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32-in-1 OS help needed


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I am having trouble with the Omniview ROM in my 32-in-1 OS. The machine will boot OK with it, an I can switch between 40 column and 80 column mode. However, when in 80 col mode, certain character strings get corrupted on the screen (and therefore cause a syntax error in BASIC). Example - "ER"will display fine, "ERERERERERER" will display fine, but "EE" will not. This only happens with capital letters. Everything works fine when in 40 column mode.


Can anybody with a 32-in-1 OS try the Omniview ROM and let me know if it works for you. To enter 80 col mode, type CTRL+letter then hit reset. To enter 40 col mode, type a letter and hit reset.


BTW - it is in a 130XE machine. All the other ROMS work, so I do not believe it is a problem with my machine. I also know there is a newer (at least different) Omniview ROM out there.


Stephen Anderson

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I wondered what the Omniview OS was for. Is it just 80 column OS? Does it have any other features? One thing I don't like about the 32-in-1 is that it comes with no explanation as to what most of the OS's are, like all the XL/XE OS other letters next to them...what the heck do those letters stand for? I'll see if I can help to in seeing what my Omniview does in 80 column...so, I'm just supposed to press option&any key at the same time then reset?

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Well, I checked it out, and I do get funky "E's" when I type them, but it's not just E's for me, certain combinations of a LOT of letters seem to be "screwy." It seems to me that someting is definately wrong with this OS, at least in 80 column mode, and if that's all it's really for, then it seems to be useless.

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If I remember correctly, the OmniView OS is a software upgrade that allows you to display 80-column text on a standard TV using the graphics hardware already in the computer. It was meant to be a low-cost alternative to more expensive hardware upgrades, and it sounds like it's working about as well as it was intended to; you're seeing fuzzy/indistinguishable letters because televisions really aren't well-suited for high-resolution characters. If you really want 80-column text on the Atari 8-bit computers, my recommendation would be to get an XEP-80 interface and a good monochrome composite monitor.


As for the letter codes next to the OS names in the 32-in-1 menu, I think Steve has documentation somewhere on his site that explains his naming convention. I don't own a 32-in-1 yet but I remember being puzzled by them myself, but after looking them up they're not too hard to understand.

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One thing I don't like about the 32-in-1 is that it comes with no explanation as to what most of the OS's are, like all the XL/XE OS other letters next to them...what the heck do those letters stand for?


The primary OS'es have REV X listed next to them as the revision, the others you see listed with RB have the Reverse Basic option and R-X is Revision X.

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If I remember correctly, the OmniView OS is a software upgrade that allows you to display 80-column text on a standard TV using the graphics hardware already in the computer.  It was meant to be a low-cost alternative to more expensive hardware upgrades, and it sounds like it's working about as well as it was intended to; you're seeing fuzzy/indistinguishable letters because televisions really aren't well-suited for high-resolution characters.  If you really want 80-column text on the Atari 8-bit computers, my recommendation would be to get an XEP-80 interface and a good monochrome composite monitor.


As for the letter codes next to the OS names in the 32-in-1 menu, I think Steve has documentation somewhere on his site that explains his naming convention.  I don't own a 32-in-1 yet but I remember being puzzled by them myself, but after looking them up they're not too hard to understand.



No - this isn't artifacting due to poor TV resolution (I am running throuh a monitor with chroma/luma cable). Somehow, the graphics data is getting corrupted. For example, I cannot type "? PEEK(710)" in BASIC when in 80 column mode, because the EE turn into garbage characters, and cause a syntax error. But I can type "? peek(710)" because the lower case letters do not garble. Very odd problem.


Thanks for testing - I am glad to find out that there is nothing wrong with my machine.


Stephen Anderson

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If I remember correctly, the OmniView OS is a software upgrade that allows you to display 80-column text on a standard TV using the graphics hardware already in the computer.  It was meant to be a low-cost alternative to more expensive hardware upgrades, and it sounds like it's working about as well as it was intended to; you're seeing fuzzy/indistinguishable letters because televisions really aren't well-suited for high-resolution characters.  If you really want 80-column text on the Atari 8-bit computers, my recommendation would be to get an XEP-80 interface and a good monochrome composite monitor.


As for the letter codes next to the OS names in the 32-in-1 menu, I think Steve has documentation somewhere on his site that explains his naming convention.  I don't own a 32-in-1 yet but I remember being puzzled by them myself, but after looking them up they're not too hard to understand.



NO, that's not it. I HAVE an excellent monitor, have it hooked up S-video, I have a monchrome switch, and I have a VERY sharp image with this 80 column mode. When to type "E" next to certain other letters with Omniview, it actually changes the E into a different shape and BASIC can not understand this non-existant Alpha-numeric symbol. Something IS wrong with Omniview on the 32-in-1.

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