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Dragon Warrior II


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So we all know that DW I is a time-honored classic. But the other day I found DW II at my local second hander and, of course, had to pick it up. From the few seconds I have had it in the NES it looks exactly like DW I and utilizes the same themes as the first one. My question is, how does the sequel match up to the original. I am all set for some more fun dungeon crawling, but should I devote my time to this new adventure or just retain my fond memories of the first one and put this bad boy on the shelf?

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I own all 4 nes dragon Warriors. Dragon Warrior 2 starts with one character, but becomes a party of 3 latter on. There are some differences between the two games. You have to travel by ship a part of the game. The game itself is bigger and deeper the DW1. Graphics and sound are close to one. The story line is different. You have to get Crests. I consider DW 2 a better game then one. You will have to do some level boosting. It is not the best Dragon Warrior for the nes thou. Dragon warrior 2 is ranked third by me in Dragon Warrior games for the nes. If you get it, I recomand you using gamefaqs for it. It depends on how you looked DW one. I didn't think of DW very well at the time I first played the nes. I thought dragon Warrior one was more about leveling up and getting items be earning money from enemies and lame at the time. On the other hand I thought DW 3 and 4 were great 8bit rpgs.

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There was a lot of tedious levelling up in DWI, but I have found, and frustrating, memories of trying to beat that first dragon.


I plan to start on DWII tonight, but I am hoping that I can avoid relying on FAQ's and walkthroughs too much as I feel it ruins some of the experience.


Thanks for the information!

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It's not too bad at all. I prefer FF and Wizardry on the NES, though. Dragon warrior always seemed a bit watered down to me.


DW 2 was definately a bit more epic and exiting. I remember a buddy getting it for his b-day and playing it all night when it came out.

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I beat it once in the early ninties and loved it then. I mean lived, breathed and talked about it at the dinner table kind of thing. However, when I went back to it about a year ago on the GBC I found it tedious and drawn out. Ditto for DW3. The very first Dragon Warrior though, I could play that game a million times.


Art thou the descendant of Erdrick? Hast thou any proof? Classic stuff :cool:

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Ok, so I have embarked on the adventure. I have to say, I'm having fun thus far. One of the nice things is that unlike the first one, you really can't get too far without being levelled up, so you sort of have to work your way through the adventure, rather than just aimlessly levelling up (like I did in order to fight that dragon in the first one).


One gripe, the battle scenes are on a blank, black backdrop. The first game gave you a nice little battle screen with a background and graphics. This new system is boring.


So far, so good. Plays and feels a LOT like the first one.

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One gripe, the battle scenes are on a blank, black backdrop.  The first game gave you a nice little battle screen with a background and graphics.  This new system is boring.


If I recall correctly, IV was the same way: a big, boring black backdrop for the battles. But it more than made it up for its boringness in the gameplay. That game is about as unique as you can get for an RPG.

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I only ever liked the original DW, which I can play over and over and enjoy every time. All of the ones after, I didn't like at all.


I don't like those multi-person party arangements.

I didn't like the boring black backdrops during the fights.

I didn't like that they were bigger and harder.


I tried giving DWII a real chance, played it a few hours a day over the course of a week. Just couldn't stand it. III & IV didn't even get that much play out of me once I tried them. Just not my type of game.

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Oh wow. What a co-inky-dink. Yesterday I finally beat Dragon Warrior I (It only took me 17 years.) and started on Dragon Warrior II.


My impressions of it so far after being so used to the original: (And having never placed III or IV for more than a few minutes.)


While the addition of multiple characters fighting multiple enemies at once, the battle system has lost its charm. The enemies don't blink when hit or dying. The sound is so much worse when attacking.


The music is new, but the sound effects from the original were better. I miss the much better "Stay overnight at the inn" tune that plays in the original over what they changed it to in II and on. (Especially since they used this newer less cool sound in VIII.)


I too don't understand why they went from the really nice scenic backgrounds to plain black during battles. Sad they kept this even for III and IV! (Which I have checked on. Booooring.) In all respects, II, III and IV have nicer graphics that get better with each game, it's just all those little cool things the original had that make you wonder "Why the hell did they leave them out of the sequels?"


I pray one day a PSP release of all 4 or even 5 or 6 or even 7 of the original games will be made with nice updated graphics, still in 2D, looking like a cross between SNES graphics and what they did to Zelda: Four Swords for the Cube. (2D with 3D touches.) Maybe one day the wish will come true.

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Well, I am progressing nicely (investigating Moonbrooke Castle and the Tower with the Wind Cloak), have picked up my first companion and have not yet had to "level up" beyond my general adventuring. The Tall Tower is kicking my butt right now, but I'm still having plenty of fun. I am hopeful that discoveries in the Tower will help locate the Princess of the Castle that is missing (I suspect she is the dog in the town).


Having a lot of fun with DWII

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i have a hard time playing the dw games on the NES. the controls were super laggy, and the grinding is beyond tedious. i also do not like it when you have two party members fight an enemy, but if the first party member to attack kills the monster, then the second party member does not attack any of the remaining monsters.


i did play through the GBC remake, and enjoyed that. i still plan on going through DWIII on the gbc, i like how the world map is based on the map of the earth

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i have a hard time playing the dw games on the NES.  the controls were super laggy, and the grinding is beyond tedious.  i also do not like it when you have two party members fight an enemy, but if the first party member to attack kills the monster, then the second party member does not attack any of the remaining monsters.


i did play through the GBC remake, and enjoyed that.  i still plan on going through DWIII on the gbc, i like how the world map is based on the map of the earth


I do remember that. At least the battle system in two is not as bad as the Dragon Warrior 4 in the final chapter.

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that can be frustrating. A lot of NES RPG's have battle systems like that (heck some PSone games had battle systems like that)


I'm stuck in the Tall Tower (its a puzzle) and am still looking for that mirror to save the Princess of Moonbrooke, but still having lots of fun!

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