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Will the 5200 Genesis Redemption Adapter Work....


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yes they work fine..even my import sega megadrive control pad/sega arcade sticks work..basically if i the controller is made for the saga master system or the sega genesis..they should work well...the redemption 5200 is a awesome alternative to those TERRIBLE stock 5200 controllers..i its a shame that u still have to keep one plugged in the redemption for the start feature though... i hated playing defender with the 5200 stick but, now with my trusty sega controllers im kicking ass all over ! the redemption 5200 is worth the money get yours while you can (i hear they sell out a lot).... a coworker of mine has a modded nintendo nes controller he uses on his genesis..and he tried it out on my redemption and even that worked :cool:

Edited by darklord1977
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That's cool. Everyone has their own tastes.


Here's a link that may help clear up some of the confusion about the Jakks units:


Mappyland :: scrapbook


Scroll down to "July 2004", and then read the 2005 entry. I think I get it now. Mine is the July '04 version. Come to think of it, the 8-way controls are a bit touchy, but I do like the feel better than the original 5200 or Competition Pro sticks.


Speaking of Mappy, that has to be the most addictive game ever. I'm actually thinking of getting an NES so I can play the Famicom release with an adapter. The version on the Jakks rocks and I'd just like to compare the two.



Well, being that this topic got bumped...


Try the arcade version on MAME. I love it. I'm actually contemplating canibalizing my Jakks Ms. Pac Man wired stick to make a 7800 stick out of it, right now... Mappy *is* one of the few games that plays well and is enjoyable on the Jakks sticks... but I've got a wireless Jakks *and* a Mame cabinet, so I'm pretty well set for getting my Mappy fixes. :)


I'll take your word on the link, too... Heh. It just really irks me that they had so much trouble getting this stick right in so many iterations and that people still give it a "passing" grade overall... especially when you see the FB2 getting bashed because early versions had some glitchy games and Quadrun didn't have voice... The wireless stick promised improved controls, and I didn't see it, and it was $39.99. The first wireless one bit, and it was $29.99 originally... Jakks burnt me enough that unless they're on closeout for $4.99 and I plan on gutting their parts for a 7800 stick, they won't see another dime from me.

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Oh... heh... and being that we're trolling and flaming...


Put my fanboy vote in with JB. Gamepads suck. :)

jb is too dependent on the 5200 control stick(its not the greatest like he CLAIMS it is)..id like to see what would happen if they dont make the parts anymore or something like that (you cant keep playing with tin foil and glue or god know what else for ever LOL) he would have to start using something new, but i can relate to how he feels ..i thing the sega and the ps/xbox are wayyy better than the 5200 stick..but everybody has their favorites .. i have a friend that thinks the odyssey controller is the best..(never liked the odyssey so i cant comment on that controller)

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why do you keep on nit picking? whats your deal we know you love the 5200 controllers..but lots of people dont :cool:

You're dredging up threads that have been dead for over a year, replying to people that don't even visit the boards anymore, and all in all just being a nuisance.


There are plenty of people I don't agree with that I have great respect for and some I even consider good friends.

They also capitalize, use punctuation, don't quadruple-post, don't bump ancient threads, and don't assume I'm out to get them for disagreeing.

If you'd actually paid attention, I defended you over the eBay thing. Which was clearly the wrong thing to do, but I like to assume the best of people until proven otherwise.



Oh... heh... and being that we're trolling and flaming...


Put my fanboy vote in with JB. Gamepads suck. :)

jb is too dependent on the 5200 control stick(its not the greatest like he CLAIMS it is)..id like to see what would happen if they dont make the parts anymore or something like that (you cant keep playing with tin foil and glue or god know what else for ever LOL) he would have to start using something new, but i can relate to how he feels ..i thing the sega and the ps/xbox are wayyy better than the 5200 stick..but everybody has their favorites .. i have a friend that thinks the odyssey controller is the best..(never liked the odyssey so i cant comment on that controller)


Bite me, retard. I've had more than my fill of bullshit this week, and I've had it with you.


You know what I use?

99/4a sticks.

NES Advantages.

Genesis 3-button pads.

SNES pads.

Dreamcast pads.

DualShi-err, Shocks, and knockoffs.

GameCube pads.

Coleco Gemini sticks.

Vectrex... umm... things.

Intellivision pads.

"Arcade-style" joysticks.




A bunch of other stuff that isn't really worth mentioning. Some relatively obscure, some fairly specialized, and some just retarded.


Currently, I regularly use the Gamecube pad, DualShock, NES Advantage, and a PC gamepad that's a DualShit knockoff anyways.

Subject to change as my tastes shift, which they do fairly regularly.


My 5200 is out of order until I get a VCR in here, as I recently switched my gaming display from a crappy TV with convergence problems to a 33" monitor that, while superior in every other respect, lacks an NTSC tuner.



FURTHERMORE, I have never claimed the 5200 controller is the "best." What controller is best varies quite a bit with game and personal preference, thereby preventing making it, or any other controller, from being perfect for everything.

