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5200 still making the news!


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Yeah, this was posted in the Jag forums. Just helps the fact that IGN is full of idiots.


They also lift images from other websites (such as AtariAge) to help illustrate their articles, without any attribution.





I'd get really tired of that if I were you...seems like it happens ALL THE TIME. :x


Though Nintendo didn't truly innovate with analog control out of the box, at least the company got it right. Atari's attempt two decades prior was just unbelievably half-assed - the company created an analog joystick that didn't even center itself when released, and its engineers used material for its buttons that seemed to deteriorate at room temperature. The games were challenging, but not in a good sense...with this thing, trying to get Pitfall Harry to jump over a gap was just as difficult as trying to stop him from running to the right.


Stuff like this irritates me. The games for the 5200 are great for the most part...the controller makes some of them unplayable, but not most of them. Reviews like this make it seem like everyone who bought a 5200 back in the day played it once and put it back in the box forever... :|

Edited by Lord Helmet
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Stuff like this irritates me. The games for the 5200 are great for the most part...the controller makes some of them unplayable, but not most of them. Reviews like this make it seem like everyone who bought a 5200 back in the day played it once and put it back in the box forever... :|



The topper is though that the Colecovision controller wasn't even mentioned. Not to say it is any worse than the 5200's controllers (well...it is) but it bears mentioning as one of the top 10 worst. they probably just forgot it even existed is my guess.

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Stuff like this irritates me. The games for the 5200 are great for the most part...the controller makes some of them unplayable, but not most of them. Reviews like this make it seem like everyone who bought a 5200 back in the day played it once and put it back in the box forever... :|



The topper is though that the Colecovision controller wasn't even mentioned. Not to say it is any worse than the 5200's controllers (well...it is) but it bears mentioning as one of the top 10 worst. they probably just forgot it even existed is my guess.



My guess is that they took about ten minutes to write the article which is usually the case when someone writes a 'list' article. It's basicly 'filler' journalism.



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I agree 100% with the Intellivision controller and with the stock Atari 5200 controller. However, I'm surprised with the Jag being #1. I have only played the Jag at a convention and then for a short time. But, I thought the controller was comfortable and a great size. It seems like it had too many buttons, but was the Jag controller really that bad (compared to U-force, power glove, INTV, TI-99)?

Edited by RangerG
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As I remember it... the 5200 joystick is an excellent choice, with a good feel, beautiful construction and tremendous application. But, then again, I was only using one... YESTERDAY. :D


It is actually more responsive and less likely to cause false input on Atari 5200 PacMan than my X-Arcade 8 way joystick is to cause false input on the actual arcade ROM of Pac Man.


The games where the 5200 controller is a liability, that is the fault of the GAME (the author of this article points out Pit Fall), not the controller. Well... that isn't entirely true. I'm not sure how you could make the 5200 controller co-exist with a game like Pit Fall... clearly they tried with Frogger, and the result was less than satisfactory... although the same solution works pretty good with Q*Bert.


The 5200 joystick takes so much abuse... even being blamed, often, for the failure of the 5200. No mention of the game-crash... just the joysticks. I'm surprised they haven't been BLAMED for the game crash themselves. They're a scapegoat.


And I agree, the Colecovision controller deserves a mention here. The little handheld Epyx joystick with the wrap around fire button also deserves mention. This article clearly was just filler...


And what about the XBox "fat" controller? I know the Japanese market didn't like it... (I have-ah rittahl hans...) but you know... maybe the author just has tiny... um... extremities. I like the smaller controller better, but the bigger one isn't a problem unless you have freakishly small hands.

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Bottom line is that the Intellivision controller is hands down the worst controller EVER. Play ANY game that requires quick changes of direction (especially opposites like left to right and up to down) and a lot of rapid fire button pressing and you are assured of hand cramps. You have to KILL those buttons to get them pressed compared to the 5200 sticks.

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Bottom line is that the Intellivision controller is hands down the worst controller EVER. Play ANY game that requires quick changes of direction (especially opposites like left to right and up to down) and a lot of rapid fire button pressing and you are assured of hand cramps. You have to KILL those buttons to get them pressed compared to the 5200 sticks.




any controller with side action buttons are a pain in the ass to use (INTV, 5200, Coleco, 7800), add the 5200 prone to fail fire buttons, and it comes out even worse


i have 4 5200 controllers, and none of them have responsive fire buttons

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Bottom line is that the Intellivision controller is hands down the worst controller EVER. Play ANY game that requires quick changes of direction (especially opposites like left to right and up to down) and a lot of rapid fire button pressing and you are assured of hand cramps. You have to KILL those buttons to get them pressed compared to the 5200 sticks.




any controller with side action buttons are a pain in the ass to use (INTV, 5200, Coleco, 7800), add the 5200 prone to fail fire buttons, and it comes out even worse


i have 4 5200 controllers, and none of them have responsive fire buttons


I have to disagree on the first part. Side buttons CAN be done right. And when done so, they beat the crap out of face buttons(except for arcade-stick affairs, where you have a place to rest your hand).


