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GTIA schematics?


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Nevermind, I found them.










Hello all.


I am currently designing my own home-brew computer and my graphics system is shaping up to be very similar to the Atari's.


However, I can't quite get my timing/stability to match the GTIA's awesome graphics. Of course, I am a hobbyist and they were pros so that might have something to do with it...lol


Anyway, anyone know where (if possible) I can get the schematics, timings, blue-prints, napkin sketches, etc on the GTIA and the ANTIC?


Something a little more detailed than pinouts? Of course, I've scanned the books at atariarchives and they take a more programming route when I am looking for a more hardware route.





Edited by cbmeeks
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***EDIT*** Nevermind, I found them.


Anyway, anyone know where (if possible) I can get the schematics, timings, blue-prints, napkin sketches, etc on the GTIA and the ANTIC?


I guess that you find the files that Kurt from Atarimusem posted some time ago. But, as you probably found out by now, the internal schematics of the chips are almost completely unreadable. This is not Kurt's fault, it wasn't a bad scan. It seems that those documents have a reduced (and not really usable) copy of the original custom chip blue-prints.


I don't know if since then, better blue-prints were found. Kurt?

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I see you found the docs, are you writing an HDL version for an FPGA?


Using VHDL or Verilog?


I started a Verilog version of the Antic and GTIA... but never finished it.




Nah. Not for my homebrew. The only modern hardware will be SX microcontrollers and fast SRAM. The CPU is a 6502.


My GPU is using an SX52 and some buffers/multiplexers for color.



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