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coleco clone?

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Ok, as many of you know, there are "video game clones" out there. you can pay $20-30 for a controller that allows you to play atari 2600 and nintendo games, all of course are "illegal". But today, i spoke with a friend down in florida and he said his brother bought him a controller that featured all the games that were played on the COLECOVISION. He ran off a couple to me like COSMIC AVENGER, PITFALL, LADYBUG, SMURF & MONTAZUMAS REVENGE.


He didnt give me much more info but I tried searchin the net and found nothing. Does anyone else know of this new clone?

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I think benheck would like to know more about this.


It sure would be a nice change from all the crappy Famiclones. And the pirates wouldn't have the heat of Nintendo on their ass. I wonder if they have a keypad on the controller? It doesn't really matter as long as the ROM is a separate blob from the CoAC. The list of games checks out, anyhow.


What we really need is a picture of the thing. A "friend's brother" isn't the most reliable source of information. But if it's real, I'd start pounding the pavement at the flea market looking for one. I wouldn't pay $30+ for a Famiclone, but I sure would consider paying that much for a ColeClone. Or would that be a ClonecoVision? Either way, I invented the word before anyone else, ha ha ha ha haaaaaa!!!


EDIT: I was just thinking... wouldn't it be funny if the thing used a 9939 or 9959 display chip because it was already available from MSX cloning? I think about the only thing missing is the undocumented 9918 combo modes.

Edited by Bruce Tomlin
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The only Colecovision clone i've ever heard of was the Telegames DINA. But they aren't handhelds. Are you sure that your friend in Florida didn't buy the Colecovision mod that Ben Heckendorn just built for a client?






I dont think so. ill call him again today and get some more facts.

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Hey these type of products are showing up all over the place, even your neighborhood Walgreens. The closest one to me is currnetly selling ones with The John Madden Footbal genesis games and the Intellivision combo. As a friend told me Sat they they love these things for just one reason...mayber 2. They are cheap, and fun to play. Hey, there is one out there I swear has a 16 bit Ninja Turtle figher on it. That is better than most of the genesis Ninja Turtle games ever made.


I either heard or personally seen one that actually had SNES games on it.

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Ok, I feel like an ass now. Considering my friend isnt too savvy with computers, he didnt give me all the details. He said he got a remote controller joystick for his computer and he could play all coleco games. I asked him to give me his brothers phone number so I could get a more detailed explanaition.


I called him and he told me that all it was is a emmulator he got off the net and he downloaded onto some disks and bought a wrielss "recoil" controller.


I apoligize for getting everyone all up in arms. I was excited to hear that a home version had appeared only to find out it was not. :(

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