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Weird Colors


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Ok, some quick background:


I've known for awhile that the video picture on my Leaktek Winfast TV/2000 card is a bit screwy with the signal produced by Atari hardware. The exact issue is that there's a bit of snow on the screen.





It really hasn't bothered me, though, and I've pretty much chalked it up to the sampling of a modern TV card vs. the inherently poor picture of older TVs that blurred over many of these issues. My 7800 exhibits the exact same issue, except that the colors are a bit off in Joust. In Joust, however, I was able to tune the color hues to match a bit closer to what the emulator shows. But nothing quite prepared me for when I picked up a copy of Desert Falcon.


Or should I say, Links Golf lizard? :-o



Now that has to be the wackiest color scheme yet! I can sort of fix it for the first level (by adjusting the hue, saturation, and contrast), but the second level goes back to being green. Fixing that level doesn't seem to be possible. Any adjustments that look right are far too redshifted to be correct.


What do you guys think. Is it the 7800, my TV Card, or is that just normal?

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Ok, some quick background:


I've known for awhile that the video picture on my Leaktek Winfast TV/2000 card is a bit screwy with the signal produced by Atari hardware. The exact issue is that there's a bit of snow on the screen.





It really hasn't bothered me, though, and I've pretty much chalked it up to the sampling of a modern TV card vs. the inherently poor picture of older TVs that blurred over many of these issues. My 7800 exhibits the exact same issue, except that the colors are a bit off in Joust. In Joust, however, I was able to tune the color hues to match a bit closer to what the emulator shows. But nothing quite prepared me for when I picked up a copy of Desert Falcon.


Or should I say, Links Golf lizard? :-o



Now that has to be the wackiest color scheme yet! I can sort of fix it for the first level (by adjusting the hue, saturation, and contrast), but the second level goes back to being green. Fixing that level doesn't seem to be possible. Any adjustments that look right are far too redshifted to be correct.


What do you guys think. Is it the 7800, my TV Card, or is that just normal?



As for the colors in Desert Falcon, that is normal. Desert faclon is supposed to change colors like that inbetween levels, keep playing past the second level and it should be obvious. That and the colors were probably correct to begin with, it is the emulators that are WAY off in colors for the 7800. but real 7800's vary in colors between different units anyway.

As for the snow, I don't know other than it may just be just what your capture card does with computer generated signals.

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As for the colors in Desert Falcon, that is normal. Desert faclon is supposed to change colors like that inbetween levels, keep playing past the second level and it should be obvious. That and the colors were probably correct to begin with, it is the emulators that are WAY off in colors for the 7800. but real 7800's vary in colors between different units anyway.

As for the snow, I don't know other than it may just be just what your capture card does with computer generated signals.



Thanks, akimmet. The emulator gives the impression that the game should start out in the desert as opposed to grass.


As for the snow, I figure it's probably electronic interference. TV Cards are very precise in their sampling. Such artifacts probably wouldn't show up on a real TV screen. More modern hardware and other PNP games work without issue. :)

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As for the snow, I figure it's probably electronic interference. TV Cards are very precise in their sampling. Such artifacts probably wouldn't show up on a real TV screen. More modern hardware and other PNP games work without issue. :)


Yeah. Remember, those early devices wern't putting out a clean analog signal, but a very low grade loosely compatable digital simulation that in many cases (like the 2600 for example) was controlled directly by the program code without any restrictions or limits of ensuring compatable output.


(Wonders what PONG would look like on a tv card....)

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As for the colors in Desert Falcon, that is normal. Desert faclon is supposed to change colors like that inbetween levels, keep playing past the second level and it should be obvious. That and the colors were probably correct to begin with, it is the emulators that are WAY off in colors for the 7800. but real 7800's vary in colors between different units anyway.

As for the snow, I don't know other than it may just be just what your capture card does with computer generated signals.



Thanks, akimmet. The emulator gives the impression that the game should start out in the desert as opposed to grass.


As for the snow, I figure it's probably electronic interference. TV Cards are very precise in their sampling. Such artifacts probably wouldn't show up on a real TV screen. More modern hardware and other PNP games work without issue. :)



It is supposed to start in a kind of sickly greenish tan "desert" look, then a green "grass" look. However after the second level the colors cycle to some crazy color combinations (like purple and black).



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