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Welcome to my updated site (4000 games?)


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Greetings all Atarians! Finally I updated my site with many new items and more accurate data in all item sections.


The library now contains 4000 games, many with screenshoots and descriptions mainly from online Page 6, Antic and Hi-Res magazines, which are GREAT sources including Analog, which will be studied, too. ections grown considerably, source code library now contains all article listing links to Page 6 (up to issue 29) and all Hi-Res articles, Antic items will be revised soon.


ou are more than welcome to visit http://freeweb.siol.net/diomedes/. There are some "glitches", which will be fixed in future updates. Any comments are appreciated.


Unfortunatelly game downloads are not yet possible, but of course I will make sure it will be realized, too.


More on news, go to http://freeweb.siol.net/diomedes/news.htm.


Best regards,



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There are some "glitches", which will be fixed in future updates. Any comments are appreciated.


There are some serious "glitches" in your post above too - please re-read it and make appropriate corrections! :)



Yes, I found them :)


But, who cares, I am a glitch, from the day I was born ;)

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maybe it would be a good idea to categorize the games like atarimania.com did. In my eyes it would be nice to have as many A8 archives not nescesarily with the same programs but at least with the same categories... just an idea...


By the way, in the category "Olympic" I found the program Trackstar, which was a type-in listing of Page 6 not Antic. And Double Dash is the same program as Olympic Dash (or 100m Dash or Dual Dash). The games Track & Field and L.A. Games are actually the same (T & F was the original game title by Konami, renamed by Atari to L.A. games, so the label on the cart. says T & F while the game title screen says L.A. Games 1984)... Personally I don`t think it makes much sense to have one and the same game under different names (even if some stupid hackers changed the program name or program length by using packers)...


But hey, you started a good work... hopefully the download section will be there soon... -Andreas Magenheimer.

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Thank you, Andreas and Jetset, for kind words. You are right, Andreas, I have lot more to do, revising and categorizing is not finished by far! Thanks for finding those errors (Trackstar) and duplications of games with the same names. I think there are many more in the library to deal with. Your idea is great, but I also decided to make just one entry for such a game and then notify about different versions, including hacked ones. There will be many changes in next updates, including copyright matters in articles from http://www.atarimagazines.com/, where I will have to make links to articles, because I am not allowed to have excerpts from the magazines (I understand them, it is right thing to do). Maybe I will begin to make my own reviews, but it can take lot of time, which I don't have.


If you come across any new such duplicate or wrong entries, please report to me, Andreas and all others. Thanks in advance.


Most excellent site.  :thumbsup:


It takes a LOT of work cataloging games/files. I've been organizing my files by game type for the better part of a year now and I'm only halfway through (granted I only sit down to do it a few times a week, but still...)



You are right, Jetset, but it pays off, for our beloved little Ataris. Best wishes with your cataloging, please report to me for any progress you make.

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You should also double check your entries for publishers: 4-D Interactive Systems, ArgoSoft Software Productions, Axis, Fanda, Rassilon Software... are developers and sometimes just an alias for a single person.



Atari Frog




Thanks for mentioning that, Atari Frog, I will check this out. I visited your site several times, excellent indeed. We can share info about games, maybe I have something you don't have in your library yet, who knows.


And is that real what I saw you have in your special rooms? Such a big collection of Atari stuff? Great!!!

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There are a number of game titles you should check again... Some are for the 2600 only, some were never released at all, a lot of them have wrong titles and there are some mismatches as well (like Eliza).


Also, if you are taking information from our site, please do not change the language or other fields which have been verified :twisted:



Atari Frog


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There are a number of game titles you should check again... Some are for the 2600 only, some were never released at all, a lot of them have wrong titles and there are some mismatches as well (like Eliza).


Also, if you are taking information from our site, please do not change the language or other fields which have been verified :twisted:



Atari Frog




Hmm, TO MAKE THINGS CLEAR... Your site is great, but you are not the only one, who likes Ataris! Of course I took SOME games info from your site, but that includes just FEW RARE ONES. I have many sources which helped me a lot, I will post one if you are interested. I have nearly 4000 ATR images of games, but didn't succed to put them on ftp server yet (there are also COPYRIGHT issues, aren't they)


As a matter of fact, I studied lots of magazines and IT WAS MAJOR source of information, besides FANDAL's site, who is very kind person who allowed me to use info from his huge library (also RARE games). But that IS JUST a small piece what I had before that.


It's better I don't look at your site anymore, there is NO NEED, because it would remember me there are some competitive people who DON't WANT other to share same field of interest.


Thank you, I appreciate your time finding mistakes on my site. I decided to include also games, which were never released. I have lot of work to do, but I will continue to maintain database to make it more accurate, when time comes to its perfection ;)



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I think you misunderstood what I wrote...


What I mean is that it takes a lot of time, dedication, double or triple verifications, money... to maintain such a database and it's in the interest of the entire community to have correct information whenever possible. On the subject of magazines, you'll find out there are many, many errors...


If you take stuff from our site, just don't change the details as it benefits nobody. Don't take things so seriously, there was a smiley at the end of my sentence :)


There's no doubt you worked hard on your project, I never said you didn't... I don't know why you're taking the piss, I was merely pointing out from experience what you need to do to maintain an accurate database.



Atari Frog


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I am so sorry, that's my temper :)


As I said, you are great source of information (as Fandal and others) and you are right about making information accurate as possible. Of course I wll visit your pages, who does not know your online work and hobby Atari room ;)


If I find new games on your site from now on I will make notification it came from you, for example I see you have new BASIC games from Michael Current.


So, may I? Do I have permission to make my database more accurate? ;)

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That's the spirit, Atarian :)


It sounds like a good idea for new update. I already credited everybody who helped me so far, so I will make amendments also for you. For every new game discovered I will make sure the source will be known. I will notify you about it when my next update is out.


Hmm, I wonder which games are just for 2600, because I tried to be very careful about that. I hope they are just few in my library.


Thanks for this info, I have to check tihis out.

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Actually, not to stir up the mud, but atarimania, you did sound a little on the rude side.

There's a difference between a  :)  and a  :twisted:  smiley. One is meaning play nice, the other is usually used to show sarcasm or snide.



Just my photos_r5_c17.gif



Hehe, Jetset, it's ok. We are all Atari brothers ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I updated my site with new sections, new games and corrections to previous detail descriptions. Also fixed are entries with the same name, but different contents. I apologize to all who looked with no success for such entries and got the same game. It is corrected now, you can look for Pong, Pacman clones or anything else:





See ya

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