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any hope for my XEGS?


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I was tweaking the gameroom setup and finally got around to plugging in the XEGS after 6 months of neglect. Unfortunately the system didn't turn on, so I suspect a faulty power supply.


Tried another Atari computer power supply and the system LED lights up, but that's about it. The only thing that shows up on my monitor is the standard square in the upper left hand corner of the screen. I've tried to load games off cartridge, no dice...tried to load the built-in Missile Command, nada...tried the keyboard, no change on the screen, just that damned green square :mad:


It does recognize the reset button, so that's something.


Opened the system up and the motherboard looks ok, no burns, rust, etc. Any ideas on a quick fix to get this running? I'd be ok with replacing a couple of capacitors or resistors if that would do it. Looks like Atari cheaped out and surface mounted all the chips, so no easy swap outs there :D


If I can't get this going guess I'm in the market for a loose XEGS!


BTW, is it ok to use the 1.5 amp power supply versions for this system? I've tried both the 1 and 1.5 amp ones with the same result.

Edited by bones
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