What I HAVE said is that it's my favorite controller; that once modified to fix reliability issues it's "good enough" for most games, which is all anyone can hope for from a generic input device; and that it's far better than people give it credit for; and that the CX-40 some people keep hyping as infintely superior is a piece of garbage(and I mean that in the nicest possible way) with too few buttons and the worst ergonomics of any device I've ever used.



Your insinuation that I'm only capable of using one controller is little more than a pathetic and insulting attempt to render my opinion on input devices moot. And it fails under examination.

The fact is I've used more types of controllers than you've seen in your entire life. I probably have extensive experience with more types of controllres than you've ever owned.


And on what grounds do you base your claim that I can't repair a 5200 stick for as long as I need one? Do you ahve actual empirical evidence that proves, or even IMPLIES that a 5200 stick will completely and irrecoverably fail after a certain number of years? Or that the currently-manufactured upgrade parts have a fatal flaw that will render them unusable soon, and destroy the molds in the process? Or are you just making up a "doomsday" scenario to further your argument that I'm doomed to never play a game again once the 5200 explodes?




You are, simply, a moron. One who has actively chosen to insult me for reasons known only to your miniscule and defective cerebrum.

Now go back to playing EA Sports What Ball Is This 2006 and quit bothering the people that have something more intelligent to say than "ZOMG TEH 5200 AM TEH SUK ROFL!!!!111ONEONEoneoneoneeleven".

Edited by JB
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why do you keep on nit picking? whats your deal we know you love the 5200 controllers..but lots of people dont :cool:

You're dredging up threads that have been dead for over a year, replying to people that don't even visit the boards anymore, and all in all just being a nuisance.


There are plenty of people I don't agree with that I have great respect for and some I even consider good friends.

They also capitalize, use punctuation, don't quadruple-post, don't bump ancient threads, and don't assume I'm out to get them for disagreeing.

If you'd actually paid attention, I defended you over the eBay thing. Which was clearly the wrong thing to do, but I like to assume the best of people until proven otherwise.



Oh... heh... and being that we're trolling and flaming...


Put my fanboy vote in with JB. Gamepads suck. :)

jb is too dependent on the 5200 control stick(its not the greatest like he CLAIMS it is)..id like to see what would happen if they dont make the parts anymore or something like that (you cant keep playing with tin foil and glue or god know what else for ever LOL) he would have to start using something new, but i can relate to how he feels ..i thing the sega and the ps/xbox are wayyy better than the 5200 stick..but everybody has their favorites .. i have a friend that thinks the odyssey controller is the best..(never liked the odyssey so i cant comment on that controller)


Bite me, retard. I've had more than my fill of bullshit this week, and I've had it with you.


You know what I use?

99/4a sticks.

NES Advantages.

Genesis 3-button pads.

SNES pads.

Dreamcast pads.

DualShi-err, Shocks, and knockoffs.

GameCube pads.

Coleco Gemini sticks.

Vectrex... umm... things.

Intellivision pads.

"Arcade-style" joysticks.




A bunch of other stuff that isn't really worth mentioning. Some relatively obscure, some fairly specialized, and some just retarded.


Currently, I regularly use the Gamecube pad, DualShock, NES Advantage, and a PC gamepad that's a DualShit knockoff anyways.

Subject to change as my tastes shift, which they do fairly regularly.


My 5200 is out of order until I get a VCR in here, as I recently switched my gaming display from a crappy TV with convergence problems to a 33" monitor that, while superior in every other respect, lacks an NTSC tuner.



FURTHERMORE, I have never claimed the 5200 controller is the "best." What controller is best varies quite a bit with game and personal preference, thereby preventing making it, or any other controller, from being perfect for everything.

What I HAVE said is that it's my favorite controller; that once modified to fix reliability issues it's "good enough" for most games, which is all anyone can hope for from a generic input device; and that it's far better than people give it credit for; and that the CX-40 some people keep hyping as infintely superior is a piece of garbage(and I mean that in the nicest possible way) with too few buttons and the worst ergonomics of any device I've ever used.



Your insinuation that I'm only capable of using one controller is little more than a pathetic and insulting attempt to render my opinion on input devices moot. And it fails under examination.

The fact is I've used more types of controllers than you've seen in your entire life. I probably have extensive experience with more types of controllres than you've ever owned.


And on what grounds do you base your claim that I can't repair a 5200 stick for as long as I need one? Do you ahve actual empirical evidence that proves, or even IMPLIES that a 5200 stick will completely and irrecoverably fail after a certain number of years? Or that the currently-manufactured upgrade parts have a fatal flaw that will render them unusable soon, and destroy the molds in the process? Or are you just making up a "doomsday" scenario to further your argument that I'm doomed to never play a game again once the 5200 explodes?




You are, simply, a moron. One who has actively chosen to insult me for reasons known only to your miniscule and defective cerebrum.

Now go back to playing EA Sports What Ball Is This 2006 and quit bothering the people that have something more intelligent to say than "ZOMG TEH 5200 AM TEH SUK ROFL!!!!111ONEONEoneoneoneeleven".

your a real ASS@!!$ you know that? im reporting you to the webmaster

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