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Turning off basic ROM


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Yes. just set bit 1 (OR with #2) to disable the BASIC ROM.


To make BASIC stay away at the next warmstart (Reset), store any non-zero value in location 1016 ($3F8).


But, make sure you have some program for the OS to run (ie, set DOSVEC [$A]) else the Self-Test will be run.


To do things cleanly, you should also set RAMTOP and MEMSIZ (decimal 740 and 106) to 192, then re-open the E: device. That will set the other high-memory pointers right as well. But, that only applies if it's a 64K machine.

Edited by Rybags
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Reopening the screen after altering RAMTOP is to clean up the memory pointers. Otherwise, you're left with screen memory still sitting around $9C00-$9FFF and free RAM from $A000-$BFFF.


When there is no cartridge or BASIC, the sequence during warm/coldstart is:

check location 9 (boot flags, bit0=1 means disk has booted, bit1=1 means cassette has booted).


Jump to cassette and disk initialize routines through locations (2,3) and ($C,$D) if their bootflag bits are 1, return is expected.

Jump through DOSVEC ($A,$B) - no return is expected (or possible) - so this will call the DOS menu, or run your program, or just go to Memo Pad or Self-Test.

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