And IMO, the 5200 had fairly well-implemented ones, aside from the flex circuit's well-known faults(which does screw the responsiveness up pretty badly). The button design's not perfect, but it's pretty good.


The INTV's buttons are fundamentally flawed(no travel, rock-hard), although it has a far more reliable flex-circuit.

While I don't have any actual play time on them, the CV and 7800 ones both look pretty bad, with the CV appearing to me as the worst design ever for a standard controller from a layout and ergonomics approach.





But the IGN article appears to be written from a "DualShock is God" angle, and rather than actually doing any evaluation of the products in question, they just Google'd for "bad controller" and paraphrased whatever came up.


Hell, they don't even comment on the REAL flaws of the INTV pad, just spew some crap about precise directions being impossible.

AFTER working praise for the N64's analog stick into the 5200 slap(You simply CANNOT get precise directional input out of an analog thumbstick).


And the 99/4a section went above and beyond that, in favor of running down an entire system that they've never even HEARD of before the article.

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The Turbo Touch 360 doesn't belong on that list. It may not be the best gamepad out there for everybody, given its use of a touch-sensitive control pad, but it's far from the worst. I certainly would want to see this technology more in use with gamepad controllers than the standard button-pressable control pad.


Everything else on that list seems to deserve its place in that "hall of shame", though admittedly some of the controls I haven't actually tried.

Edited by Vic George 2K3
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The Turbo Touch 360 doesn't belong on that list.  It may not be the best gamepad out there for everybody, given its use of a touch-sensitive control pad, but it's far from the worst.  I certainly would want to see this technology more in use with gamepad controllers than the standard button-pressable control pad.

My TT360 doesn't work worth a damn. It generates spontaneous motions in all 4 directions completely at random, even if I'm not touching it at all.

The IDEA is good, but the implementation fails miserably.


I'd like to see someone do it right, but the TT360 tainted the idea so badly that it won't be touched again, even though the tech is at the level that it could be done VERY reliably.




Everything else on that list seems to deserve its place in that "hall of shame", though admittedly some of the controls I haven't actually tried.

I'm not sure I'd call any of them the worst ever.


Even the INTV pad can be trumped by a 3rd-party NES controller somewhere. Maybe, say, the Rock N Roller or.... almost any IR controller.

Edited by JB
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I actually liked the Jag controllers.  Intellivision has to have the absolute worst controllers of all time.



They're the worst I remember too, though I haven't played Coleco controllers since I was a kid. I didn't mind the disc for some games (ie. Dungeons and Dragons) but those side buttons used to leave indents in my fingers!

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  • 4 weeks later...

yes, the 5200 is a awesome system. .ive played it at my friends house and im now waiting for mine to arrive..the joysticks are really not that bad for some reason i find them more comfortable than the 7800 joysticks but i agree the analog function and construction is half assed you can tell they rushed them if the controller goes bust u have to get a new one (but this is already known worldwide) at least atari should have put control buttons for the reset , select and pause directly on the console .because some games you cant even start without it its like a key to a car..this really ticked off my friend because Both his controllers fried out in the same day so he had to spend lots of money to get new rebuilt ones..other than that i think the 5200 is awesome the only analog controller that are really well built are the ones for the ps2 and xboxes ...btw this is my first post :)

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... i agree the analog function and construction is half assed you can tell they rushed them

They aren't rushed. They just use then-unproven technology.


if the controller goes bust u have to get a new one (but this is already known worldwide)



I guess I need to tell my screwdriver, pencil eraser, and aluminum foil that they won't be seeing any more action, because I can't fix my controllers....


at least atari should have put control buttons for the reset , select and pause directly on the console .because some games you cant even start without it its like a key to a car..


A. The controllers were SUPPOSED to keep working, and

B. Start, pause, and reset have no business OFF the controller.


this really ticked off my friend because Both his controllers fried out in the same day so he had to spend lots of money to get new rebuilt ones..

I'm glad there's imrpoved replacement parts available now, but I wish they hadn't completely buried the various repair methods with them.

People are getting the impression there's nothing they can do about a failed controller except buy new parts, when that's simply not the case.


the only analog controller that are really well built are the ones for the ps2 and xboxes


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