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A little reminiscing and more...


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It's great that most Atari emulators have a "turbo" setting, but it would be nice to also have a "keep chipset timings" setting like WinUAE.


That way, you can speed up the virtual CPU, but things like POKEY timings and ANTIC VBI/DLIs could remain the same.


Games would still be playable but much less slowdown would occur. The only thing is that it would be possible to develop games which wouldn't work properly on real machines.

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It's great that most Atari emulators have a "turbo" setting, but it would be nice to also have a "keep chipset timings" setting like WinUAE.


That way, you can speed up the virtual CPU, but things like POKEY timings and ANTIC VBI/DLIs could remain the same.


Games would still be playable but much less slowdown would occur.  The only thing is that it would be possible to develop games which wouldn't work properly on real machines.



Interesting concept... I'll keep that in mind.

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Ok, I got a handle on both the digital D-Pad issue and analog issue (it really does show in Star Raiders).  I need to make the analog solution more efficient but I think it will help with actual sticks as well (as far as centering goes).


I still need to look at the timing issue, but I have some ideas.  From what you've said, I think I will make the throttle parameter an actual setting so you can adjust the speed as you like.


I'm almost embarrased to say it, but I haven't run it side by side with the system.  I just  got my system back up after Christmas and have been totally engrossed with the GUI and making it easier to use.  Accuracy with color and sound should have been #1 priority, but it's kind of hard to dedicate to it when you know you need to make it easier to use to get the feedback you want.


I'll probably come out with another release before month's end.  I don't how much color and sound improvements will be there (probably not much).  They will be the priority for future releases.


Thanks for all your comments and if you find other issues, be sure to let me know.






Fantastic... because I really prefer the 5200 emulation to the 8-bit emulation for most of the games that exist on both platforms... in *particular*, ones that were originally 5200 and someone has hacked them over, like Countermeasure... the joystick is really the only major bummer. The colors and sound being a little off I can live with... gameplay is what really counts to me.


I noticed UAE also has a "deadzone" parameter in the GUI for the joystick that can be configured by percentage.



I've gone emulator crazy. I'm going to have to build out and configure a whole new machine just to be an emulator box. :)

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So... I just ran the new Adventure 2 demo... first on your emulator than on Atari800Win+.


The difference in controllers was undeniable. The Atari800Win+ control doesn't display the issues your emulator does. Of course, it also doesn't properly emulate a 2 button 5200 joystick. Unfortunately, on Atari800Win+ the game is playable, if awkward, whereas on your emulator, it is nearly impossible.


Once you nail the controller issue though, everything else is small beans. The speed isn't a major issue... neither are the sounds or colors. The fact that you've got an Atari5200 ONLY emulator that emulates a 2 button joystick gives you an advantage over everything else out there, too.

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