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Some goodies coming my way


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Well, I finally got around to buying myself all the gifts I really wanted for Christmas this weekend. Stuff that's too hard to explain to non-Atarian friends and family of what it is and where you get it to even bother asking/suggesting/hinting. I went the whole nine yards on this one, as I was a pretty good boy last year. To start things off I ordered a new XE keyboard as a couple keys on mine were broken, and I figured, while I have the XE open, I might as well install a 320k ram upgrade for it I ordered at the same time. then, for my trusty 1200XL, my main upgrade computer, I ordered the 32-in-1 OS from AtariMax anlong with the MyIDE+flashcart cartridge AND an 8mb Flashcart from them as well. Now I just have to wait until my personal Santa delivers it all. I also ordered a bunch of ST stuff, but that's for the ST section. In all, I think I blew about $300. :twisted:

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The 32-in-1 OS is a great upgrade. I have one in my 130XE. It really makes APE come alive (the warp OS), and it is very nice not having to hold option down to disable BASIC (you hold it down to enable).


I also did a 320K upgrade to the machine, but it is not working yet. I am trying to get a big part order put together this weekend.


Happy Atari modding.


Stephen Anderson

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