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Little Ms. Executive... a'bit OT.

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Kids are great and I love my little one Alexis. It's good to have the camera handy as she picked this up while sitting at my desk and started looking at it like she's serious. (maybe she is? ;) ).

She's only 3. I've been looking into the many educational kid games she'll be able to use on the system. (The Atari 800, that is)


Just because the computer is older than I am doesn't mean it can't or won't hold any educational value for her. Here's to hoping she's a smart cookie when she gets older.


(Antic - August 1986) - she may never know what it's like to use a phone-line modem at 1200bps ;)


Edited by Clint Thompson
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Just because the computer is older than I am doesn't mean it can't or won't hold any educational value for her. Here's to hoping she's a smart cookie when she gets older.


(Antic - August 1986) - she may never know what it's like to use a phone-line modem at 1200bps ;)



Of course Atari has also great educational value, as you can read from Antic, Analog and Page 6 magazines. Here is my current list: http://firemover.95mb.com/atari/g_children.htm#list

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Sweet! Thanks for the list... it'll come in handy! I can't wait to get some of these up and running for her... I'm sure she'll enjoy it. Afterall, she does fairly well on the FB2, at least, for a 3 year old, imo. :)


*don't mind the mess... just got done moving a ton of crap from storage ;) *


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Yep, she enjoys it. :) Not a real cat btw.

Seeing your site is really cool.... I had a bunch of Atari art done in South Wayne Junior High... here are a couple of examples out of 50 or 60 so images I've got somewhere.


Feel free to add them to your gallery. I have more if you'd like them... I can email them sometime.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hehe, not a hurry. But... I want some more :)


And nice to have new users of A8 as your daughter is. Addict ;)



Great pics Clint! :)


Say Gury, I did some great art with Atari Touch Tablet when I was 14-15,

mostly of space stuff, and a space type story from blastoff to ship sinking

through ice on Pluto (I was young, we all know Pluto is solid). Anyway if

I ever get one of those SIO2PC thingy mcBobs, do you want them? They

are impressive not just for an ametuer but for the Atari 8-bit! :D

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