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ColecoVision 128-in-1 Flash Cart Now Available!


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I'd hate to have to fire up VirtualPC in order to make use of this item, but if the libusb port were around the corner, it might interest me in firing up Xcode and hacking together a GUI wrapper...



Its 'almost ready'. :D It was almost ready when I wrote that too, but things got a little crazy trying to get things ready for the mailing.


When things calm down, probably next week, I will sit down and finish it up. Its already to the state where it can read/program the cart, but the on-screen menu doesnt get updated yet.



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I'd hate to have to fire up VirtualPC in order to make use of this item, but if the libusb port were around the corner, it might interest me in firing up Xcode and hacking together a GUI wrapper...



Its 'almost ready'. :D It was almost ready when I wrote that too, but things got a little crazy trying to get things ready for the mailing.


When things calm down, probably next week, I will sit down and finish it up. Its already to the state where it can read/program the cart, but the on-screen menu doesnt get updated yet.





Here's another request to get the OS X version going. I have a PC but it's packed away and will be a big pain to pull out every time I want to put another game on it.



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Just got the cart today:


When I insert the CD and the installer starts to run I get the following error message:


"Could not initialize installation. File size expected=1282854, size returned=116119.


Same thing if I try to run it from a run prompt.


Any ideas?

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"Could not initialize installation.  File size expected=1282854, size returned=116119.


Same thing if I try to run it from a run prompt. 


Any ideas?



Some of the cds have a corrupted copy of usbcoleco.exe on them. :(


Follow the instructions here to download a fresh copy:




You can then go on to step two of the installation and plug in the cartridge.



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Can anyone email me all of the "files" that I need for this?  Mine should arrive in the next day or so.  A nice member sent me all the "files" that I needed for my Cuttle Cart 2 and I could use the same for the Colecovision.


I found mine using BitTornado searching on torrentreactor.net (I think they were only 2 or 3 mb)


Oh I got the cart yesterday also and it is fantastic. Does everything it is supposed to. :)

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I got mine this morning, but I've got a problem. First, I had one of the bad CD's. I was a bit worried because I was reading the CD on a Mac and installing remotely to my W2K machine using SSH and double-VNC, and I thought there might have been a newlines problem. Got the fixed version and it installed.


My problem is that once I got back home during lunch and hooked it up, it gave an error during programming. I first had it in a hub, then plugged it into a direct USB port. I even tried a force synchronize. Basically it programs the first 64K (the address on the status line stops at 0x00010000) and then errors out.


[USB Task] Cartridge state successfully erased, resynchronize your cartridge.
[USB Manager] Entered LOW CPU State
[MENU ROM Manager] ROM equates loaded sucessfully.
[USB Task] Checking cartridge...
[USB Task] Checking ROM images...
[USB Task] Beginning Update...
[USB Task] Update 1 of 64...
[USB Task] Sector Erase...
[USB Task] Program Sector...
[USB Task] Program Sector time 2384ms
[USB Task] Update 2 of 64...
[USB Task] Sector erase...
[USB Task] Synchronize aborted! Incorrect device ID. Task aborted!
[USB Task] Update Complete!
[USB Manager] Entered LOW CPU State

Oh, and you might want to make it look a bit better on 640x480 monitors. I have one Winderz PC hooked up to a TV via DVI to play videos, and I can only get 480p mode out of it (which is still far superior to S-video). The window mostly squeezes into the available space, but I have to drag the title bar just a bit above the top of the screen to see the status line. And the games list sticks out into the status message area. I sure hope there were no buttons hidden below it. (It could be worse... the ATI setup control panel is so tall you can't reach the OK button without blindly tabbing to it.)

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My problem is that once I got back home during lunch and hooked it up, it gave an error during programming.  I first had it in a hub, then plugged it into a direct


Can you try it on another PC? If it still doesnt work, or you dont have another PC to try it on, you should send it back for an exchange. I will PM you my address.





Edited by classics
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I just built a Windows 2000 Pro machine from scratch (almost from scratch... it was a discarded PC with a fanless CPU that I had been keeping in my cubicle just in case, and I raided parts from my dead old PC), and the cartridge was able to synchronize this time.


I'm wondering... I ran the "Multi-Cart Studio" program remotely before I even had a chance to hook up the cartridge to USB and get its driver installed... maybe that could have been part of the problem. Also, maybe I should try one of the rear USB ports next. (the first try was a hub off of a front port, then I tried the other front port) Heck, maybe even just a reboot would be enough. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I ever exited the program after the driver installed.


One thing I quickly noticed the other day is that there are more than 127 released games to load into it, not even counting homebrews and MSX hacks. I see a great need for sub-multi-carts to pack the menu more efficiently. For instance, putting both BC's Quest for Tires I and II into an image. This would be a long-term project on the order of hacking E0 carts to run on standard 16K bank switching, and would probably require disassembly and reassembly of various games.


And I'm going to hate myself even more if I can't make my RPG fit into 32K. It's bad enough that I'd have to modify an emulator to debug it without my ICE (which can give me almost 24K more memory to work in if I don't mind waiting for it to load as hex ASCII at 9600 or 19200 baud), but now I've got to worry about the multicart owners. :-)

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I spent a good couple of hours playing with my 128 in 1 flash cart today. This is incredible.


If you haven't bought one yet I wouldn't wait. Steve's site has given this updated message -


Pre-Order Pricing Extended Until 04/01/2006


Orders for the ColecoVision 128-in-1 USB Flash Cartridge will be accepted at the special pre-order price of only $129.99 until the first 100 cartridges are sold, or 04/01/2006, whichever comes first.


After the sale ends the price will increase to $149.99.


Hurry and get one while you still can for $129.99. You won't regret it.

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