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Changing MyDos Screen Colors


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Does anyone know if it is possible to edit MyDos to change the screen colors from Blue/White to something with a bit more contrast like Black/White?


Alternatively, does anyone know of a program that will change screen colors, that I could load prior to MyDos?



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When you call DOS, MyDOS re-opens the screen, changing the colours back to their defaults.


I had a quick look through the code, the easiest way is to do a patch in the DUP.SYS file.


I've added some code to the end of the DUP.SYS file, to change the colours you want, go into the monitor (F8).


C 4334 nn (nn= hex value for background colour)

C 4339 nn (nn= text colour)


To make the change permanent, you have to write the DOS files back to a disk.



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SWEET! Thank you very much! :D


Hmmm... Strangely enough, if I try to set the background color to 00, it will change to black, but if I write the changes to disk, the ATR no longer functions. Any ideas? Also, how did you go about adding the code? Can this be appended to MyDOS 4.53/4?


Edited by crash
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Probably best to make an entire new image and write the DOS files to that.


To make the change, I replaced a call to $E456 (CIO call) in the DUP.SYS code. Then I just appended code to the end of the DUP which does the colour changes, then altered the start of the file (load end address pointer).


The JMP $E456 is at $3D7C, changed to JMP $4332, code to store colours is there.


Just hope that the DOS is smart enough to adjust it's memory pointers upwards by the extra length I put into the DUP file.

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