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Venus Express on 800-Cart?


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Can't be done. Cartridges only have enough address lines to allow 16K of addresses.


Aside from that, bank selecting would be the only option. And even then, as a minimum you have to use $B000-BFFF for ROM. I imagine their might be some way to have RAM there, but don't know if a method exists.


Early bank select schemes used the address range $D500-D5FF, and output a signal on a line called CARTCTL (I think) which bank-select hardware can use to employ bank-switching on the cartridge.


I've heard of systems which allow a small ROM at $5000, but don't know if they existed on production 800s.

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Can't be done.  Cartridges only have enough address lines to allow 16K of addresses.


Aside from that, bank selecting would be the only option.  And even then, as a minimum you have to use $B000-BFFF for ROM.  I imagine their might be some way to have RAM there, but don't know if a method exists.


Early bank select schemes used the address range $D500-D5FF, and output a signal on a line called CARTCTL (I think) which bank-select hardware can use to employ bank-switching on the cartridge.


I've heard of systems which allow a small ROM at $5000, but don't know if they existed on production 800s.



You can disable the ROM by dropping RD4 and RD5 on the cart slot. Grounding RD4 would show the ram from $8000-$9FFF and RD5 would be $A000-$BFFF. Some bank switched cartridges latch them through /CCTL so you can turn off the ROM.


The XL/XE has the self-test ROM from $5000-$57FF selectable via PB7.

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