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$7 Saturn at a thrift worth it?


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Torrents, ewwww. Might as well just sent an email to your ISP and tell them you're commiting piracy. :P


Damned if I'll ever use anything that forces me to publicly announce myself & activities and to share my files making me equaly guilty of DMCA laws. :cool:

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Since always I thought.


You can download files without others being able to download what you are downloading you as you download? The creators of torrents were striving for being leech proof with having inherent up/down rate ratios. Not allowing someone to download from you prevents you from being able to download. Ignoring hacked clients of course. Can you stop your IP from showing up on that guys client that you are downloading from?


Last year, my friend downloaded 4 episodes of Stargate via bittorrent, 3 days later he got a C&D email from MGM forwarded through his ISP. Because apparently atleast one of the people downloading the same torrents as him was a DMCA plant and got his IP from their downloading from list.


I don't see anything about it being any more secure then any other P2P client. You're downloading hash files instead of doing file searches on servers, and it's uncentralized. This makes it better in the sense you don't have a central network that the system run's on, which makes them liable for the content. But it doesn't do much is stopping one from knowing who is downloading what from who. It really just shifts liability from the networks and software makers to the end user.


Thats been my experience anyways.

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*mentally digs through Saturn stuff*

First off, my Saturn is a quiet system. Not as quiet as a Nintendo 64, but still it makes little noise at all.


If you can spare $7, get it. You might have to settle for an RF modulator instead of S Video for a while, but hookups are easy to get, and the power cord is very common. Basic controllers are abundant, too, but you'll want to get the big round ones eventually.


As for good games:

Area 51, Virtua Cop 1 and 2, Worldwide Soccer: Victory Goal Edition, Tempest 2000, Off World Interceptor Extreme, 1995 Sega Rally Championship, and Gex are all very fun, and very common.

I'm told that Fighting Vipers and Fighters Megamix are good, and reasonably common as well.


Some other commons I like are D and Defcon 5.


Good games you'll pay a little for are:

NiGHTS into Dreams, Shining the Holy Ark, Enemy Zero, Burning Rangers, Shining Force III (well, you'll pay a lot for this one), and Panzer Dragoon Saga (you'll pay a lot for this one, too), Bomberman, and Virtual On.


Games I think you should stay away from are:

Command and Conquer. It lags too much. Get it on N64, or (preferably) get C&C '95 for the PC.

wipEout: It lacks analog control on the Saturn.

Revolution X: Stay away from this piece of crapola, and play the arcade version instead.

Daytona USA: The original version is awful, so get the CCE version instead.


Getting the controllers for the Saturn's different games could take a while, but most will be somewhat playable with a standard controller. I don't know how much the guns cost nowdays, nor the steering wheel or the twin stick.

Most of the controllers except the NiGHTS pad were $50 new, give or take a little. I'd think a Stunner/Virtua Gun would run about $5 or $10, and the Arcade Racer (steering wheel) and Twin Stick will be around $20 or so each. The twin stick is not an absolute necessity, but you'd really have to play Virtual On to see why that's true.


Anyway, that's a good find. It'll start your Saturn collection off, and not break the bank in the process.

Oh, you'll need to buy a CR-2032 battery for it. The Saturn saves games to its internal memory, and if the battery that's in it dies, you lose your game saves. On the plus side, though, you won't need to cough up $60 for a memory card when you're buying the controllers, hookups, and whatnot.

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Torrents, ewwww. Might as well just sent an email to your ISP and tell them you're commiting piracy. :P


Damned if I'll ever use anything that forces me to publicly announce myself & activities and to share my files making me equaly guilty of DMCA laws. :cool:

Well, if you look at the number of people getting prosecuted for this these days (almost none) and all the other 3000 people that downloaded the files I did, I don't feel like I will get in trouble for one second. And if I did, who cares..... we'll cross that bridge if/when we get there. I would like to see some examples of a company prosecuting for old Saturn roms being shared... I usually don't download new movies coming out (unless they are something other than a videocam bootleg) But that is the only thing other than music that I hear people getting in trouble for. (and I'm pretty sure if someone wanted to prosecute someone thru another p2p, they would just have to ask that company for their IP address. Just because it isn't displayed to other peers, doesn't mean they can't get it)

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Can you stop your IP from showing up on that guys client that you are downloading from?

No. Not only that, the BitTorrent tracker sends you the IP addresses of everyone on the tracker who's sharing the file, not just the people who are sending you chunks of data at the time. BitTorrent is good at a lot of things, but privacy is not one of them: it's really designed for legitimate content distribution, where you're willing to let the entire world know that you're downloading a file in exchange for better download speeds.


That said, sharing Saturn images is a lot less risky than, say, Stargate. TV shows and movies usually have enough commercial value that the copyright holder is willing to hire people to look for filesharers and issue C&D letters. 10-year-old games for obsolete consoles usually don't.

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  • 1 month later...
I'm going to go against the crowd and say no.


While there are some decent games for the Saturn, most don't age well at all. And the games worth having are all going to cost you.


As already mentioned, most of the "good" games for the Saturn came out only in Japan. Personally, I think that's a bit of a crock. But, if you do believe the hype, then you get to deal with overseas sellers who know they have something you'll pay through the nose for, or with collectors unloading a bunch of junk they know you'll part with serious cash for.


So, if you're looking for a deal on a system with some cheap games, you're going to be disappointed. But if you're looking to get the system cheap and pay like new or high collector's prices for the games, then go ahead.


obvoiusly you have never played any of their import games...


and as far as us games i have 35 us games i love to death, and i like them better than the sequels that were put on future systems (dc, ps2 , etc...) . Virtual on, and daytona usa anyone?


ps: bewared , once you start collecting for a Saturn you never seem to stop... with all the games released out of the country, i dont think ill ever get all the good ones :(

Edited by AtariJr
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I just got a Saturn and I love it so far. The Action Replay can be found for $25.90 with $2.80 for shipping at play-asia. mcvans.com has the Saturn MSX collection brand new for $10 + around 6 dollars for shipping. Imports can be found for cheap from reliable sellers on ebay.

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The import WD games aren't expensive... I just got Lunar Silver Star Story for $17.


If you can find it, get Radiant Silvergun. Prequal to Ikaruga...

most of the import saturn games are great. also check out the macross vfx 1 and 2 ..ultraman is another good title of you can find it..i grabbed mine when i was in japan


but, by all means one game that is a must have is X men: children of the atom the arcade game..

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