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WHY IS Yorgle scared of the yellow key?


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Originally posted by Randy:

By the way, the username room34 sounds like a possible Adventure reference. Yes?


Ha! I wish it did. Actually, it is an inside reference that probably only one other person in the world would appreciate.


I'd have to check the map again, but are there even 34 rooms in Adventure?

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This just in!Turning to the national inquirer:


The secret to Yorgle's fear of the yellow key is revealed at last!


It seems that Yorgle had a problem with house training when he was a little dragon. Sometimes his master would not take him out for walkies and he would make a mess in the house. Anytime there were yellow stains on anything in the house, Yorgle got blamed and receiving a spanking. Now he has a mental block where if he sees a yellow item, he runs away less they blame him for that too.


We now return you to your regularly scheduled program :P

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Originally posted by StanJr:

did I not just post the answer to this?


You did. I am not sure what's going on but it seems like I was not receiving all of the posts in this thread... I didn't see your post yet when I posted my reply, and several hours later yesterday I reloaded the thread and I didn't see my post. Weird.


[ 05-27-2002: Message edited by: room34 ]

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Monkey, your theory (or your teacher's) is intriguing.


Regarding how to get rid of the bat, keep in mind that he cannot escape from any castle if he's flying straight left, straight right, straight up, or diagonally up. By contrast, any downward (i.e. southward) flight path will allow his escape, since the castle gates lie in that direction.


His upward and straight-horizontal trajectories, however, cause him to continue cycling through the castle over and over.


The gold castle is the easiest to trap him in, since it consists of one room. To figure out how to trap him, we have to realize that the bat can "want" an object, and therefore "target" it and change his next flying direction, even while you're holding him.


So grab some bait and place it in one of the upper corners of the gold castle screen. You don't have to actually stick it in the wall, but drop it pretty far up there.


Now, hold something that you won't need for the rest of the game, and lie in wait for the little scoundrel (in a different room than the gold castle location). When he comes flying along and force-trades you, grab him! Let him have your useless item -- as long as you're carrying the bat himself.


Now hurry back to the gold castle, but don't travel at any angle but a 90-degree one. I'm serious -- it's easier for the bat to suddenly escape your grasp if you're moving diagonally. Check it out! Make only hard right turns, and avoid diagonal movement.


When you arrive at the gold castle screen, wait in front of the gate for a few seconds. When you're sure that the bat must have seen your "bait" in the upper corner of the screen, walk into the gold castle and let him go. Since he "targeted" the bait, he'll automatically be on an upward flight path -- and he's locked in the castle!



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For the 5200? Yick! I can't imagine running around the Adventure kingdom with a non-centering joystick. I can't stand those controllers. I know that's not a unique complaint, but why would someone bother making a 5200 cartridge when the machine's identical to an Atari 8-bit computer (without the keyboard)? At least on the 400/800/XEs, you can use the Atari joysticks! I hope whoever's developing the game will reconsider!



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I think your professor has been smoking the yellow key.


As for getting locked in the castle by the bat, all you have to do is reset the game. This will bring you back outside as normal but doesn't start the game over. It leaves everything as you had. At least I think it does.


This is probably one of my favorite games for the 2600. I like this better than Raiders because things change in it. Dragons, keys, etc can be anywhere, and you never know what trouble you will get into.


Here's a question. Have you ever been eaten by a dragon, then had the bat come and pick up the dragon? You get to fly through all the boards. hehe



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Originally posted by StanJr:

And as for room 34, maybe but unlikely as there are only 30 screens in Game 3 of Adventure. (give or take a screen, I'm doing this off the top of my head, I can look it up if you like)


I looked it up here for the heck of it, and it appears that you are absolutely correct. I guess it just seems like more rooms because of the unusual way they link together.

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Back to the point...

No, it's not a glitch in the game. The coding for ol' yeller to fear the key is in the program.

W.R. was being creative when using the flicker of the graphics. The 2600 hardware only allows two "player" objects on the same scanlines. This flicker could have been avoided by way of a more complex subroutine, but it was interesting the way it instead became part of the play mechanic. Rather than sorting out when to draw part of each object, the program draws two complete objects and switches to others (if more than two) are on the screen on the next refresh. This is also why the collision registers do not always detect when two objects meet. When in "dark" rooms, the orange area around the player-controlled "ball" counts as one of these...which is how come the flicker with only two objects on the screen.

The dot itself has some interesting qualities...

-It IS a full player object (not a missile)

-It is NOT detected by the bat, since it's not on the bat's "want list". This list is coded near the end of the program, and allows the bat to choose one object over another, even if they are not displayed by the current refresh. The bat does not use the collision registers to pick up objects, unlike the player's "ball".

-The room that is unlocked by the dot is not accessable until the dot is actually touched. This room continues to be inaccessable to the bat unless the object the bat happens to be carrying "wraps around" the two panel screens, flipping the bat into the secret room for just an instant (long enough for the bat to detect "want list" objects hidden in there by the player. The dragons have no way to enter this room, unless brought in dead using the bat to carry them.


FYI although by using the bat, you can get stuck in a castle's gate...it is not possible to actually lock yourself INSIDE of a castle...since just by being in the castle, the gate is assumed to be "open". You can lock yourself out for good, however, by dropping the key in the gate's path when it begins to close.


