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HI everyone.....opinions please?


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:) Hello everyone. My introduction to the awesome Lynx came when I bought a Lynx 2 and four games (Shadow of the Beast, Pinball Jam, Pitfighter, Checkered Flag) at an Eletronics Botique for $59.99. I fell RIGHT in love and used that system and the games to DEATH...lol. I picked up a few games here and there over the years, including ones like Robotron and Warbirds....but never got to p l a y them cause my old friend d i e d sadly several years ago. :( Life moved on as it tends to, and until this AFTERNOON I had no IDEA that there even EXISTED a "Lynx Community"....imagine my surprise. :D I guess I just wanted to introduce myself and let everyone know my "story". ANY and ALL opinions, game sources, websites, etc.etc.etc. would be GREATLY appreciated, and I'm looking very forward to joining this community. :) Oh, I should also mention that I have the Alien versus Predator game...its on a chip with a sticker on it...the shop I bought it from years back said it was an "unfinished game" and was a "sought after collector's item".....i wouldnt know...lol...hell, i havent even PLAYED it. Anyone got a spare system for sale/trade?!?! :lust: :D

Well, Gotta go to the job...take care all and glad to be here




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AtariAge is probably one of the best resources on the Web for Lynx information. There are lots of screenshots, manuals, and reviews to be found here.


Outside of AtariAge, one quick link I can certainly recommend is this one:




This will take you to Electric Escape, which is Robert Jung's Web site. Robert contributed a large number of Lynx reviews (and Jaguar reviews, too) to Usenet newsgroups, and he has collected them all here. His reviews are very nicely written, and are well worth reading.

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