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old atari cassete games


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I hope I am not out of line for asking this question, hopefully not...

do you know who or where I can find a .ATR files of these games?


"caverns of kafka"

"forbidden forrest"

"spider invasion"

"flying ace"

"salmon run"

"super cubes"


"kid grid"


"the crypts of plumbous"

"juggles rainbow"

"juggles house"

"dragon maze"

"horse race"


if you have any of these I would be excited, I have them and many more on cassete...

but I dont know how to convert them to a .ATR file to use them with a emulator. thanx.

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I hope I am not out of line for asking this question, hopefully not...

do you know who or where I can find a .ATR files of these games?


"caverns of kafka"

"forbidden forrest"

"spider invasion"

"flying ace"

"salmon run"

"super cubes"


"kid grid"


"the crypts of plumbous"

"juggles rainbow"

"juggles house"

"dragon maze"

"horse race"


if you have any of these I would be excited, I have them and many more on cassete...

but I dont know how to convert them to a .ATR file to use them with a emulator. thanx.



I'd check Atarimania.com first.

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Ill see what I can do, they are really old recordings not the original tape and I haven't played it in years.... gonna go try to load her up and see what happens... tapes uhg gotta remember which keys to hold down for how many clicks. gotta love old atari stuff! if they play Ill save some .WAV's

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oh dear, I think its been way to long since Ive loaded a cassette!

rewound them pressed play with basic cart installed and turned atari on typed CLOAD and hit return twice and this is what happens:


tape turns several seconds go by and it starts to squeal only squeals once and pops back an error 21, (load file eror) so I tried advancing the tape to where the brown part begins and same error. not sure if its what I am doing thats wrong or just bad tape. after the error the tape keeps going and I can hear the squeals continue as normal as if it was loading but no go. I fear they might have degraded to far and its not reading it right.


alot of the tapes I have have instructions "rewind fully, press play, hold start and option, turn on the powe,r wait for beep and release option, press return and count three beeps then release start" and this is how I remember loading them before but my 1200 I guess works a little bit different than a 130xe :)


I got so use to using the disk drive I have totaly forgotten how to use teh cassette! only thing I can think of at this point anyways. if anyone sees anything wrong with my procedure please let me know. thanks.




got it! the option key contact was dirty, wasnt making contact. works fine now but getting boot errors about the 8th beep. I'll keep trying but they are probably to far gone. I assume these things degrade like all my music tapes did? i dont no. I probably waited too long and these might just be dead but I will try a few more.

Edited by ace
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Re-recorded cassettes don't last as well as originals, but your stuff may be salvageable. The most damaged tapes are often audibly damaged. If it sounds OK, there's a fair chance that it is.


Loading these programs on a real A8 computer is a hit-or-miss affair sometimes. If I were you, I'd do as Guitarman suggested, and record them as .wav files on your PC. That way, you can use the wav2cas utility to convert them to .cas files. If you like, these can then be converted back into .wav files (using, wait for it...cas2wav), and recorded onto fresh tapes for use with the real machine.


For Atarimania purposes, we really want to use original media to produce images, but we will use copies, if no other version is available (or until we can find one).


I sent you an email earlier. If you have problems, let me know, or post again here.


Remember also, that many commercial games require the BASIC cart to be absent!

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You don't convert cassettes to ATR's. You record the cassette into a PC as a WAV file. There is a utility out there that will convert the WAV file to a CAS file to use in emulators.


Go to THIS site for other good utilities.



A.P.E uses these cas files and may allow you to record it to wav., I'm not sure as I've never done it, but the "load cassette" option is in A.P.E software in one of the drop-down menus.

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oh dear, I think its been way to long since Ive loaded a cassette!

rewound them pressed play with basic cart installed and turned atari on typed CLOAD and hit return twice and this is what happens:


tape turns several seconds go by and it starts to squeal only squeals once and pops back an error 21, (load file eror) so I tried advancing the tape to where the brown part begins and same error. not sure if its what I am doing thats wrong or just bad tape. after the error the tape keeps going and I can hear the squeals continue as normal as if it was loading but no go. I fear they might have degraded to far and its not reading it right.


alot of the tapes I have have instructions "rewind fully, press play, hold start and option, turn on the powe,r wait for beep and release option, press return and count three beeps then release start" and this is how I remember loading them before but my 1200 I guess works a little bit different than a 130xe :)


I got so use to using the disk drive I have totaly forgotten how to use teh cassette! only thing I can think of at this point anyways. if anyone sees anything wrong with my procedure please let me know. thanks.




got it! the option key contact was dirty, wasnt making contact. works fine now but getting boot errors about the 8th beep. I'll keep trying but they are probably to far gone. I assume these things degrade like all my music tapes did? i dont no. I probably waited too long and these might just be dead but I will try a few more.


Are you sure you need basic and the cload command for most of those?!? Most commercial software on cassette is loaded by pressing play on the recorder, and holding down the [sTART] button while switching on the atari, with or without basic enabled (dependign on if it's a basic game or not) and then the recorder start playing.

