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New video-card for 8-bit atari...


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This is a good example of what this new video board can do. It appears to be able to do a color map screen and might be able to generate different color characters and background without resorting to DLIs or putting player/missile graphics merging for more colors. We have seen similar color map on the Commodore 64 and IBM PC character screen. However this board allows you to shift to color map independent from a character mapped Antic line. Also would have a much larger color palette. Keep in mind, it does not increase the Antic resolution.


This does bring up a new possibility of doing pictures on the Atari Full Screen. With the sprite system, combined with background, you will have 320x192x256 colors+some extra colors on the background.


There is a mode on the PC, 320x200 (called 13h I believe) used on some early VGA DOS games. You can easily add an extra Antic line with a custom display list to have 320x200 background. You might be able to make Atari games look like those.


There has been a subject discussed here of doing avi style video and few have said it will be too much CPU work. Modern AVI files have to decompress the data on the fly. We don't notice our modern Windows based PCs slow down when playing a movie because the run at better than 2 GHZ these days. You will probably have to come up with a very simple custom codec on the Atari and convert before playing it. Has to be something it can do 30frames/sec. Other option is do each frame uncompressed. Also would have to be the single task of the computer when playing.

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I open part devoted after a long time of (a good while of) expectation my " invention ", or VBXE. As yet, here you will find a bit files, even it is possible to inform build from which (who) about fix-up a little possible it (them)


That is for pulling off emerge - scheme and drawings złożeniowe, - GERBERA district printed, - photo assembly, till now one of extensive description emerge - two " core " ( ), from released (emitted) - program exemplary ( known formerly ) scroll filmiku, - program configuring FPGA. I think, that it will arrive material in course of time. Occasionally I return to theme when I will tackle several " loose " day. I try (look) to finish presently full emulation GTIA.



Translation of the main page using http://www.poltran.com/pl.php4


By the sounds of that, it takes over the GTIAs graphic generation functionality.

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I have tried to translate it myself and they seem to have to work out some kinks with GTIA backward compatibility. You would still want to play all your old games. I have been searching on here, Google searching, and asking about this board to get further details on this boards operation. This currently seems to be the only present upgrade for the Ataris' graphics. I know a few were playing with Multi Antic & GTIA chips.


One possible thing we can have done is add the VBXE function to the Atari800Win Plus emulator to maybe get some programmers start developing software for it before the board get released. Use the resources of the PC to translate the graphics. It would also open up the possibility demonstrating what the board can do.


I have thought of opening up the subject of adding more to Atari800Win Plus, like simulating Duel Pokey. I had an ideal of taking this sound upgrade further with a 3rd Alternate sound chip to have a set of voices to produce better bass sound effects. Chip should support alternate wave forms.


The source code for Atari800Win Plus is written in C. I am not fluent in C, more Basic and Assembly Language Guru here.

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Second POKEY option is already in the emulator. Just needs to be modified to allow different register address base for the $D5xx option.


PMGs would have to be the sticking point. Normal graphics would be fairly straightforward to do - just snoop the AN0-AN2 lines to do that.


PMGs not so straight-forward. Gotta take care of priority, positioning, size, collision registers, not to mention needing to sample the position and graphic registers on a cycle basis to cater for on-the-fly changes.

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Second POKEY option is already in the emulator. Just needs to be modified to allow different register address base for the $D5xx option.


Thankyou I found it. I know duel Pokey upgrades use the same $D200 page area. ($D210-$D21F), but then there are more than one person making these upgrades. I did some poking around and see it does use $D210-$D21F. Anyone make a quad or more Pokey ugrade. Of course I said it before it would be easier to use a 3rd alternate sound chip, maybe access it through $D240-$D240+number of registers it has). Newer chips don't have registers in the same manner, you send the chip instructions. In theory, the Atari should be able to interface a 8 or 16 bit sound chip.


I am still waiting for more information to pop up on this video board.

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  • 1 month later...
Can you send a link? Could it be news about video board XE?


Sorry, it was the first link on this thread. Electron seems to be very active on there. Did you try a Polish-English translator page. Google search for one. I would like for myself to know what is going on with this Videoboard XE.

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Hellp peteym5


I never ever use online translators. They translate words, not sentences. Causing a lot of confusion.


Often, it's better not to know what's being said then to use a bad translation.


I'm hoping, one of the Polish Atari users here will take the time to inform us of what's being said.





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I attempted to translate some of it, used http://www.tranexp.com:2000/ translator sight that does not work 100% but is able to translate phrases and sentences. I could not find any significant news, but I only did the last 5 posts by electron. You have to take into account there are several technical terms, nouns, and abbreviations in there and that is something that is harder to translate.

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  • 3 months later...

Hello guys and girls


I check http://atariarea.krap.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3933 (almost?) every day to find out if new things are being said about the VideoBoard XE. Unfortunately, I don't understand anything (maybe I should ask my cousin, his girlfriend is Polish). And now that my name is mentioned (on page 20), I'm even more curious.


Could somebody PLEASE TRANSLATE what's being said overthere.





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Yes, that Electron guy seems very active around there, seems to post something everyday. I do not speak Polish either, but being in Buffalo I might be able to find a connection. Hope I can find someone to do it for free. I know we have been waiting a long time for new information on this board. I see there have been references to this forum as well, so someone must be reading our posts.

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There are people here on AtariAge that do speak Polish, please leave the translating to them.


Ok, Mathy, since it was probably my post you saw, I need to write some explanation. Electron has practically finished the VBXE 1.1, and he collected orders for the devices. I remembered, that you was very excited about the VBXE, so I wrote that I am sure that you would want one as well, just you probably don't know that it is the time to make an order. And I offered to write an announce on the AtariAge, just asked Electron to state the price for overseas (with shipping abroad). Electron replied that he is already overloaded with what he has to produce so far, so next orders will have to wait until he outsources the device to someone else for serial production. That's all for now.


VBXE 1.1 contains the complete GTIA emulation plus an extension to 320k RAM. Electron is now busy rewriting the core, i.e. adding all the new features to the complete GTIA emulation, which were previously demonstrated in the prototype. The initial series will only do the GTIA - more sophisticated softcores will be distributed later.

Edited by drac030
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