASIC interpreter that the computer sees as a "cartridge" when it is turned on. Just hold down the "OPTION" key when you switch on the machine to disable BASIC, and the programs that are giving you the "cartridge out" error should work fine.


As for the ROM vs. ATR issue, ROM files are executable binaries (most likely cartridge images) while ATR files are diskette images. You can load them both using APE without changing the files, but it requires two different procedures. APE files can be loaded through the virtual disk drives as you've been doing, while ROM files have to be loaded using APE's PC-Mirror feature. Collect all your ROM files in one subdirectory, reconfigure APE to use it as the default PC-Mirror directory, and mount the PC-Mirror into the first virtual diskette drive. When you boot the computer, you'll get a list of files on the screen, each of which has a number or letter associated with it. Just press the letter or number corresponding to the file you want to load, and APE will do it.


Hope this helps, and in case nobody has said it yet, welcome to AtariAge!

Edited by jaybird3rd
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What he said. :D


Plus one more thing, some ROM images may be raw rom dumps, in which case you cant load them through the SIO port.


Look for an EXE, COM or XEX file of the same game, you should be able to find them for pretty much every game thats also available in ROM format. Those you will be able to load no problem, they are pre-packaged for loading via SIO. :)



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