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Dallas Atari Party/Chat March 3, 2006


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This Friday night starting at 9 pm cst here in Dallas, Texas will be a get together of Atari users.


We have people travelling from Oklahoma and Austin for a night of Atari fun. Mostly 8-bit, but there will be other stuff there. So far on the doccet, Rick D (bringing some of his various gadgets and Atari adaptors), Docrot (bringing his Atari 8-bit laptop amoungst others, and Dave B and I will be there. Would love to see more.


Lots of trading of Atari junk, and hooking up our Atari computers to get on the chat at 10 pm cst. Instructions for getting on the chat can be found at...




And Pizza. :)


If interested in getting directions, or if you want to call us (or us to call you during the party) drop me a PM. (If you are not able to attend, but want to be called, just give your name and acceptable call times in the PM.)



And the next morning is the First Saturday Sidewalk sale here in Dallas, so after being up all night, we'll check out a huge electronics garage sale! :D


In in Dallas and interested, let me know.

Edited by doctorclu
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Docrot (bringing his Atari 8-bit laptop amoungst others, and Dave B and I will be there. 



Is that laptop the one by Ben Heck?



That's the one. :D


Be great if you, Warerat, and Metalguy (all of which are in Houston) could jump in a car and come join us. :D

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  Be great if you, Warerat, and Metalguy (all of which are in Houston) could jump in a car and come join us.  :D



Very tempting. I would but my GF would kill me if I did that. I needed to work on my car and used that excuse to not see her this weekend. Also, I need to pick up my 800 OS board with XL roms from warerat. :D I will probably work with him on his ATR8000 with Copower88. I think you know how he got it. I have a regular ATR8000 I am letting him use to compare to his board. Also have a drive array that hooks up to the ATR he wants to test with.


Staying here or going its going to be an Atari weekend.

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Hehe - if she dind't kill you for your actual avatar, she wouldn't do it this time aswell, I think. You can always take her wit' ya, no? ;)


I might attend, but it's too far from me, and I won't cross the globe for one day (call it pary??? you're kidding!).


ok, enjoy y`s.

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Hehe - if she dind't kill you for your actual avatar, she wouldn't do it this time aswell, I think. You can always take her wit' ya, no? ;)


I might attend, but it's too far from me, and I won't cross the globe for one day (call it pary??? you're kidding!).


ok, enjoy y`s.



More than two are gathered and Atari is involved. It's a party.


Well, make sure to join us for the chat if you can.

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Had a fun time at the party this last weekend.


The first picture shows Docrot getting on the internet with his Atari 8-bit laptop for the first time!


The second picture shows Cybernoid, Doctor Clu, Docrotcod, and Rick D in the best blurry resolution.


Ok, those are horrible pictures, and Dave B (who showed later) had the better camera and shots of all the equipment set up and all.


Xybec, Stephen (who was also on the speakerphone for the meeting) and Metalguy were in the chat room with us.


We managed to figure out the 320K memory mod problem for both Docrot and Stephen, thanks to documentation that Rick D was able to pull up. Assembled Cybernoid's Jamma arcade cabinet for the ST and managed to pull up Rampage on it.


Showed off some 8-bit demos, tested Rick D's 19.2K serial module, and introduced those there to the Atari Jaguar. And a lot of junk was traded back and forth. :D


Party went from like 9:30 pm till 6:30 the next morning, and after that, we (except Dave who had to work) went to the First Saturday Sidewalk sale.


And that was enough fun for then. :D



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What kind of 320k upgrades where they?



It was the Scott Peterson upgraded, modified by Tom Harker (in 86 I believe). It uses 8 41256 RAM chips and a 74LS158 multiplexer. It's a simple upgrade - the worst part is desoldering the original RAM.


Stephen Anderson

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Any chance that would work in a 600xl and do you have a link or docs?



The 600xl uses 2 4x16k chips. 800xl uses 8 1x64k chips similar to 1x256k chips. The 600xl is more similar to the XEGS, but XEGS probably has to be adapted to us on the 600xl since the XEGS uses the Freddie. Let me know if you find an upgrade like that for the 600xl though.

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It was fun to see the 8bit laptop up close, and I am glad to see that the ST2Jamma is up and running again. Did you connect the Jag to the ST2Jamma board as well?


Well, didn't have any luck with the video signal on the Jag but be tried.


We did manage to get Berzerk running on the arcade cabinet, and have one of the arcade sticks control the character. Very cool. Docrot is now the proud owner of a ST Jamma case. :D

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