Simply dropping the bat under an object is no guarantee that it will fly upwards after it gets the object. Once the bat matches the vertical position of the object, it will move slightly upwards and downwards as it moves horizontally IF it can't line up with the object. If it gets to the object after a downward wobble, it will escape downward (you are better off holding the bat and moving upward to let it pick up the object, before you let go).

The bat can escape your grasp ONLY if you collide with another carryable object (including the one the bat is holding). With that in mind, just carry the bat from it's left side. You can slightly "control" the bat's flight if you are inside a dragon that it is carrying by picking up the bat.

Many people say that the mazes are poorly done, but I just think of the maze tunnels as being linked in THREE dimensions (like sides of a die).


The game Indenture is a close simulation of the cart...with these exceptions:

-The bat can detect objects in the next screen.

-More stuff.

-The flicker is simulated, it won't interfere with collisions.

-More screens.

-You can't lock a key in it's castle...the gate will re-open the moment it touches the key.

-More stuff!

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It just seemed so odd to see the same type of comment hours after my post! Crazy.


As for Yorgle, perhaps he's like the old school green lantern and cannot affect anything that is the color yellow, therefore he avoids all things yellow, despite the fact that he is himself yellow.

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Good tips, but it's not true that the bat can't escape unless you collide with another object. He CAN randomly "let go" of your grasp if you're traveling in any diagonal direction -- even if you don't press the fire button. This has happened to me countless times, and others as well, I'd imagine.


Also, if you hold the bat under an item without letting him grab it, and letting him "see" it for over fifteen seconds, it's impossible for him to NOT want it. He ALWAYS goes for an item you "show" him if you wait long enough. I've tested this countless times. Fifteen seconds, maximum, always does the trick. There's no need to let him have the item.



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Nope...what is probably happening is you are inadvertently bumping into the object the bat has. This is easier to do if another object is with you on the screen that the bat wants (making his object move closer or farther from him...depending on the location of the "wanted" item). Bumping into a dragon is the only exception here...and you will be eaten while *still* holding onto the bat (this is the easiest way to "fly" around...if the dragon happens to be the "wanted" item). Diagonal movement (or any other) won't pose a problem as long as you grab the bat from the left (keeping the bat's held item at a safe distance).

You can also "train" the bat to fly in a straight line by moving the bat horizontally onto an object...waiting...and then swapping objects again**. Remove the other object from the area and you've got him trained.


** This won't be needed to done if the first item the bat swapped for was on it's scanline height already.


Another neat trick involving swapping:

Train the bat in an area where you have full access to both sides of the screen (like below the yellow castle). Let it fly to the right, swapping objects until the one it drops appears on BOTH sides of the screen. If you pick up this object from the left side of the screen, you will "carry" it half of a screen away from your character! Useless, but a wierd quirk (and it lets you win in a different way).


None of the above applies to Indenture, though...in case you are wondering.

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Originally posted by Nukey Shay:


A completely labeled disassembly of Adventure is in the Stella archives. With it, you can read through the code in plain english (well, almost).


Very cool! I will have to check it out. My code comprehension abilities are limited to JavaScript and VBScript. Assembler code is beyond me. By the way, where can I find the Stella archives?


[ 05-29-2002: Message edited by: room34 ]

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Originally posted by JohnnyWC:

He knows that if you drop the key right on his head, he's paralyzed forever!!


Wow! How did you manage to do that? In my experience, Yorgle is usually already high-tailing it off the far edge of the screen as soon as I appear in a new room with the yellow key.

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Originally posted by liquid_sky:

Have any of you ever used the bridge to go into the area of doom as i call it, in the area up top outside of the castle?

Yes, in fact I got eaten by a dragon up there one time!


I've found you can get yourself into trouble with the bridge and outer walls of the screens almost everywhere... especially on the Easter egg screen!


[ 05-29-2002: Message edited by: room34 ]

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Here is the one I have bookmarked: http://www.io.com/~nickb/atari/doc/adventur.txt


If you scroll down to F927, you can see the bat's want list (in order of priority).


The yellow dragon's object matrix is at F7C2 (in all dragon matrix's, the items they "fear" are above the ball, items they "guard" are below the ball).


The way the key works is in the way that the dragon "runs" from it...using less-than/greater-than comparisons. If the key's X/Y is the same as the dragon's, all the comparisons will be false and the dragon won't pick a direction to run to. This can also be done with the sword, if enough objects are in the room to keep the dragon from getting killed by it. An interesting note here is that using the bat, you can have it drop all the dragons in exactly the same spot (put all the keys in the same spot, and line up the dead dragons before the bat gets "fed up"). Then lock the bat away, and stick the sword above them so that it's handle is even with their beaks (in the position seen in the video above...you may need to use the bat or magnet to get the sword to line up correctly). Set the difficulty to have them fear the sword, bring all other objects in there, and reset. This works best in rooms that have an additional object already (like the castles or message screen).


Chris Federico--

Do you use a rapid-fire adaptor? I can't get the bat to escape on it's own. Anyone else confirm this?


[ 05-29-2002: Message edited by: Nukey Shay ]

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Ah, it's okay -- It's silly to continue arguing about a strange little discrepancy on my ol' VCS that doesn't happen to show up in the code's traceable logic. We're boring everyone else. (Out of curiosity, no, I don't use a rapid-fire thingy.) Neat stuff about Yorgle's X/Y.



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