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Emulating 810/1050 d/d mods on PC emulators


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I brought this issue up for 3 reasons


A- Atari 800 win+ apparently emulstes an xf551 as well as a standard 1050/810, though i don't see a specific option for xf551 emulation (unless it masquerades as the infamous or famous SIO patch option, which doesn't seem to speed up disk access at all unless you use the throttle switch in conjunction)


B- Atari ++ apparently emulates the not released 815 and the very popular 810/1050 mod ,The Happy (i say popular because it's the most clomed or ripped off d/d mod or upgrade, ones that come to mind are thwe speedy, super speedy 1050 (european) and the lazer usd or hyper drive usd (UK) and other happy clones i haven't mentioned


C- On the Atari.art .pl w/s they actually have an entire inventiory of every 810 or 1050 modd'd rom on the w/s, including the 815 and xf551 roms


If the roms are available surely it must be a synch to somehow incorporate the mod'd roms into atari 800 win+ and atari ++ and as with the standard set of o/s roms just have a rom tab or option of the different types of standard or modd'd 1050 or 810 (or 551) you want to emulate


in addition i would like to see emulated the Black Box (CSS) and also the OS controller card xl/xe upgrade

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I’ll implement “intermediate” enhancements emulation in Vapi.Dll.


Atari800 already emulates an XF-551 and the basic commands of the USD. It doesn’t make much sense to emulate the Happy for standard disks. What would you do with that?


In the first phase “The Chip” will be emulated. This will let you run the "Archiver" software and inspect the copy protection on VAPI images.


I’m not sure I will go much further than this. Full emulation (running the actual ROM) would require running a second CPU emulation as you probably guess. And if you want to do that for the Speedy, then you’ll need to implement the new instructions and different behavior of the 65C02.


Looks like a very big task plus quite some additional stress on the emulator host. So I ask again, what would you do with that? Would you like for example, to run the Happy Backuper software and copy one VAPI image into the other? Or use the Happy drive options that let you change the drive number? Does this make any sense at all for emulation?


C-64 emulators actually do emulate the second CPU inside the drive. But the situation there is completely different, because a C-64 can access the drive’s CPU with a stock drive.

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