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5200 AC adaptor


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Hey All,


What are the exact specs of a 5200 AC?






Right from the 5200 FAQ:


Power Supply: 4-Port: 11.5VDC @ 1.95A

2-Port: 9.3VDC @ 1.95A


Note: You can ignore the power supply specifications. Both the

4-port and 2-port power supplies are functionally identical.

As long as it's part #C018187, it will power either flavor

5200. Have trust in the console's voltage regulators to take

care of things.

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wow, 2 AMPS eh? Don't think I'm gonna find any 2Amp 9 to 12v extra AC's in my pile :(


Thanks for the info!!


It doesn't really NEED 2 amps. If I recall, they were assuming a fair bit of expansions that never happened.


For comparison, my 800XL power supply says 5V 1.5A.

I somehow doubt the 5200 is drawing 3x the wattage given it's the same hardware with less RAM.

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It seems like the market is ripe for some enterprising individual to start making multi-tip wall-warts with a wide range designed specifically for consoles from the 2600 through say, the Genesis 1... So many of them have odd requirements.


It would even be nice to have a FAQ developed that kind of summed up the different console wall warts and where to find suitable replacements...

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It seems like the market is ripe for some enterprising individual to start making multi-tip wall-warts with a wide range designed specifically for consoles from the 2600 through say, the Genesis 1...  So many of them have odd requirements.


It would even be nice to have a FAQ developed that kind of summed up the different console wall warts and where to find suitable replacements...


Yeah... I have an old universal, but it doesn't support more than 500 mA. Hardly adequate for most purposes(though it'll do just fine on a 2600).

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Yeah... I have an old universal, but it doesn't support more than 500 mA. Hardly adequate for most purposes(though it'll do just fine on a 2600).



Exactly. I'm talking about something that will support much higher amprage, and has the custom tips for these odd consoles as well as the ability to reverse polarity. Instead of a universal wall wart, a universal CONSOLE wall wart.


I suppose the dis-incentive is that modern consoles have done away with the wall wart.

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Yeah... I have an old universal, but it doesn't support more than 500 mA. Hardly adequate for most purposes(though it'll do just fine on a 2600).



Exactly. I'm talking about something that will support much higher amprage, and has the custom tips for these odd consoles as well as the ability to reverse polarity. Instead of a universal wall wart, a universal CONSOLE wall wart.

Standard connectors cover most consoles. Can't do the N64, GameCube, and... I think that's it.


I suppose the dis-incentive is that modern consoles have done away with the wall wart.

Well, internal supplies are even easier. Nice standard AC cord. Can pick it up off the shelf right now. :P

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Are they "standard" AC cords, though? At least one of my XBoxes requires a special cord with a trip button because otherwise they're known to catch fire. That is going to be fun to replace in about 10 years, assuming there are any first generation XBoxes with working DVD drives that far down the road.


I thought the 7800 had a real funky wallwart, too? I'd sure be relieved to find out it isn't that hard to replace inexpensively.

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Are they "standard" AC cords, though? At least one of my XBoxes requires a special cord with a trip button because otherwise they're known to catch fire. That is going to be fun to replace in about 10 years, assuming there are any first generation XBoxes with working DVD drives that far down the road.

The circuit breaker retrofit... ewwww.


Aside from the recalled XBoxes(which will work with standard cords until they fail, and shipped with them originally), they ARE standard. PS2, XBox, Dreamcast, PS1, Saturn, all use the same AC cord.


Well, some use a keyed one with one square end and some don't. But they're both 100% standard cables.


I thought the 7800 had a real funky wallwart, too? I'd sure be relieved to find out it isn't that hard to replace inexpensively.

Ah, yeah... that one's screwy. So add one more to the pain in the ass category.

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The circuit breaker retrofit... ewwww.


Aside from the recalled XBoxes(which will work with standard cords until they fail, and shipped with them originally), they ARE standard. PS2, XBox, Dreamcast, PS1, Saturn, all use the same AC cord.


Well, some use a keyed one with one square end and some don't. But they're both 100% standard cables.


I thought the 7800 had a real funky wallwart, too? I'd sure be relieved to find out it isn't that hard to replace inexpensively.

Ah, yeah... that one's screwy. So add one more to the pain in the ass category.






There always has to be some joker trying to improve the wheel. :)


Seriously... it makes you wonder why they do it... reverse polarity on the Genesis 1... the 7800...


I mean... the only odd power solution that seems to kind of make sense is the Atari 5200 4 port. At least you can see where they were trying to add value by being non-standard, having the power supply run to the switchbox instead of the console. Auto-switching *and* you can hide the power brick behind the TV and have that many LESS wires running to the console.


And why are some of the modern cords keyed and others not? It doesn't have to do with polarity, does it? Or is that exactly it? Systems that convert from AC to DC are keyed and ones that run AC are not???

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There always has to be some joker trying to improve the wheel. :)


Seriously... it makes you wonder why they do it... reverse polarity on the Genesis 1... the 7800...

I wasn't aware that there WAS a standardized polarity for the Genny to reverse.


I mean... the only odd power solution that seems to kind of make sense is the Atari 5200 4 port. At least you can see where they were trying to add value by being non-standard, having the power supply run to the switchbox instead of the console. Auto-switching *and* you can hide the power brick behind the TV and have that many LESS wires running to the console.

I <3 my 4-port. That's part of why.


And why are some of the modern cords keyed and others not? It doesn't have to do with polarity, does it? Or is that exactly it? Systems that convert from AC to DC are keyed and ones that run AC are not???

I don't really know. Both are standard cables, though.

I'd assume the keyed ones would use AC internally, but it doesn't seem to be that way. I think it's just a matter of which plug they can get cheaper.


I've used non-keyed cables in keyed connections before, but it's probably not a good habit to get into, just in case they DO need the polarity right.

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The polarity on the AC cords is for safety. Polarized plugs on lamps are a good example. the neutral is connected to the screw base of the lamp, the hot is the center contact. This way, you don't zap yourself if you touch the metal base of a bulb when it is screwed in. same goes for the electronics. sometimes the case or shielding are grounded or bonded to neutral. wouldn't want them hot. The bonding is so that if there is a short internally, the breaker will trip.


These reasons are why one shouldn't cut the fat blade on a power cord to "fit" in a non-polarized extension cord.

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I wasn't aware that there WAS a standardized polarity for the Genny to reverse.





Well, almost every wall wart you will find has the polarity reversed from what the Sega Genny goes with... It makes finding one at a thrift store that has the right specs just about impossible. :)

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