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gunstar, without the basic cartridge in my 1200XL it just gives me the pretty colorful atari logo. so I am pretty sure it needs it. Ill go try what you sugested and see, but I think I always had to have it before. Im up for anything now and Im gonna go try it and see what happens though! I cant think of any else.


edit: tried it, it seems to try to load (no errors) but just defaults to black screen with atari logo.

getting closer, gonna try something else....

Edited by ace
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gunstar,  without the basic cartridge in my 1200XL it just gives me the pretty colorful atari logo. so I am pretty sure it needs it. Ill go try what you sugested and see, but I think I always had to have it before. Im up for anything now and Im gonna go try it and see what happens though! I cant think of any else.


edit: tried it, it seems to try to load (no errors) but just defaults to black screen with atari logo.

getting closer, gonna try something else....






If you are using the 1200XL, just leave the BASIC cart out and press START while you turn on the computer. This will initiate the cassette function. Unless the program requires BASIC, there should be no problem. If you are seeing the Atari logo screen, it's probably because the START key isn't registering. You will know because it will beep at you if it is right.

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the logo returns again after the cassette stops going.



I think my brain has been baked over a ibm clone for to many years now and I just lost the force, its nolonger all around me. anyone want a 1010 tape drive and about 20 cassettes? I think I lost all my marbles and dont know where to find them. altzimers @ 30 baaaaad! lol!

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the logo returns again after the cassette stops going.



I think my brain has been baked over a ibm clone for to many years now and I just lost the force, its nolonger all around me. anyone want a 1010 tape drive and about 20 cassettes? I think I lost all my marbles and dont know where to find them. altzimers @ 30 baaaaad! lol!




I just loaded up a game called Dimension X from Synapse from cassette using a 1200XL w/o BASIC from a 1010. The fact is, I tried it with basic first and after a few bleeps, the program stopped and told me to remove the cartridge. On mine, I powered it on holding the START key. It buzzed and then waited at the blue screen until I pressed enter. The tape then started loading. If you press any of the console key during this time, it will stop the tape and reset the computer to the Atari logo.


One thing I noticed for the first time on this game, as the program is loading, there is an audio track playing. At a certain point in the song, the L1 and L2 lights on the 1200XL started blinking back and forth to the music. Pretty cool!!!

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hey that is pretty neat! I think my problem is these are to old and degraded, its either that or the 1010 isnt reading it right, or what it is reading the atari is not quite getting it. the 1200 is ok as it does old floppys as good as they ever loaded... kinda makes me wonder because arent flopies and tape teh same kinda stuff? strange. I have even tried to advance the tape to the "data area" and start it from there. same results, seems like its going then about the time the game should appear the atari logo does instead as if nothing happened.

I think I am going to write off the tapes as bad, by now I should have had at least one of them go, some give boot errors some dont. most are from 1985

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to anyone who was following this thread:


I tried all my cassettes today and converted them to CAS from WAV

and most of them had a bad checksum. others had spots marked bad.


thank you all for helping me, and it turns out that there wasnt anything

wrong with what I was doing, one tape loaded great.... frogger as if I

care if it loads at all because I have the cartridge. it just figures dont it.

another case of procrastination getting back at me for not doing it sooner.

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to anyone who was following this thread:


I tried all my cassettes today and converted them to CAS from WAV

and most of them had a bad checksum. others had spots marked bad.


thank you all for helping me, and it turns out that there wasnt anything

wrong with what I was doing, one tape loaded great.... frogger  as if I

care if it loads at all because I have the cartridge. it just figures dont it.

another case of procrastination getting back at me for not doing it sooner.



Sometimes, processing of the .wav files in an audio editor can help a great deal.

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How do you get cassettes to load with the Atariwin emulator??  No matter what I try it won't load any  :(



Are you talking about .cas files? If so, once the emulator is installed, you should just be able to double-click the .cas file.


Of course, you need to check whether the program you want to use requires BASIC to be present or absent (most games need it to be absent), and also that the emulator is set up as a "machine type" that's compatible with the program (for most games, choose "XL/XE", 64K RAM, and "disable BASIC").

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How do you get cassettes to load with the Atariwin emulator??  No matter what I try it won't load any  :(

I recommend you RTFM.




The emulator can only read, not write, the cassette images. Moreover, it requires the SIO patch enabled to emulate the cassette player.


To insert a cassette image, use File/Attach Tape (Alt+T) or Cassette Control dialog box. You can rewind tape by moving the slider, but usually a cassette image contains only one Atari file (real cassettes often contained many).


To boot the tape, hold Atari Start key (F4), while performing cold start (Shift+F5). Then press Space key. Or just use File/Autoboot image (Alt+B).




The emulated cassette transmission is very fast, but before it starts, the Atari OS has ca. 9 second delay. You have to wait that time, or you can use Full speed (F7) if you like.

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What do you think I've been trying to do? It won't play the tape.After reset it makes the load sound, I press the space key and after a few seconds I get a boot error message. I tried all 3 computer systems with basic and without it and I tried several different cassette images. If you don't have anything helpful to say mr zylon then don't say anything. In your language that would be syfm.

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